Chapter 115 Classification of Arms
The new stronghold at the North Gate, with Zhang Shun and his party entering the stronghold, means that the conscription has officially started.

Without any unnecessary gossip, the entire conscription started naturally.

At the only entrance to the stronghold, two clerks were sitting on chairs, and a desk was placed in front of it. Of course, there was a roster on it, which was used to record the detailed information of the soldiers.

The scribe picked up the writing brush and asked the young man in front of him, "Name."

"Wan San."

"Where are you from?"

"In Biancheng County."


"19 is old."

"Show me your household registration and check your identity."

Wansan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and directly handed over his household registration for the scribe in front of him to check.

Being a soldier is not something that everyone can do casually. They must have this identity certificate. Otherwise, if the soldiers only tell their own backgrounds, there will be big problems.

This regulation has continued from hundreds of years ago to today. Those who want to participate in the recruitment now naturally bring their own identification, that is, household registration.

The clerk first checked it, then wrote down Wansan's detailed information on the roster, and finally noted the date.

After writing Wansan's detailed information, the clerk pointed to the tent behind him, and said to Wansan, "Go in, get your silver and equipment, and someone inside will arrange for you."

Wan San walked along the fence and entered the tent behind the clerk. Wei Yan, who was wearing a green suit, and more than a dozen people sat in the tent with big horses and swords.

More than a dozen boxes are placed in the middle according to a certain rule, and all the equipment inside is the equipment of the recruits. Zhang Shun and others personally put it here today. They are all equipment obtained from the capture of bandits, but they are all uniform. Leather armor, leather boots, iron knives, round wooden shields and long spears, and a separate box beside it contained sixty longbows.

As soon as Wan San entered the camp, Wei Yan, who was sitting on the chair, nodded to him, "You wait nearby for now. We will make arrangements for you when there are ten people."

Hearing this, Wansan nodded, stood aside silently, quietly waiting for the others, and looked at Wei Yan and the others sitting on the chair from time to time, "Are these the Tsingyi soldiers? Are they really dressed like that?" It's strange, it's completely different from other soldiers, it's not leather armor."

There seemed to be a lot of civilians responding to the recruitment this time. After a while, nine more people came in. When everyone came in, Wei Yan would say the same thing, that is, wait for ten people.

Wei Yan came to the box in the middle of the tent with a man also wearing a green suit, waved to Wan San and ten others, and said, "Okay, come to me."

Hearing this, Wan San and the others stepped forward one by one and stood in front of Wei Yan and the others.

Wei Yan and the other person first distributed leather armor and other equipment to Wan San and the others, and they all generally fit.

Armor and other equipment are generally forged to be wider, so many people can use them in common, but if they are recruited by Zhang Tie, they are all very suitable.

After the distribution of the equipment, the next step is to distribute the weapons, but Wei Yan was not in a hurry to distribute the equipment, but asked Wan San and the others: "What kind of soldiers do you want to be, sword and shield soldiers, pike soldiers, or Archer."

When Wei Yan asked, his face was very serious, and he looked at Wan San and the others with big eyes.

The tent fell silent for a moment, Wansan and the others held their breath, only the beating of their hearts proved that Wansan and the others were not at peace, obviously they also knew that this was related to their future direction.

Wan San glanced at the iron sword, spear and bow and arrow. Finally, his eyes fell on the long bow. He knew that this weapon was the safest, but sometimes the most dangerous weapon, but he chose it. , because it is his belief.

As a long-range unit, the mission of archers on the battlefield is to shoot a few waves before the battle, then hide behind other soldiers, find the right opportunity, and shoot another wave. It is a sharp weapon in the ancient battlefield.

But because of this, archers are the easiest to attract the enemy's concentrated fire attack on the battlefield, which is why it is said that archers sometimes suffer the most casualties.

Pikemen are an indispensable unit in the army in the cold weapon era. It has comprehensive functions and can not only fight infantry, but also better deal with cavalry.

Moreover, the craftsmanship of the spear is simple and cost-effective. It does not require too much expensive metal to manufacture a spear, and its cheap price enables it to be equipped with a large number of troops.

What's more, spearmen have strong lethality, stabbing and slashing, and the lethality of assassination is far greater than that of slashing.

When the opponent has armor, the spear can play a better role than other weapons. Whether the opponent is leather armor, chain mail or plate armor, the spear can easily penetrate the opponent's armor compared to other weapons (comparatively speaking, not really easy).

The weakness of pikemen is also very obvious. Pikemen belong to infantry and fight in phalanxes. If you get entangled, you will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Sword and shield soldiers are soldiers who hold one-handed swords and shields. They are mainly used for melee combat. They are the strongest front shield among infantry. They are usually used as troops to charge forward and cover the shooting of archers.

The sword and shield soldiers can effectively avoid the damage of being shot by the crossbowman, thereby reducing the loss when being attacked by the enemy from a long range.

However, when encountering heavy throwing weapons such as javelins, throwing axes, and flying halberds, the protection effect is not very good, and the shield is easily damaged.

"I choose the longbow."

"I choose sword and shield."

"I choose the long gun."

Except for Wan San, there was another person who chose the longbow like him, and most of the others chose sword and shield soldiers and spear soldiers.

Among the ten people, five were sword and shield soldiers, three were spearmen, and two were archers.

As for why the sword and shield soldiers are the most, it is naturally because the sword and shield soldiers carry shields. In this area close to the prairie, the most enemies are the Mongols, and the Mongols are best at riding and shooting. With a shield in hand, they will Much more reassuring.

But this is not to say that pikemen and archers cannot wear shields. As long as people of these two types of arms are willing, they can wear shields at any time.

Pikemen can carry a shield on their back, ready to use at any time.

The archers are even more special. In addition to bows and arrows, they also have melee weapons. They can choose a small shield for this set of secondary weapons.

Just in terms of shield selection, good shields are naturally given priority to the sword and shield soldiers in front, and the archers and spearmen can only choose the rest.

According to each person's choice, Wei Yan distributed different weapons to these ten people. As for the fear that the archers were too weak to use them, or that the archers had never touched bows and arrows at all, they would not be able to shoot accurately.

Within the scope of no longer worrying about these, as long as the division of troops is done well now, Zhang Shun will bless him at that time, and he will have strength and so on.

As for the accuracy of archers, you can naturally practice more after you gain strength, and on the battlefield, accuracy is often not particularly important. When you upgrade in the future, Zhang Tie can completely upgrade the arms according to the current situation. His proficiency will naturally go up.

"Very good. Now that you have chosen the equipment in your hands, you will have to practice hard in the future. It is up to you to defend yourself against the enemy."

Wei Yan nodded with satisfaction to Wan San and others, and then said to the people behind him: "Ren Kangcheng, Fan Leshan, and Lu Jinxin, the three of you will take them to their respective camps and then come back."


 Thank you Hanyou Qiaomu for your tip, and thank you bookAL for your tip!Also, thank you very much for your recommendation votes, I love you,,, if you are girls.

(End of this chapter)

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