One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 280 Virtual Era (Final Chapter)

Chapter 280 Virtual Era (Final Chapter)
It's over, and there should be an afterword. This book is a bit regretful. It was written smoothly at the beginning. Unfortunately, my wife gave birth prematurely, and the second child was born weak and sick. The delay was too long. In January and February, I was exhausted physically and mentally. After finishing his wife, he took care of the child, but the second child was not in good health. The premature baby was born and was hospitalized for ten days, but within a few days after being discharged from the hospital, he got pneumonia again, and was hospitalized for half a month. Go check it out at a big hospital.

A sudden incident disrupted everything. The interruption was too long, and the economic situation was not ideal. The subscription of this book was really poor, the income from royalties was very limited, and even the mortgage was not enough, so I had no choice but to The reduction process has been completed ahead of schedule. Please understand.

However, due to economic reasons, Lao Jian couldn’t stop. When this book was finished, the new book "Emei Daoist" was seamlessly connected. This book can be regarded as a new attempt. The style has changed, mainly focusing on fun and funny comparisons , Of course, there is also my own writing style in it, which borrows some hot ideas in it, and the theme is pseudo-infinite, similar to the king of the world, but it is also very different, I hope to get everyone's support.At present, the new book has been released and is under review. Brothers, please continue to support Lao Jian and take a bow.

Eight months later, when Tengyi Company reported that the discontinued "Xianwu Era" was about to be repackaged and tested, the entire game industry was shocked.

Players are looking forward to the return of a good game. After all, "Xianwu Era" has a large number of ashes surrounded by them. That Jianghu, when I look back and play other games, I suddenly feel dull, and I just want to go back to that Jianghu.As for other game companies, some are watching the excitement, some are thinking of a different sign, and some are harboring various other ideas, which is not humane.

In this atmosphere, the press conference and pioneer experience held by Tengyi Company before the public beta started today. At [-] o'clock in the morning, the press conference had not yet started. A large number of reporters from the gaming circle, online game colleagues and "Xianwu Era" 》The ashes of the people poured into the building that originally belonged to Yunwang Technology. These people came with various purposes, but no one knew that they would witness the arrival of a new era.

At 09:30 in the morning, when the press conference was full of seats, Tengyi Company’s personnel for this press conference arrived one by one, the division president Yu Shaoliang, the operation department director Liu Weiyuan, and the planning department director Han Chao. Well-known figures, after these people are seated, the people headed by Yu Shaoliang cut straight to the point: "Welcome everyone to this press conference. In order not to waste everyone's time, I will go straight to the topic. This press conference Including the few of us, they are all foils. There is only one real protagonist, and that is Mr. Li Fan, the new director of the technical department of our Tengyi company, and the chief engineer of technology research and development.

Today, under the introduction of Mr. Li Fan, everyone present will be honored to witness the arrival of a new era. "

After saying these words, Yu Shaoliang first stood up and applauded, and other people in Tengyi Company also stood up. This made the people who came to the press conference a little confused. Yu Shaoliang's words sounded like he was completely self-excited. boasting, but everyone has not yet witnessed what the so-called new era is, so everyone in the venue looked at the several people from Tengyi Company on the stage with some confusion. In such an atmosphere, a huge image appeared in front of the venue. Following the light curtain, Li Fan led Lin Yun into the arena slowly from the side.

"I won't say much about the scene, and then I will go directly to the topic."

Li Fan was like a technical geek who kept quiet about the world. He didn't use any polite words in the scene and went straight to the topic. However, before he got to the topic, a young man who looked like a thin monkey stood up and said : "Mr. Li Fan, I don't care about the so-called new era here. I just want to know whether your repackaged "Era of Immortal Martial Arts" will retain the intelligent NPCs in the original game?"

The sudden question caused everyone in the venue to instantly shift their focus, but Li Fan just looked the young man up and down and said with a smile, "Can I tell you your name?"

"Qin Lang."

Hearing this impressive name, Li Fan smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Qin Lang, if you can wait patiently here for ten to 15 minutes, I guarantee that you will get a surprise."

Qin Lang was stunned. He came here for one thing today, which was to find an answer to the previous question. Although he had been away from that Jianghu for eight months, he still missed his little junior sister. He just wanted to know if he could still Meet your little junior sister.

Qin Lang sat down. Although he only thought about his junior sister, eight months had passed. Why couldn't he wait for more than ten minutes?
"Okay, everyone, please look at the light curtain."

Li Fan returned to the topic, and then pointed to the pictures displayed on the light curtain and began to introduce. First of all, his focus was on the game world that was about to be re-launched. "Xianwu Era" has three major changes.

First, the game was renamed "My World".

Second, the map of the game world is reduced to a quarter of its original size.

Third, the gameplay has been fully updated, those auxiliary pills have been canceled, and martial arts cannot be practiced directly.

Such a change, except for the first one, the latter two are simply unacceptable. Originally, the huge world map and background structure of "Xianwu Era" was a highlight of the game, but now the game map has been reduced to a quarter of the original , It is simply an act of abolishing martial arts. As for the third change, it is even more unacceptable. The so-called higher degree of realism, but players have to learn "martial arts" a little bit, where is the fun of the game itself?
So after Li Fan finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion now, and people from other game companies who came here looked like they were ready to laugh. However, Li Fan ignored them and just said: "I know everyone is worried about this." I don’t understand such a change, but when I finish my next explanation, I believe everyone will find a completely different game world.”

As he spoke, Li Fan lit up the light screen, and a scene appeared on it. It was a market. The market was bustling with traffic and people coming and going. As the camera zoomed in, he saw a pretty girl holding a long sword walking in a small shop. In front of the stall, I was bargaining with the stall owner for a jade ring. The voices of the two of them were clearly audible, and each had their own style. The pretty girl was cunning, while the stall owner was calculating and shrewd. He kept his mouth shut on the price. The two of them went back and forth, talking. Not very enthusiastic.

"Little Junior Sister!"

Seeing this scene, others were still a little confused, but Qin Lang stood up suddenly. He didn't expect that the little junior sister he had been thinking about for several months would appear like this. There were many smart people in the room. Seeing Qin Lang's reaction, combined with his words before and after , someone reacted immediately, looked at Li Fan with some uncertainty, and said, "Are these two NPCs?"

"Do not."

Li Fan gave a negative answer, and then said: "First of all, I must explain that the traditional NPC concept does not exist in "My Jianghu", because in the re-launched virtual world, every aboriginal It is a highly intelligent digital life with self-awareness.

If the original "Xianwu Era" created a world with a high degree of realism to a certain extent, then "My River and Lake" is to create a real world of rivers and lakes. From traffickers to pawns, they all have their own wisdom, whether cunning, black-bellied, innocent, or persistent.

Some people may ask what is the point of shaping such a game world?I just want to say, please don’t call it a game anymore, because when the characters in this world can shine into your real life, and the real world and the virtual world intersect, a Jianghu character can always be by your side, talk to you, and interact with you. When you relieve your boredom and talk to each other about your concerns, are they just a bunch of data that doesn't matter to you at all? "

Speaking of this, Lin Yun took a tray with a pair of ordinary glasses on it, but the frames of this pair of glasses were slightly larger and wider. In addition, there was an electronic watch in the tray.

"The equipment I have now is our company's newly developed full-width mimetic glasses and information wristwatch. What are their functions? I won't say much now, let everyone experience it for themselves."

While Li Fan was speaking, service personnel entered the field with a set of equipment and distributed them to the people in the field. Qin Lang also got a set of equipment and put on an electronic watch and glasses under the guidance of the staff. He didn't feel anything special.

After everyone in the room put on their equipment, Li Fan smiled and said, "Please feel the coming of the new era."

As he spoke, Li Fan pressed the button on his electronic watch and heard a beep sound, as if something had been activated. Immediately afterwards, a tiny beam of light shot out from the watch and reflected on the lenses of his glasses. on the watch, and then two tiny red dots lit up on both sides of the frame. These two red dots formed a special connection with the electronic watch, and then the light beam disappeared as if nothing had happened.

This kind of situation happened on every set of equipment in the field. Qin Lang didn't feel that there was any difference at first, but when the watch was activated, the device on the glasses responded to it, and after forming a unique connection, in an instant, he only felt The world in front of me swayed like water waves, at this moment, Li Fan's voice came.

"Now, the information watch has received the information and fed it back to the full-width mimetic glasses. The device is reshaping the surrounding environment. This process will last about ten seconds."

By the time Li Fan finished speaking, almost ten seconds had passed. Anyway, Qin Lang saw that the scene in his sight had recovered. It was no different from before. It was still a crowded venue, but he seemed to feel something different.

"The initial reshaping of the environment should be completed by now. The scene you see now may not seem to have changed, but in fact it is different. To put it simply, the full-width mimic glasses use the function of AR to project the virtual world into your world. However, because the virtual world image currently used is a completely scanned image of the real world, the two completely overlap, so you can’t feel the difference.”

AR Appearance?

For the AR technology [Virtual Augmented Reality], people who have been immersed in the game for a long time are no strangers. There have been some AR functions in the earliest mobile games, but it is the first time that it is so mysterious as Li Fan said now. The indiscriminate coincidence with reality sounds like a fantasy, but more importantly, what is the effect?
"Mr. Li Fan, the things you said are a bit too surreal, and more importantly, what is the effect of this?"

Someone raised a question. Li Fan smiled and did not respond directly. He just turned around and leaned a little on the light curtain at the back, and then the picture on the light curtain became three-dimensional. However, this kind of technology is not new. She was already very mature, but what happened next made everyone's eyes pop out of shock.

I saw the pretty girl who was bargaining in the picture just bought the jade wrench with satisfaction, and was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly, a long and narrow space crack appeared behind her, and she was sucked in instantly.

The people in the market in the picture were all shocked when they saw this scene. While stepping back away from the space rift, they looked at the space rift in amazement. Their eyes seemed to penetrate the light curtain and shine into reality. generally.

And in the eyes of these people, a dark and deep vortex appeared in front of the light curtain in the venue, and in the rotation of the vortex, that delicate girl was squeezed out little by little.


Such a real sense, so many people were shocked that they could hardly speak. After a while, the charming girl completely escaped from the vortex, and the vortex disappeared in a flash. The charming girl fell firmly on the ground and opened her eyes. , and then looked around, she seemed to be able to see the people in the venue, and immediately asked in surprise: "Where is this place? Who are you?"

No one could respond to him, because no one knew how to express it. When the virtual characters in the light screen appeared in the real world in this way, even if it was a so-called 'AR' display, everyone was shocked.

"Little Junior Sister!"

At this moment, Qin Lang stood up. He didn't care how Li Fan did all this. He only knew that the little junior sister had appeared in his real world, so he stood up ecstatically, and then didn't care. Regardless of rushed over.

The charming girl immediately followed the prestige and looked at Qin Lang who was flying towards him. She frowned first, and after a few careful glances, her face showed surprise, and said: "Senior Brother Qin Lang, you are Senior Brother Qin Lang !"

Saying that, the pretty girl went up to meet her, but when she got closer, the girl's eyes turned red, and she burst into tears, saying: "Senior Brother Qin Lang, you don't want me anymore. I have been waiting for you for three years, but I haven't waited for you. I thought Like Sister Yun back then, you just quietly evaporated from my world."

Lin Yun who was holding the tray turned pale and dropped the tray in her hand. At first she just thought this girl looked familiar, but now how could she not know that the girl who appeared in the meeting place in front of her through the virtual and reality was the girl from the small mountain village? Little Bean?

"No, little junior sister, I, Qin Lang, just want to be by your side in this life, so why don't I want you? It's just that something happened, and I couldn't return to your world for a while."

While talking, the two hugged each other. The little girl didn't pass through Qin Lang's figure like a phantom like a virtual character, but was like a real person, made of flesh and blood, with body collisions and entanglements. Because of excitement, the muscles stacked and squeezed at the first contact, and when the mood calmed down a little, the strength of the hug weakened, the muscles relaxed, and the clothes slowly fell apart. Everything was so real and natural.

"How is this possible? How is it possible to do this with today's technology?"

A colleague in the gaming industry stood up in disbelief. Then he took off his glasses. Everything in front of him seemed to have remained unchanged, but Qin Lang was holding a ball of air. Everything showed that this was a realistic application of virtual technology.

For a moment, this professional thought a lot. If the upcoming "My Jianghu" is operated in the way of life games and carries the current technology, it will inevitably create a new era. Just imagine being countless otaku What does it mean to find one's own emotional belonging in such a game, and to be able to bring it out of the virtual world and accompany it in the real world?
And this is just the beginning. As this technology gradually matures and is fully developed and applied, intelligent digital beings will become human companions. They can accompany you to study, play games, travel together, and do anything together. The prerequisite is technical support, and this is entirely possible based on the technical foundation currently demonstrated.

If humans once enter such a virtual era, what kind of monster will Tengyi Company become, because they control all intelligent life. For example, if they want to promote a product, do they still need to advertise?All it takes is for the intelligent life to interview its service provider, which is more effective than any sales advertisement.Another example is the dissemination of digital information, the construction of various channels, etc. It can be said that Tengyi Company has stood at the pinnacle of the pyramid of a new era.

Only at this moment did the insiders understand what Li Fan meant by the new era.

While some people were deep in thought and some were shocked, while Qin Lang and Xiaodouzi were chatting in small words, Li Fan said confidently: "I believe that by now, everyone should understand the true meaning of what I said before. Brand-new technology means A new era of virtual reality is coming, and it is just starting now. Just like the devices in your hands, I believe that with the continuous advancement and in-depth research of this technology, AR display will eventually reach the point where it can be seen with the naked eye.

This means that with just a thought, everyone can enter the virtual world, interact with digital intelligent life, and start a different life.Or just a thought, you can turn off information reception, break away from the virtual world, and be busy with your life in the complete real world.

I believe that the future world will be a world where humans and intelligent digital beings coexist peacefully and work together. In the emotional interaction with each other, we help them understand and improve their souls; and they can use their unique abilities, such as Computation, such as construction, etc., to help us study, work, etc.

Come, from now on, let us welcome the new era that is coming. "

Li Fan opened his hands, as if he was embracing the future, his own future, and the brand-new future of human society. Just at the exit of the venue, a man in a long gown appeared quietly. He looked at it with a smile on his face. Looking at all this, he waved to Li Fan from a distance and turned away, leaving only two words in Li Fan's ears.


End of book

(End of this chapter)

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