Chapter 57
Xiaojing Mountain is located more than [-] miles east of Hengshui City, so the height of the mountain is less than [-] meters. On this mountain.

Since half a month ago, Linghuqiu, the old owner of Shujianzhuang, spread invitations and sincerely invited young heroes from Hengshui, Yuntian, Nanhegu, and Lianyue to participate in the martial arts competition, and it has always been a small mirror of a clean place The mountain is full of people now, even if half a month has passed, there are still a large number of talented people from all over the world pouring in every day.

Up to now, no less than a thousand people have gathered at the foot of Xiaojing Mountain, and the inns in Hengshui City, thirty miles away, are full of houses. The smaller half of the northern part was shaken. The attraction of thousand-year-old stalactite, milk, Yuanxiucao and the heir of Shujianzhuang was too great.

As more and more people gathered, Shujianzhuang turned into a huge whirlpool. Many well-informed people also discovered that this martial arts competition was not simple. Many people's thoughts changed, and a giant picture appeared in the dark. The net has been quietly spread out.

"so many people?!"

Hurrying all the way, it took two days to get to Wang Yan near Hengshui City. Before he got close to Xiaojing Mountain, he could only look at the crowd of people at the foot of the mountain from a distance. He couldn't help being surprised. Martial arts recruiting conference can make such a momentum.

Xia He didn't take it seriously, and said with a light smile, "If there weren't so many people, how could we cause chaos under the eyes of Hengshui City? Then how can we fish in troubled waters?

The old man Linghuqiu only wanted to scare Yan Yu'er with his loud voice, so he procrastinated for a long time to officially start the martial arts recruiting conference. He only waited for more and more people and more and more momentum, but how did he understand the players' thoughts? , Most of the people here are players, these people have come from afar, even if they are not qualified to participate in the martial arts competition, how many people are willing to return empty-handed? "

Wang Yan nodded. He has a deep understanding of the greed of players. Once they see the benefits, the players will be like sharks smelling blood and will rush forward with all their lives. Nearly a thousand players gather together. Once the situation gets out of control, then these players will The ending of Shujianzhuang is really hard to predict.

However, Wang Yan didn't care much about this point. He only thought about how to get enough benefits this time. After all, it is very difficult to encounter so many players gathered in one place.

"Let's go, let's go to meet these so-called Toshihiko of the Northland for a while. Let me get out of the way, the ghost-faced sword who is about to become the second lady's husband is coming, and anyone who stands in the way will die! Hahaha!"

Xia He raised his inner strength secretly, and the words in his mouth were spread far away in the open space outside the city. After saying these words, Xia He laughed, and the wind swept towards Xiaojing Mountain. When Wang Yan reacted, this guy took Hitting the cymbals by himself, Xia He had already run tens of meters away, Wang Yan shook his head helplessly, then put on the ghost mask, and started to chase after him.

Not long after, the two arrived at the foot of Xiaojing Mountain. Because too many people gathered at the foot of the mountain, Shujianzhuang dispatched nearly a hundred disciples to maintain order two or three miles away from the mountain gate. Wang Yan and Xia Hefang approached the foot of the mountain, and three of them A member of Shujianzhuang's family recognized Xia He and came up to meet him.

"Brother Xia, you're back. You left without saying goodbye a few days ago, but you made the owner very regretful. I thought Brother Xia felt that there were too many handsome people in this martial arts competition, so he didn't want to get involved, so he left on his own."

Among the three, the oldest member of the Shujianzhuang family seemed extremely enthusiastic towards Xia He, but this person was not very polite, and his words seemed to imply other meanings. Wang Yan couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling that Xiahe was in Shujianzhuang. Relationships don't seem to be all that great.

Without waiting for Wang Yan to think about it, Xia He laughed and said: "The old owner was too worried. Xia's departure this time is just because he feels that he is not sure of winning everyone, so he went to invite my elder brother."

"Brother Xia's elder brother is the famous ghost-faced swordsman in the southern valley?"

The disciples of Shujian Village quickly guessed Wang Yan’s identity, probably because the evil ghost mask on his face was so eye-catching. After he appeared, not only the disciples of Shujian Village frequently looked at him, but also the Jianghu gathered at the foot of the mountain. The middlemen also looked at Wang Yan from time to time.

"Ghost Face Sword Sha? Is this a title? Doesn't it mean that a non-conceived master doesn't have a title? What kind of foot is this person?"

"This is a name, or a bandit name. This ghost-faced swordsman and Xia He beside him are collectively known as the Swordsman and Swordsman in the South River Valley. In recent months, their reputation has become very popular. The two have taken action several times. They are always cruel and ruthless people."

"After working for a long time, it's just two strong men and gangsters who specialize in robbing Taoism. These people are even greeted by Shujian Zhuangmen. What kind of world is this?"

"What is the world? In today's world, the way of heaven is unclear, the way of kings does not exist, and the way of humanity is to respect the strong. If you underestimate these two people, it can only show that your knowledge is too poor. You must know that the swords and swords have teamed up to kill Yun Yun. You are a master of pregnancy, or else do you think how these two people could get their names in a place like Nanhe Valley where there are no rules at all?"

After the identity of Wang Yan was exposed by the gatekeepers of Shujianzhuang, the people in the rivers and lakes on both sides of the road started to talk in a hurry. Wang Yan turned a deaf ear to these gossips, and just nodded lightly towards the gatekeeper of Shujianzhuang. , said: "This time, a certain family was invited by Xia He to participate in the Martial Arts Competition, and you will lead the way."

Wang Yan's tone was cold, and he looked bossy. The oldest disciple's face changed slightly, but he soon led Wang Yan and Xia He to the mountain gate with a smiling face, but before Wang Yan went up the mountain, there was a bald man in the crowd beside him He stood up and said: "Why can this person go up the mountain directly when he comes, but we people have to break through the Laoshizi sword array if we want to go up the mountain?"

After all, there are too many people gathered at the foot of the mountain. Just now, the people who heard the identity of Wang Yan from Shujianzhuang's gate revealed that Wang Yan's identity is only a very small part, and these people come from all over the world. But not many people take it seriously.

As soon as the bald man finished speaking, there were a lot of people booing immediately, Wang Yan then looked at Xia He, Xia He said in a low voice: "This is the rule set by the old village owner. It didn't exist in the first place, but later I saw that there were too many mixed people. , it is inevitable that the strength of the people participating in the competition to recruit relatives is uneven, but it is stipulated that those who want to go up the mountain must first pass through the Jiugong Huixin Sword Formation set up in front of the mountain gate, even if there is an invitation card."

"The old owner's writing is just to prevent people who pretend to be fakes from getting in. Please bear with me, but with the name of your step, it's just as easy as pie."

The nearly forty-year-old Shujianzhuang doorman with a horse face laughed with him, Wang Yan waved his hand lightly, and said, "Follow the rules."


After saying that, the horse-faced middle-aged man walked towards the crowd of Shujianzhuang disciples in front of the mountain gate. After saying a few words to the other disciples, he saw this man and eight other people coming out of the crowd, nine points apart. They stood in each position, each with their long swords unsheathed. It was obvious that the so-called Jiugong Huixin Sword Formation had been roughly laid out. Then this person cupped his hands towards Wang Yanyi and said: "Please enlighten me!"


As soon as Wang Yan finished speaking, he saw the nine disciples surrounded him while changing their shapes.Wang Yan was born in Aojian Villa, and he has seen the sword formation before, not to mention other things, he is very familiar with the Little Ziwei Tianxing Sword Formation practiced by the disciples of the guard mountain. With his current eyesight, he can see the so-called Jiugong Hui The Heart Sword Formation was far inferior to Xiao Ziwei's Sky Star Sword Formation, but the changes in the figures of these nine people made Wang Yan feel a little familiar.

"Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams are both from Qimen. The changes of the Nine Palaces Huixin Sword Formation look somewhat similar to the changes of the Eight Diagrams Youshenbu."

Wang Yan only felt that looking at the changes in the sword formation in front of him had an analogy effect on the changes in his profound eight-diagram walking steps. The nine people flicked around to understand the mystery of the Nine Palaces.

"What is this person doing? He doesn't draw his sword, doesn't rush into the formation, what's the point of blindly moving around?"

"It's just playing tricks!"

"This ghost-faced sword is not simple. It seems to be looking for the death spot of this formation. Could it be that it wants to break the formation?"

Seeing Wang Yan flickering back and forth in the sword formation but not coming out with the sword, the people in the surrounding rivers and lakes naturally had different opinions, Wang Yan completely ignored it, and focused on understanding the mystery of Jiugong Huixin, but the middle-aged face of the horse face It seemed that he couldn't hang on, feeling that Wang Yan was embarrassing him, so he immediately gave a soft drink.

"Nine palaces turn around, and the heart of heaven appears!"

As soon as the words were finished, the figures of the nine people forming the formation changed rapidly. Four of them attacked Wang Yanshen with swords from four sides, east, west, and north, without waiting for the four swords to encircle them. The other four came from behind the four in front. Jumping up, they each stepped on the shoulders of the person in front of them, and then turned around in the air, and the long sword in their hands struck Wang Yan from all sides like a sword flying in the sky.

As a result, Wang Yandeng was immediately surrounded by all sides, and there were long swords attacking from the sky and the earth. It can be said that there is no way to go down from the sky, and the most important thing is that there is still one person who has not shown up. This last person is the lore sword.

No need to think too much, Wang Yan knew that this round would be the winner. As soon as he grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand, at the moment when the four people on the ground struck together with their long swords, the left and right knuckles staggered, and then kicked hard, the whole person Immediately, it soared into the sky like a spinning top, avoiding the four swords below.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yan, who turned around, pulled out his long sword with a sound of "chuckle", and the sword edge swept towards the surroundings with the momentum of turning around, only to hear a series of "ding ding ding ding" The sound was Wang Yan's sword swinging away the long swords in the hands of the other four people who were flying stabbing swords.

As a result, the combined attack of the eight people was temporarily relieved, but at this moment, everyone felt that the sky was dark, but a figure descended from the sky, holding the sword upside down like a waterfall, and the sword pointed directly at Wang Yanding's gate. Just at this time, Wang Yanxuan stopped in mid-air, and stepped on the air, and then he saw his whole body swinging up, pointing the long sword in his hand towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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