Chapter 1
In the scorching sun, a group of shabby-dressed serfs were busy harvesting rice in the golden rice fields. There were more than 40 serfs, male and female. A strong person picked up the rice and beat it to the rice bucket (Note 1), and the full grains of rice fell into the parent bucket with the beating of the person.

Holding the rice in his hand, Zhang Tie patted his father's bucket one after another. His eyes were a little dull, and he glanced into the distance from time to time. The slapping movements continued with the instinct of the body.

Zhang Tie was [-] or [-] years old, with an average face, neither handsome nor ugly, with a popular face, but a strong body, and he was always ranked among the top children in the family.

But this Zhang Tie is not that Zhang Tie, now Zhang Tie's body is still Zhang Tie's, but his mind has become Zhang Peng from the blue planet, the original Zhang Tie died of illness because of a high fever.

There is a saying that it is good that people in good health do not get sick, but once they get sick, it is definitely the kind that kills people.

Zhang Peng was originally an ordinary college student on the blue planet. His only specialty is quick hands, you know.

I was electrocuted and crossed while playing horse riding and hacking. Zhang Peng was very helpless about this matter. It is unscientific to hold a mouse and get electrocuted. It is not scientific. I am not holding a Samsung, there is no explosion, and the current is not very large. How did you cross over, MMP.

It has been more than two months since I came to this world. Zhang Tie (Zhang Peng will be called Zhang Tie from now on) has not become like the other protagonists through time travel and become a young master. Instead, he is a son of a family.

And most importantly, without the memory of the original owner, how does Zhang Tie, who just traveled through time, get confused?Fortunately, the original owner died of a high fever, and Zhang Tie didn't know anything about it, so his family didn't suspect him, thinking that he had burned his brains out and lost his soul.

In this world, the level of medical treatment is generally low, and there is no cure for Zhang Tie's high fever at that time. In the end, the original owner kicked his feet and died, which allowed Zhang Tie to cross over and possess him.

Zhang Tie's father, named Zhang Sanfeng, was sold to Deng's family as a child and became a slave. Later, he became a bodyguard. Now he is a small steward of the Deng's family, managing the horses in the mansion.The mother's name is Yuping, and she used to be a maid beside my mother, and now she accompanies Zhang Sanfeng to take care of the stable.

There is also a younger brother and a younger brother. The younger brother Zhang Shun, 15 years old, was frail since he was a child. The head of the family took pity on him. playmate.

The head of Zhang Tie's family, the Deng family, three generations ago, Deng Shigaozu was just a hawker walking through the streets. One time he happened to save a nobleman, and with the help of the nobleman, the family fortune snowballed and grew bigger and bigger. After several generations, Only through hard work can we have the foundation of such a wealthy family today.

Today the Deng family owns a thousand acres of fertile land, more than a hundred serfs, and more than a hundred family guards. Its herbal medicine, fur, firewood, grain shops and other stores are all over Yanzhou. Europe has an excellent reputation.It is one of the four great families in Liexue Town. Although it is one of the four great families in Liexue Town, strictly speaking, the Deng family is also one of the four great families in Yanzhou.

In the field, Zhang Tie looked at the rice in the lower left corner in front of him. He was actually looking at a small transparent screen on his retina, and there was a paragraph of words floating in the screen.

[Data loading 99.99%. 】

Zhang Tie knew from the moment he discovered this thing that it should be his golden finger. After all, there must be something in time travel, otherwise I would be sorry for the vast number of time travel people.

At first Zhang Tie was afraid of being discovered, but he was relieved after seeing that others could not see the floating screen.

The original words were loading data, and then it became data loading. Loading data was very fast, and it was completed in two or three days.On the contrary, the data loading has not been good, and it is almost completed until today.

Wiping the ashes from his head, Zhang Tie was full of anticipation for the floating words in his retina. No one wants to be a family child for a lifetime. It's like treating house slaves as human beings in the novel.

But what is the difference between a person without dreams and a salted fish?

And Zhang Tie's dream is to eat well, drink well, play well, and live a normal life without doing anything.

A domestic slave is a servant who signed a contract of sale and belongs to an individual. A slave belongs to someone's private property. If there are children, then the children are also regarded as domestic slaves. They are born for the family and are also the private property of others.

Serfs are agricultural laborers. They are economically exploited and have no personal freedom or any political rights. They are agricultural laborers who belong to their masters. Their social status is extremely low, and they are exploited and enslaved by their masters in many ways.

As the sun went down, people in the field began to pack sickles and pails, and the rice was packed in sacks.

Zhang Tie bent down to pick up two sacks of rice, asked others to help him add two bags of rice, and walked to the outskirts of the field. The field was next to the official road, and there were several carriages beside the official road. On the carriages were eight people in soft armor, The bodyguard with the sword in his hand looked around from time to time, very cautious.

The horses pulling the carts are all fat and strong. Although the carriages are old, they are very strong.These carriages are all the carriages of the Deng Family Escort Bureau. Every harvest season, the Deng Family will ask the Escort Bureau to deliver the harvested grain to the Deng Family Warehouse.

After leaving numerous footprints, Zhang Tie came to the carriage, and easily loaded the four bags of rice on his shoulders into the carriage. He glanced at the bodyguard next to the carriage without leaving a trace, looked at the knife a few more times, and patted his shoulder. Shaking his shoulders, he turned and missed the other people carrying sacks, turned and walked towards the field.

A bearded bodyguard in front of the carriage watched Zhang Tie turn and walk away, and said to the bodyguard beside him, "Deng Yuan, this should be the son of Brother Zhang's family! He looks like Old Zhang."

The bodyguard next to him, that is, Deng Yuan, lifted the knife in his hand and replied: "Well, yes, I heard that Brother Zhang's son is born with great strength, it seems to be true, look at him carrying four bags of rice without any damage." It doesn't take much effort, if you practice martial arts, you will succeed."

The bearded bodyguard nodded in agreement, and sighed: "Brother Zhang was also a bodyguard back then, and he was very powerful with a sharp knife. Unfortunately, when he was walking the bodyguard, he was destroyed by the gangsters of Zhao Guo. Now he can only raise horses for the owner. .”

"Why does the Patriarch still let Brother Zhang raise horses to work? For so many years, there is hard work without credit! Brother Zhao, how can the Patriarch do this? Aren't you afraid that people will be disappointed?"

Not far away, a young bodyguard master heard the conversation between Deng Yuan and the two of them, eyes wide open, and said indignantly.

Third Brother Zhao cheerfully patted the shoulder of the young bodyguard, and said earnestly, "You can't just look at the surface. This matter of raising horses was requested by Brother Zhang himself. Brother Zhang offended a lot of people because of his strong martial arts. People, don't talk about anything else, as long as we are in the second gear, we can't get along with Brother Zhang. Now the owner lets Brother Zhang raise horses, but he has the meaning of protecting him. After all, Brother Zhang no longer has the previous skills. , there must be some people who are dissatisfied, people's hearts are unpredictable!"

Zhang Tie is very satisfied with his current body. He is more than 1.8 meters tall. You must know that he is only 17 years old now, and he still has a few years to grow up. Although his appearance is not very handsome, he is still passable. The most satisfying thing is his strength. , it is no problem to lift two hundred catties easily.

The sky gradually darkened, and the rice was loaded into the carriage, and the group of people drifted away, leaving behind a long shadow under the setting sun.

ps: I found that many people said that they couldn't understand the beginning of Chapter 1. In fact, this is a small flashback. In the next ten chapters, the original scene will reappear.

Note 1: Rice barrels, rice barrels are a traditional farm tool used for threshing. Half a century ago, during the harvest season of early rice and late rice, farmers could always see farmers taking turns beating rice with rice barrels. Living in the countryside as a child I have also experienced the farm work of beating rice with rice buckets.

ps: The first volume mainly introduces the system. Ju******S: The system in this article is the mod "Fengyun Three Kingdoms" in "Horse Riding and Blade" mainly borrowing the equipment, lieutenants and soldiers of "Fengyun Three Kingdoms" , the early stage is a transitional chapter, and the main text starts from the second volume.

ps: Welcome to join the horse riding and cutting the world, group number: 453953008
 A new work for newcomers, a rookie, the game is Mount and Blade.If you have any suggestions, you can mention them, thank you, please collect them,

(End of this chapter)

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