Chapter 117
At noon, outside the city gate of Liexue Town, a man led a gray horse and gradually approached from a distance. The person who came was full of dust, and the color of his long hair had changed from black to gray.

This person was Zhang Tie. With his astonishing physical strength and intelligence (spiritual strength), Zhang Tie returned to Lixue Town after just five days without changing horses.

Holding a heavy gray prairie horse, standing outside the city wall, looking at the Fierce Blood Town Gate in front of him, Zhang Tie felt very complicated in his heart. When he thought of the purpose of this trip, a trace of hesitation flashed in Zhang Tie's eyes, and then he became determined again. With firm steps, he walked towards the city gate.

After a few days, Liexue Town is still so kind in Zhang Tie's eyes. After all, it is the place where he was born and raised, and he is still very affectionate.

As soon as he reached the gate, Zhang Tie was about to pay out some copper coins, but unexpectedly, the soldiers at the gate stopped him.

"Stop! Who! Show your household registration!"

A soldier stopped Zhang Tie with the barrel of a spear, and another soldier came to Zhang Tie and asked loudly, "Please show your identity card."

Faced with the obstruction of soldiers at the gate of Liexue Town, Zhang Tie discovered something wrong with Liexue Town.

Although it was noon now, there would definitely be fewer people entering and leaving the city gate, but the gate of Liexue Town seemed too quiet at this time, and there were no other pedestrians except Zhang Tie.

Moreover, the soldiers at the gate of the city at this time seem to be gatekeepers that Zhang Tie has never seen before. They have blood that the gatekeepers did not have before. There is this breath.

Moreover, there was a notice posted on the side of the city gate. Due to the location and time, Zhang Tie couldn't see all of it, but he could vaguely see that identification was required to enter and exit the city gate.

Seeing the serious expression and probing gaze on the soldier's face, Zhang Tie took off the bag from his back, and found out the bronze waist card that he hadn't worn for many days. This was the only thing Zhang Tie could prove his identity. As for the household registration, Far away in the border town, in the hands of Zhang Sanfeng.

Then imagine, when Zhang Tie took out the bronze waist card as a bodyguard, more than a dozen soldiers guarding the city all looked at Zhang Tie. Those dozen pairs of eyes were like arrows on a string, as if to Zhang Tie gave a general hold.

Being stared at by more than a dozen soldiers made Zhang Tie feel a little bad inside, "Could something happen to the Escort? Also, these soldiers are not the soldiers who used to guard the gate, but they look like soldiers stationed in the barracks outside the city. What happened in the past ten days?"

Keeping vigilance in his heart, he looked around from the corner of his eyes from time to time, holding a bronze waist card, Zhang Tie handed it to the soldier in front of him, and said at the same time: "I am Zhang Tie from the Deng Family Escort Bureau. This is my identity certificate, household registration Didn't bring it with me."

"Zhang Tie?!"

"Zhang Tie of the Deng Family Escort?!"

"Arrow slaughter!?"

When Zhang Tie reported his identity, the soldiers at the gate of the city were all surprised, obviously they had heard of Zhang Tie's reputation.

A soldier took Zhang Tie's bronze waist medal, looked at it carefully, and then gave it back to Zhang Tie. At the same time, he asked Zhang Tie with a puzzled look: "Are you Zhang Tie, the head of the Deng Family Escort Bureau? You killed more than ten tough men." The bandit’s arrow massacre?”

It can be heard from the tone that the person in front of him obviously doesn't believe that Zhang Tie in front of him is the real Zhang Tie.

Facing the soldiers' questions, the first sentence was okay, but the latter sentence made Zhang Tie feel puzzled, "Braves?! After killing more than a dozen people, could it be that Ma Chao and others spread the word?"

Taking back the bronze waist card and tying it around his waist again, Zhang Tie said to the soldiers: "I am Zhang Tie from the Deng Family Escort Bureau."

Regarding the gangster, Zhang Tie did not admit it. After all, he traded with others, so it is not easy to admit it. It is better to go back and ask Ma Chao.

After Zhang Tie admitted, the soldiers were still not very relieved. After all, a bronze waist badge could not prove Zhang Tie's identity, so he turned around and shouted to the other soldiers behind him: "Shitou, go to the street and call any passerby to come over and confirm the identity of Zhang Tie." See if the person in front of you is Zhang Tie."


A soldier who was a little younger than the other soldiers in the innermost part responded, leaned his spear against the wall, and ran into the city at a trot.

Compared with others, Zhang Tie's reputation in Liexue Town is still very high. Most of the residents know him, so all the soldiers will randomly pull a pedestrian over on the street to confirm Zhang Tie's identity.

After going through untold hardships, Zhang Tie's identity was finally confirmed. Under the admiring eyes of all the soldiers, Zhang Tie led his heavy gray prairie horse into Liexue Town.

Zhang Tie is not in a hurry to go to the Deng family to find Deng Wei, the Patriarch of the Deng family. Instead, he went back to the Escort to clean it up, and then asked what happened in Liexue Town, and the inspection was so strict.

Normally, Deng Wei is not in the Escort, he will deal with affairs at Deng's house or outside, and he will only appear in the Escort when there are important matters.

As soon as he entered Liexue Town, it seemed that nothing had changed. The pedestrians on the street were still bargaining with the merchants, which was completely different from the state of the soldiers outside.

With deep doubts in his heart, Zhang Tie hurried to the Deng Family Escort Bureau, nodded with the guard at the door, and Zhang Tie strode towards his dormitory.

When he was on his way, he didn't feel anything, but now that he arrived in Liexue Town, Zhang Tie felt uncomfortable all over, and now he just wanted to take a quick bath.

As a bodyguard leader, Zhang Tie's current dormitory is no longer the place where he lived with others, but a separate room with Zhang Tie alone. It used to be the room of Deng Chenggong and Deng Tie's bodyguard leader, but now it has become It's his, this is the benefit of being an escort.

And Zhang Tie's direct subordinate Ma Chao and others are also in the next door to Zhang Tie's room, and they are very close to each other, which is also for the convenience of communication.

When he arrived at the door of his dormitory, Zhang Tie first glanced at the door next door, which was the room of Ma Chao and others. The door was locked with a key, and the windows were all closed, which meant that Ma Chao and others had gone out. , has not come back yet.

He took out the key and opened the door of his dormitory. Since the door and windows were closed when he left, there was no dust, but the air was a bit dull.

Zhang Tie first opened all the windows, then put the luggage on the table, and put the weapons and equipment in the cabinet. Then he picked up two buckets and fetched water from the well in the yard outside the house for washing.

After taking a shower, I put on new clothes, took out Pojun and Xiaogangdun from the cabinet, wiped them, put them on the belts on the left wrist and the right respectively, and tied the waist tags on the left wrist. waist.

Then he stepped out of the room, closed the door, and locked it on the road. As for the doors and windows, there is no need to close them. For so many years, no one has heard of anyone stealing anything.

It's not that no one steals, but that there is no need to steal. As an escort, you usually rarely have any spare money, and even if you do, you always carry it with you.

After taking back the key, Zhang Tie took a long breath, turned around and walked away. He was going to inquire about Deng Wei's whereabouts and then bid farewell to Deng Wei.

 Thanks for the rewards of drifting at any time!

(End of this chapter)

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