Chapter 247
As far as Wang Yan's self-cognition is concerned, the id and emptiness are clearly defined and each has its own duties. The id is certainly self-awareness and the core of the soul, but he cannot connect to the program instructions and is not a product of the rules of this world. That's why it is necessary to carry. The carrying of the physical body is only the appearance, but the real carrying is the 'empty self', symbiosis and mutual existence.

If the 'self' leaves the 'empty self', it will lose the medium connecting the program instructions and rules, and it will only be like a wandering ghost in this world, although it is free, it cannot be detached. for nothingness.

Conversely, if the "empty self" loses the "self", then Wang Yan will either be reduced to the previous cannon fodder NPC, or be injected with a logical intelligence program to become another "he".

This is Wang Yan's cognition, and it is the rule of his own operation, so if he wants to succeed in the road, it will be very difficult to finally escape from this world. Wang Yan had no direction at all before, but this time he had to be guided by the old devil Hidden enlightenment, and now the condensing of true energy has discovered the biggest key to detachment.

Life is handed over!

The biggest feature of Zhenyuan is the common understanding of martial artists from the five states, but because of this, in Wang Yan's cognition, Zhenyuan is completely a product of breaking the rules, because in the process of cohesion, Wang Yan discovered that the "empty self" Part of it has been transferred to the true essence, which means that the true essence also has the effect of connecting the rules of the medium. In addition, the true essence also arouses the reaction of the id, and the most direct manifestation is the so-called "heart demon robbery".

The Heart Demon Tribulation appeared in the final process of breaking through, but it was not without warning. At least in Wang Yan's careful inspection, he could feel that the true essence that was about to take shape was passed to Ben by transferring part of the empty ego inside. I have some kind of special program instructions, although Wang Yan is in a state of concentration at this time, and the five senses are isolated, but this kind of instruction directly acts on the consciousness of the self, or is a reflection, so that Wang Yan's senses can be sensed by everyone around him. Those people who were beheaded by him in the past turned into ghosts and claimed their lives. Later, Linghu Wan and the fifth rhyme appeared.

If Wang Yan didn't know the essence of everything, he might really fall into confusion and his consciousness would be turbulent, but now these things are nothing but illusions in front of his eyes, he just looks at everything in front of him, trying to figure out the mystery in it.

[I would like to say a separate word here. This book is definitely conjecture, but it is not fabricated out of thin air. Book friends who read a lot of online game novels must have a consensus that holographic simulation games must eventually connect to the player's spirit, that is, holographic simulation games. The realization of the simulation is not aimed at the five senses, but the data is directly mapped to the consciousness and spirit through a specific method. Of course, the current technology in this area has not yet been realized, but there have been breakthroughs. There are experimental researches on brain wave manipulation abroad.

And this book is definitely based on this direction, and for Wang Yan, possessing a soul is naturally a conscious spiritual body, so in fact, his connection method is no different from that of a player, the entire virtual world is mapped into his consciousness through the spirit, It’s just that he doesn’t have a body in the real world, and his conscious and spiritual body seems to be trapped in this world, and the process of Wang Yan’s pursuit of real life is also a process of continuous self-knowledge. 】

After a long time, the illusion of inner demons gradually disappeared, and Wang Yan seemed to realize something, but more doubts arose. He wrote down all his insights one by one, and he will study them further later. After all, his true essence will become , the spiritual wave is about to disappear, the Golden Light Cave is about to collapse, and there are still many things waiting for him to do.

Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes, and a powerful aura leaked out from his body. Following that, Wang Yan let out a soft whistle, and the whole person floated into the air by itself, and then his legs fell, but the toes were halfway off the ground. Inch, the whole person hovered in mid-air like this.

The true essence has been completed, Wang Yan's internal force will be further improved, but the increase will not be large, and the circulation system of the Hundred Meridians Wuji Body will be fixed. Only at this point can it be regarded as truly flawless and permanent.Under the endless supply of internal energy, all kinds of exercises that Wang Yan has filled with massive experience points have achieved great success, and lightness kung fu is no exception. The meridians and acupoints opened through the soles of the feet are continuously and evenly released, creating a balance with gravity, and even increasing the release of internal force to form a recoil, and then accelerate the lift into the air.

Such a small method is simple to say, but it involves a lot of precise calculations, which cannot be done without huge calculation capabilities, and the consumption of internal energy is also huge, but these are all easy things for Wang Yan.

"The spiritual wave is coming to an end. Right now, only the remaining energy has not really changed qualitatively. It depends on whether this last spiritual wave can make me become a god."

With certainty in mind, Wang Yan looked back at Wu Xingyun, and saw a powerful and vital aura emanating from his body. This aura was very pure, with some aura qualities. Obviously, he had already completed a breakthrough and achieved success. The innate state, but it has not yet awakened, it should be consolidating the state, and no longer needs spiritual energy.

Seeing this, Wang Yan didn't delay any longer, and immediately soared into the sky, all the way straight into the sky, and didn't stop until he reached the prescription more than a hundred meters below the huge vortex on the sky. Then he opened his mouth wide, using his mouth and nose at the same time, frantically devouring the remaining aura like a Kunpeng.

Just like that, Wang Yan had absorbed the last trace of spiritual energy in the world before he stopped. He felt the internal force in his body. The already deep internal force did not increase much, but became more pure. It has the slightest quality of innate aura in it, and it needs to be carefully studied if it is mysterious, but the stellar qi.
Wang Yan stretched out his right hand in front of him, spread out his palm, and immediately saw a little blue light emerge from his palm, and the blue light spread out immediately, like a pocket-sized Hades sword, followed by more and more blue light Silk emerges from the palm of his hand and turns into the sword of Hades, intertwined with each other, forming a continuous long and short stellar qi dagger that rotates constantly in his palm.

The next moment, Wang Yan thought slightly, and the silver snake dagger flew out from his sleeve, and slashed at the Gang Qi dagger in Wang Yan's palm.

Under the sound of the clear and crisp clash, the silver snake dagger cut continuously. You must know that this dagger condenses the essence of the sword edge of the Hades Sword, and the sharpness of the Hades Sword has been verified countless times, so it can be said that there is nothing to replace it. , but right now he can't cut through the stellar qi dagger. This is exactly how strong Wang Yan's stellar qi is now.

Wang Yan was very satisfied with the effect of Gang Qi, but he didn't know whether the current Gang Qi was considered divine Gang, so he was ready to do another experiment. But at this moment, a figure shot out from below, and after a few breaths he arrived. Wang Yan came forward.

The person who came was naturally Wu Xingyun. He lost both arms but was full of vigor, and his long beard fluttered in the wind, showing his arrogance.

"Hahaha, Wang Yan, you really opened my eyes to this old man. You have such a level of cultivation when you first entered the Baoyuan stage. I'm afraid Brother Yun may not be your opponent now."

Wang Yan smiled modestly, and said: "Senior, I have won the award, but I haven't congratulated you for finally getting what I wanted and becoming a genius."

"This time is really dangerous and dangerous. If it weren't for the guidance and help of the old man, I would have died long ago. It's a pity that Mr. Liu, Brother Tianxing and Brother Tianyang didn't persevere to the end."

Wu Xingyun sighed softly, looking very sad. After all, he waited for four people to enter the Golden Light Cave together, but he was the only one left in the end.

Wang Yan just thought of Liu Zhaoxian, and his heart sank slightly. Seeing this, Wu Xingyun couldn't help saying: "Don't be too sad, this is the way we chose. Now that you and I have taken a big step, we must cherish it and strive to bring them together." Unfulfilled wishes come true."

Wang Yan nodded, then thought of something, took out a lotus leaf from his bosom and handed it to Wu Xingyun, saying: "Senior, this Nine-leaf Heavenly Lotus has many functions, you can take it and think about regenerating your arms and hair, it should be able to regenerate a broken limb effect."

"Universal effect? ​​Is it the omnipotent method that the old man said?"

Wu Xingyun has not yet penetrated the essence, only feels that the Nine-leaf Tianlian is extremely miraculous, and Wang Yan can't point it out, after all, everyone's way is different.While speaking, Wu Xingyun took Jiuye Tianlian's clothes, and then closed his eyes and thought about it. Sure enough, after a while, granulation sprouted from his severed limbs, and his arms re-grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Wu Xingyun was overjoyed, and then, taking advantage of the re-growth of his arms, he told Wang Yan the experience of breaking through the congenital and related secrets. Afterwards, Wu Xingyun's arms were fully grown, and after Wang Yanxiao disposed of the remaining lotus leaves and lotus seat by means, the two of them flew towards the huge vortex in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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