Chapter 59
"Why does a swordsman like Hate Heaven Sword come to teach you how to use a sword? I am clearly a swordsman, but I am ignored. It is really unfair. If I had known, I would also wear a mask!"

Xia He and Wang Yan walked side by side on the mountain road of Xiaojing Mountain. Xia He muttered non-stop all the way, and was very upset that Hen Tian Dao pointed Wang Yan. Wang Yan didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, but he was also very strange. I don't know Hentiandao before, and it is rumored that this person has no habit of being a good teacher, so how could he point himself out for no reason?

After thinking for a long time, Wang Yan didn't have the slightest idea, but at this time he and Xia He had already reached the top of the mountain, and the pavilions and pavilions appeared in front of him, but before Wang Yan looked at the layout of Shujianzhuang, there was a disciple of Shujianzhuang not far away. He came with two maids.

"Two young heroes."

This Shujianzhuang disciple was very polite, even though he knew about Wang Yan and Xia He's business, he called him a 'Young Hero', both of them were thick-skinned, so they bowed their hands slightly in return, and the disciple immediately said: " The owner of the villa has already ordered Xia Shaoxia to stay at his original residence, while Brother Ling will be arranged in the Thrushcross Garden."

Xia He frowned slightly, apparently a little surprised by this arrangement, and was about to say something immediately, but at this moment a maid stepped forward and whispered something in Xia He's ear, Xia He immediately looked at Wang Yan and said, "You settle down first, I will I'll go find you when I'm done."

This maid's behavior can be described as presumptuous, but the Shujianzhuang disciple just kept his head down from the beginning to the end, pretending not to see it. Such a strange scene made Wang Yan feel that Shujianzhuang's troubled waters were difficult to navigate, but since he came here Wang Yan was not going to leave just like that, so he followed another maid towards the south of the peak.

The peak of Xiaojing Mountain is not that big, at least not as far as the Zimu Peak where the disciples of the outer sect of Aojian Villa are located. Under the leadership of the maid, Wang Yan went around the martial arts arena on the mountain, passed through the Sword Washing Pond, and After passing the Jiugong Pavilion, you will arrive at the so-called Thrushcross Garden.

This garden is at the southernmost part of the mountain top, quite secluded, the garden is not big, except for a two-story small building, there are only three wing rooms in it, but a lot of flowers and plants are planted in the garden, which attracts many birds to wander. It makes the garden more natural and elegant, but that's all.

"This Thrushcross Garden was originally the residence of the owner's wife, but because there are too many people who have come to participate in the martial arts contest to recruit relatives, the mountain can't accommodate them, so the lady tidied up the garden for the young heroes to live in. But even so, can the Zhuang The owner arranged to live in the Thrushcross Garden, and there are only three young masters, all of whom the owner is very optimistic about will win the martial arts competition and recruiting relatives."

After entering the garden, the maid introduced the Thrushcross Garden to Wang Yan while leading Wang Yan to the wing room.However, Wang Yan did not expect that this place was the residence of Yan Yuer, who was flirtatious. This was really unexpected, but since there were two people who had settled in this garden before him, there should be no ghosts here, but Wang Yan was still a little worried. , turned to look at the rather delicate two-story building, and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the owner and his wife, but who is living in that building now? If I accidentally bumped into the owner's Families would not be beautiful."

"Young master, don't worry, the owner's wife has already moved out of the Thrushcross Garden, and she has been living with the owner in the Jianjian Building recently. As for the building, the uncle and the young master are temporarily staying in that building."

The maid's words sounded innocuous, but Wang Yan, who had already been involved in the muddy water of Shujianzhuang, couldn't help wondering, if Yan Yu'er lived with Linghuqiu, would she have been controlled by Linghuqiu?This uncle and young master should be Fang Boao, the distant nephew who had an affair with Yan Yuer.If Yan Yu'er was really under control, but Linghuqiu let Fang Boyo live here alone without any restraint, then did Linghuqiu already have insight into Yan Yuer's plan, and wanted to observe who Fang Boyo was wooing in private?
Wang Yan couldn't help having a headache. He only felt that this trip was a bit abrupt. He got involved in such a muddy water rashly with too little information. He couldn't say what consequences would be produced. It's just that for a swordsman, the quality of a famous sword The temptation is too great. After all, a good sword that suits you is like a second life for a swordsman. Even though Wang Yan is not a swordsman now, he is going to embark on this road after all.

While thinking, the maid had already led Wang Yan to the side room, but before the maid could lead Wang Yan into the room, the door of the side room suddenly opened, and a tall man with short hair and green beard walked out and took a look. Wang Yan glanced at him and said, "Another one sent to die."

This big man in Angzang looks a little old, if he didn't know that the people participating in the martial arts contest to recruit relatives should not be over 30 years old, Wang Yan would probably think that this person is about 40 years old.This person may be somewhat capable, and the tone of his speech is full of pride and disdain.

Faced with this inexplicable provocation, Wang Yan somewhat knew the reason. After all, most of the people who came to the martial arts contest to recruit relatives were for the Millennium Stone Bell. Ru. and Yuan Xiucao. Those who live in the Thrushcross Garden are even more powerful enemies. Disturbing the enemy's mind with words is just a common method. If you can intimidate them with a few words, you will naturally lose an opponent.

But how can such means scare Wang Yan, so he smiled lightly and said: "My sword is also merciless, and blood will be seen when it is drawn out of the sheath, no matter whether it is on the ring or off the ring!"

Tit for tat!

Wang Yan's words were full of murderous intent, and in an instant he turned his momentum back. The big man turned his head immediately, looked at Wang Yan and shouted: "Boy is arrogant!"

Wang Yan responded with a sword cry, then held the sword in his hand and shouted: "See the real seal under your hand!"

If there is a disagreement, draw the sword and cut it off!
Wang Yan still doesn't understand why the swordsman whom Hentian Dao pointed out before drew his sword, but he knows why he came to the Book Sword Manor this time. On the one hand, it was because of the temptation of the famous sword Luosha, but on the other hand, Because he had made breakthroughs in succession before, his determination was already extremely strong, and he had long wanted to find someone to test the sword with. He had dared to use the sword against Wang Yan, the Hatred Heaven Sword, and the person in front of him was similar to him in cultivation and was at the pinnacle of Tongmai. , with his repeated verbal provocations, how could Wang Yan not dare to draw his sword?
More importantly, the muddy waters in Shujianzhuang are getting deeper and deeper. Wang Yan knows that it will be dangerous if he follows the previous plan with Xiahe, so he wants to get out of the way now and find a new way out of this chaos. way out.

Amidst the roar of shouting, Wang Yan stepped quickly, the distance of several meters passed in the blink of an eye, and the sword pointed directly at the big man Angzang.This person never expected Wang Yan to strike at the moment he spoke, and his face was shocked, but this person was able to stay in the Thrushcross Garden, he must be a weak hand, and immediately retreated a little bit under his feet.

How could Wang Yan allow him to get away so easily, stepping out with a sword step between the changes in his footwork, and then straight forward, pointing forward with the long sword, like a shooting star, straight into the gate of Angzang Dahan without turning back.

This sword was going very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it reached the chest of the big man Angzang. At the very moment, the big man Angzang stopped his body, and then stepped into a lunge with both feet, and then he raised his breath suddenly, Seeing his chest swell rapidly, before Wang Yan's sword edge was approaching, this man swung his arms back and raised his chest to slam into the sword edge actively.

(End of this chapter)

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