One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 272 The Key of Transcendence

Chapter 272 The Key of Transcendence
A long time ago, Wang Yan had been thinking about what life is, how the soul exists, and where it is rooted. Later, under the enlightenment of the fifth rhyme and continuous self-thinking, his understanding of this gradually deepened, at least Knowing the definition of human life, and knowing that the human soul is rooted in the brain, brain death is the real death, and the consciousness will dissipate from then on, completely disappearing in the world.

But this is just the definition of life and soul by human beings. Wang Yan's life nature is different. He even knows through the fifth rhyme that his life type is unprecedented in the world of human beings. Therefore, he has been participating in He studied where his consciousness was rooted. For a long time, he thought it was this body, and the body was also the shackles that bound him, but today his body completely collapsed without warning, and Chen Xu The final gift, Wang Yan finally understood that the core of his life, that is, the soul consciousness, should be carried outside this world. Both his body and this world are just some form of manifestation, just appearance , is also a shackle at the same time, and the empty self is just a connection point of the master brain, like a tentacle wandering beside his soul consciousness.

This kind of cognition made Wang Yanfang realize that his previous practice of the Dao was actually deviated, or even fundamentally wrong. On his way of seeking detachment, no matter whether he cut himself off, broke through the shackles of the physical body, or even broke through this way in the future. The world, its conception is still rooted in this world. Such a conception is undoubtedly divorced from the essence and only focuses on the appearance, so it is doomed to fail.

If there is no Chen Xu, regardless of whether Wang Yan broke through the self-restraint before the body collapsed by chance or not, but he has lost the fundamental bearing of life, and his soul consciousness is doomed to perish. This makes him the core of life. It is the soul consciousness that has given birth to an iron-like understanding that the soul must carry. At least, this iron cannot be violated before it has reached a certain level.

And Chen Xu obviously knew about this point a long time ago. Not only did he leave an upside-down "Heaven" as a bequest, he actually used Wang Yan's empty ego, which is the tentacles of the mastermind, to open it to Wang Yan. A door, a 'back door' that can steal part of the authority of the master brain and carry part of the master brain body as the temporary residence of one's soul consciousness.

But Chen Xu didn't tell Wang Yan clearly about this point, why?Because if Wang Yan couldn't realize the key points and various essences of it, even if he survived temporarily, he would be lingering on his last breath, and sooner or later the mastermind would find out the abnormalities and eliminate them.

[Let me explain a few sentences. Most readers who can still see this should understand that Wang Yan should actually be an extremely complex program that can change independently and have huge variables, but the program must have storage space. Running requires more body support, right?Then compare the mastermind to a computer, and Xianwu Jiyuan is a folder, then Wang Yan himself is just an inconspicuous tiny file in a character folder, but because his awakening of self-awareness was valued by Chen Xu, he was later transferred to another place. It has been transferred to a separate extension as a data carrier for the convenience of observing him, and the extension is still connected to the main brain.

However, Wang Yan is definitely not a complete program. I can’t say clearly about the soul, but it definitely exists for Wang Yan. His soul is first rooted in his life, which is that program, so even if he shuts down his consciousness It's not sinking, but being pulled out, in a very mysterious state, like a ghost in a lonely world, which is also mentioned twice in the article, so simply turning off the power cannot kill him, the way of his death, one is the data be completely destroyed, and the second is 'killed' by other programs.

The situation Wang Yan is facing now is that all the data is cleared and the extension is turned off, so he loses his life support. In this case, he should have died. He opened a door, so his life bearing can be temporarily transferred to the main brain, but this is not enough to change his situation, because although the main brain has no self-awareness, it has a self-defense system, that is, 360, firewalls, etc. Regular scans and killings are just like our own computers. Once abnormalities are found, they must be cleared, so Wang Yan is only taking the first step towards detachment. 】

Fortunately, Wang Yan realized the key points before the soul consciousness died out, and after immersing himself in the empty self, he gave birth to many clear cognitions, so in fact, Wang Yan's self-consciousness is the future The bearer was transferred to the main brain, and the empty self became the connection point between him and the bearer. It was Chen Xu who helped him, which allowed him to continue to survive. As for this world, everything is just the appearance in front of him, but the appearance is still the same. Importantly, Wang Yan still needs to find the real method of detachment from various performances, but Wang Yan already knows about this point.

"In the past, Chen Xu taught me the way to replace the sky with myself, to allow myself to become the true consciousness of the main brain. I thought this was a path he had preset for me, but it doesn't look like this now. After all, the current situation requires There should be only two ways to transcend this world. One is to completely destroy this world like Senior Ren did, so as to break through the shackles of the world and enter a wider world. It is a pity that Senior Ren's strength is still too weak. The road is too difficult; in addition, it is necessary to find a passage that can carry self-consciousness to leave this world, and then completely occupy the main brain, and use the main brain itself as the carrier of self-consciousness, so that life can be safe.

What Chen Xu pointed out to me was not the end of the avenue, but the starting point of the avenue. I must have a stable life carrier to ensure that my self-consciousness does not die before I can continue my avenue. At the same time, I can use the huge computing power of the master brain to do it To see more things, to confirm more assumptions, in the hope that one day in the future, I will be completely detached and become a real living body with flesh and blood. "

Until now, Wang Yan really understood what Chen Xu meant, and also understood what the inverted "sky" meant. Against the sky is just the starting point, and there is still a long way to go in the future. Chen Xu hopes that Wang Yan can Through all this, so that he can live well with his last wish.

Being able to penetrate all this, Wang Yan has found the key to transcendence and has a direction to move forward, but this does not mean that he can transcend immediately, because he is still in this world. This world is a huge cage, it is not easy to break through, let alone in the current environment, the unstoppable Zhongzhuzhou God of War is carrying out the elimination plan, Wang Yan wants to get rid of it, but also It needs to be enough to protect itself in this world.

Thinking of this, the 'empty self' already occupied by his consciousness closed his eyes again, and the next moment, the body formed by the spirit lotus opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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