One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 75 Sacrifice Sword

Chapter 75 Sacrifice Sword
The long-lost morning light shone into the thatched cottage, Wang Yan lazily turned over, and then slowly sat up from the straw bed. Although the trip to Shujianzhuang was only a few days, it took too much mind and energy. So back to his little nest, Wang Yan slept so sweetly and peacefully, that for the first time in his life, he even wanted to lie in bed and not get up.

Maybe this is what the fifth rhyme says about staying in bed?

Wang Yan shook his head and laughed, then stood up and stretched his waist. If Xiaodouzi would have fetched water for Wang Yan to wash up on weekdays, the two of them would go to the training ground together, but today the little guy didn't come, and Wang Yan wasn't going to go out. Because he publicly announced last night that he was going to retreat.

Recalling the scene where Fifth Rhyme and Linghu Wan met yesterday, Wang Yan couldn't help but feel a little ache in his brain. One called Big Brother Wang, and the other called Brother Yan. How did the smell of gunpowder come from? Wang Yan didn't know what to do in that scene. To deal with it, she had to go back to her little nest to announce her retreat, but Linghu Wan finally settled down in the village, and lived next door to Fifth Rhyme.

As for Linghu Wan's dream of being a heroine, Wang Yan couldn't care about it for the time being, so he could only give Bai Jasmine orders to take Linghu Wan to the bone. Anyway, Bai Jasmine knew everything about foundation establishment. Heart.

However, Wang Yan's retreat was not just to avoid a few women. Since he left the Aojian Villa, his martial arts have advanced by leaps and bounds. One's own martial arts system and comprehension of one's own martial arts concepts are indispensable in order to become a real swordsman.

More importantly, Wang Yan gained a lot from this trip to Shujianzhuang, especially after getting the famous sword Luosha, he can practice sword light differentiation, but before practicing this sword skill, Wang Yan needs to get a sacrificial sword.

Although Wang Yan's past is blank, since he entered the Aojian Villa at the age of 12, he has participated in the annual sword sacrifice ceremony of the Aojian Villa after all. How should a good swordsman sacrifice his sword.

There are four levels of sacrificial swords. The first level of sacrificial sword needs to be sincere to the sword through the method of blood refinement, that is, within 49 days of Qiqi, one drop of heart blood should be sacrificed to the sword every day, and finally there will be a bond between the person and the sword. a subtle connection.This may sound very mysterious, but this is a secret method passed down from the Aojian Villa since ancient times. It has been confirmed by countless swordsmen, and Wang Yan is convinced of it.And to practice the sword light differentiation, at least the first heavy sacrificial sword needs to be completed.

Sacrifice the sword with the blood of your heart will naturally hurt your vitality, and during the sword sacrifice, you must not have any thoughts. Everything you do should be related to the sword, otherwise it may lead to the failure of the sword sacrifice. Therefore, Wang Yan has made up his mind to do it in the next two to three months. He does not leave his house to worship the sword wholeheartedly, and apart from the sword sacrifice, the only thing he has to do is to sort out his own martial arts, understand his thoughts clearly, and thus find the way to step into the way of swordsmanship.

Therefore, this retreat is very important to Wang Yan, so he mustered up his spirits, and after he was completely awake, he took off the sand and then lay cross-legged on the couch, concentrating his mind and eliminating distracting thoughts. According to the method taught, the preparations for the sword sacrifice began.

After a stick of incense, Wang Yan followed the guidance of the sword-sacrificing method and completely sank into his own mind. The sword-sacrificing method called this illusory space that belongs to him alone as the self-world. In the self-world, Wang Yan I only felt that there was only "I" and "sword" in the world, and a sense of "emptiness" quietly rose, followed by desolation and loneliness. This feeling made Wang Yan unable to help but have thoughts, but then the sand fell lightly , a sword light cut through the air.

This method of sacrificial sword is not just a ritual, it is very mysterious and difficult for ordinary people to understand, but if you want to sacrifice the sword successfully, it does not mean that you can simply sacrifice the sword with blood. Before that, you need to understand the sword. If you don't know 'I' or 'sword', how can you talk about sincerity in the sword?
The sword light pierced through the air, Wang Yan's "I" did not resist, and then he only felt that he was cut apart, and the thoughts of the past were cut off, and he was immediately wrapped in desolation and loneliness, and he didn't know how long it had passed , Wang Yan finally understood that this was the slightest sword intent left by Luosha's previous master in the sword. After thinking about it, Wang Yan realized that this trace of sword intent was of great benefit to his own sword intent.But more importantly, he has a bridge of communication with Luosha itself through the slightest sword intent left in Luosha.

In the midst of thoughts, the world changes, and in the yellow sand all over the sky, a long sword dances wildly at the sky. It's a pity that people can't compete with the sky and the earth, let alone a sword. In the end, the long sword was buried by layers of yellow sand, but the long sword There was always a gleam of light on the sword.

'I' watched everything quietly, and then contemplated carefully the steadfastness and unyieldingness contained in that flash of light, as if it had been a long time, and it seemed that only a moment had passed, and my mind moved again, 'I' He jumped into the long sword, and then the long sword was shining golden, breaking through layers of yellow sand and rising into the sky, and then passing through the sky full of yellow sand, and slashing towards the sky with a single sword.

As if something was breaking apart, Wang Yan opened his eyes suddenly, and felt the energy in his body rushing wildly. After a while, he only felt a pain in his heart, but it was during the reversal of the internal force, a drop of heart blood was forced out, and he felt tight. Then, the inner force pushed this drop of blood out of Wang Yan's mouth.


A small drop of heart blood fell on Luosha's sword, and then something miraculous happened. The drop of heart blood melted into the sword at a speed visible to the naked eye. After it disappeared completely, Luosha There were a few traces of blood streaks on the body of the sword.

Looking at the traces of bloody lines on the sword, the pale Wang Yan couldn't help but smile. Everything is difficult at the beginning. He knows that the most difficult pass has been passed. The bloody lines represent that he has been recognized by Luosha. , As long as you keep dripping your heart's blood into the falling sand every day, this sword sacrifice will definitely not fail.

However, Wang Yan quickly sank his mind again. In the mysterious experience just now, he still had a lot of things he didn't understand. Formation is incomprehensible, he knows that the method of sacrificing the sword is actually a kind of application of the unity of the three treasures of his own spirit, qi, but the warriors in the meridian stage have a superficial understanding of any of the spirit, qi, and gods, and the use is just a beginner. Therefore, the method of sacrificial sword itself is more like a mold, which directly guides the warrior's energy and spirit into the self-world.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan couldn't help but took out the secret book of Condensing Yuan and Sword Demon Art from his bosom. This secret book mainly records the method of coagulating the fetus and the method of polishing the sword fetus. The in-depth cognition and application of qi, and the spiritual level is involved in polishing it into a sword embryo, especially if you want to accumulate into a mysterious top-grade embryo like a blood evil sword embryo, you need to combine the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit. As soon as it is used, the secret book naturally has a more detailed explanation of the spirit, so Wang Yan wants to find some answers from it.

Faintly, Wang Yan felt that this was very important. He felt that if he could realize the essence of the three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit, he might be able to fully understand what is the "I" who has no consciousness and can only watch with a cold eye and then pass everything on to his mind. , he even felt that he might be able to pry into the mystery of his own life and understand what kind of existence he is.

(End of this chapter)

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