One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 73 Beginning and Ending

Chapter 73 Beginning and Ending
Wang Yanzhen took the old and torn page in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. After a cursory look, the sword moves on the torn page were indeed very similar to the Guxin Sword Art. The above sword moves are more profound, some of the joints Wang Yan couldn't figure out at all for a while, but no matter what, this is obviously an extremely advanced sword move, Wang Yan put it away carefully.

There was nothing on the bookcase except for this broken page and three secret books. However, there were two long swords hanging on each side of the bookcase. Wang Yan took it and took a look. It is also an extraordinary product, and it should be a long sword of sharp weapon level.

These two swords, Wang Yan, were of course useless, but looking at the long sword in his hand, Wang Yan couldn't help but a few figures appeared in his heart, and then he took off his wedding robe, wrapped the two swords and tied them on his back.

As a result, there was nothing else in the stone room, Wang Yan couldn't help saying: "Let's go, you just said that someone will find it soon, let's leave quickly."

"Don't worry, I just said that Linghuqiu still has an important treasure, let's not keep it for him. And the real exit is in this stone room, the other two forks are dead ends."

While Linghu Wan was talking, she reached out and groped on the bookcase. Soon, she reached out and patted a certain part of the bookcase, and saw the partition under the bookcase slide open, revealing a palm-sized Mahogany box.

This box is extremely exquisite, and you can tell at a glance that it contains valuables. Linghu Wan took it out and handed it to Wang Yan, saying: "Hey, it's this thing. Although I don't know what is in it, but In my memory, Linghuqiu treasured this thing very much, and he didn't value it as much as falling sand and sinking blood."

Wang Yan took the box and couldn't help but lifted the lid. In an instant, a red light came out of it. Wang Yan saw that there was a red lotus seed in the box, but this lotus seed was very transparent and red. The light shot out from it, and what surprised Wang Yan even more was that there was a red flame flowing slowly in the lotus heart. The red flame sometimes gathered and sometimes scattered, like a little red snake between gathering and dispersing.

'Could it be innate qi? '

Wang Yan's heart was shocked. Although he couldn't recognize what the red lotus seed was, the red flame at the lotus heart was very similar to the rumored innate aura, and only the innate things that have been created by heaven and earth can be so agile.

Seeing Wang Yan's appearance, Linghu Wan said as if showing off: "How is it? Is it a good thing?"


Wang Yan didn't say much, and immediately closed the lid of the box, and then put the thing away very solemnly, Linghu Wan saw it and said: "Okay, all the treasures have been looted, we should go too, move this cabinet away." open it."

Wang Yan did as he said, and when he moved the cabinet aside, he saw a hole less than half a person's height behind him.

"This mountain road leads directly to the foot of Xiaojing Mountain, let's go."

While speaking, Linghu Wan bent down and got in, Wang Yan didn't think about anything else, and followed Linghu Wan into the cave entrance, and after a while, the two figures disappeared in the mountain path.

"I didn't expect you to come to take my life!"

In the main hall of Shujianzhuang, Jin Wuyan knelt on one knee while leaning on a long knife, no less than ten people gathered around him were all staring at him, Linghuqiu was also among them.

Right in front of Jin Wuyan, a tall old man with hanging eyebrows looked down at the exhausted Hentian Knife, and said flatly: "It's because I thought of taking you as my disciple back then, so you can kill yourself." Bar."


Jin Wuyan tried his best to support himself, and said with a miserable smile: "I really have no reason to live anymore. I entered the Dao of the Sword because of the desire to protect, and now the guardian is no longer there, but I will kill this treacherous person even if I die." Shameless killed!"

As he said that, Jin Wuyan raised his long knife and directed at Huqiu. The old man with hanging eyebrows saw that his face didn't change a bit, and he said in a cold tone: "I will help you!"

Linghuqiu's face suddenly changed, and he wanted to back away, but he didn't expect that the old man raised his right hand, and a purple light flowed on his palm, and then he pulled towards Linghuqiu from the air, and Linghuqiu's figure Immediately became stagnant.

This old man with hanging eyebrows turned out to be a strong man in the Yuan Dynasty, his palms were full of energy, and his kung fu of catching dragons and cranes with one hand was even more unimaginable, and he could control people from a distance. If you have practiced to the peak, you are still an absolute strong even in the Baoyuan period!
"Elder Yun, don't you?"

Linghuqiu begged urgently, but before he could finish speaking, a saber qi pierced the air, and the next moment, the back of Linghuqiu's head exploded, and the owner of Shujian Zhuang was already dead in the splash of blood. Can't die anymore.

"Thank you."

Jin Wuyan withdrew his long knife tremblingly, thanked the old man with hanging eyebrows, then sat cross-legged on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, after a few breaths, Jin Wuyan was dead, he was actually Die from the meridian in this way.


Seeing Jin Wuyan's death, a man with a black veil stepped forward, shook his head and said, "If you give him a few more years, Leng Yuezong will definitely have another super strong man."

"The way is different, so there is no need to say more. Since he chose the third son, he should know that this day will come."

The old man with hanging eyebrows had no regrets, and then he looked at the man in the black veil and said: "The matter here is over, and the Shujianzhuang will be handed over to Sect Master Yang according to the previous promise."

This man who hides his face under the black veil is none other than Yang Yuan, the young master of the Blackwater Thieves. He personally directed the matter of Shujianzhuang in secret, and Jin Wuyan was also seriously injured by him, and was hanged. After the elder eyebrow arrived, the general situation in Shujianzhuang was under control.

Yang Yuan is recognized by the five states as an extremely strong man, and it is not a secret that he wants to establish the Blackwater Sect, so many people outside the world call him the suzerain.

"Thank you."

Yang Yuan thanked him, then turned his head, and immediately a figure stepped forward, but it was Fang Boyo, who bowed to the man and said: "Sect Master, please give me instructions."

"You have also heard what Elder Yun said. In the future, this Shujianzhuang will be handed over to you. The relevant matters and the first and last sons of this matter will naturally be arranged properly. You don't need to worry about it, but you need to pay more attention to that woman Yan Yuer." Be careful, don't make the same mistakes as Linghuqiu."

"Bo Ao made a note."

Yang Yuan waved his hand, Fang Boyo bowed and retreated, then he looked at the old man with hanging eyebrows, and said: "This time, I have joined forces with the eldest son, the matter of Shujianzhuang is just the beginning, and I hope that the eldest son will ascend to the position of city lord soon In the future, the two sides will sincerely join hands to carve up Sky City and the South River Valley."


The old man with hanging eyebrows still looked indifferent, and after replying to Yang Yuan, he said: "If Sect Master Yang has nothing else to do, I will leave first. The surrounding area of ​​Xiaojingshan is in a mess, and I have to take care of it myself."

"Elder Yun, please stay here."

While speaking, Yang Yuan picked up the famous sword Shenxue from Linghuqiu's body, and then said: "Before, my subordinates came to report that Wang Yan, a disciple of Aojian Villa, took the famous sword Luosha and disappeared with Linghuqiu's second daughter. These two people are insignificant and cannot affect the overall situation, but that sword fell into the sand."

Before Yang Yuan finished speaking, the old man with hanging eyebrows swung his sleeves and said with a faint smile: "Sect Master Yang, who is worth a mere famous sword?"

After finishing speaking, the old man with hanging eyebrows didn't wait for Yang Yuan's response, and he floated away from the hall with one step. Seeing this, Yang Yuan's eyes flickered, and there was anger in his eyes. When he clenched his hands tightly, his knuckles creaked. It's just that Yang Yuan didn't get angry after all, he just turned his head and looked at Fang Boyao, and said, "Dig three feet of ground for me, find out Wang Yan and Linghu Wan, and also dig out the secret vault you mentioned earlier. .”

(End of this chapter)

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