Chapter 123 The perfect end
In the lobby of the Biancheng County Yamen, He Hansheng's performance has already made everyone understand that this person has indeed stolen the plaintiff's money, but this alone is not enough, and reasonable evidence must be produced.

It is impossible for Zhang Shun to do things hastily in front of everyone, it will leave an image of fooling everyone in front of everyone, he must produce sufficient evidence to prove that He Hansheng stole the money, and he must be convinced, so that he can be recognized by the people in Biancheng County. Make a good impression on your heart.

Sitting in the high hall, Zhang Shun took a careful look at the expressions of the two kneeling on the ground, thinking in his heart how to prove that the money belonged to Han Xuemin.

"He Hansheng, show me your purse."

Zhang Shun asked He Hansheng, who was kneeling on the ground, to check the purse, and gave Qiao Shan in the audience a wink, and Qiao Shan, who understood, walked up to He Hansheng.

After receiving the money bag from He Hansheng, he frowned slightly, then turned around and came to the high hall, holding the money bag in both hands, and placed it on the desk in front of Zhang Shun.

The money bag is made of ordinary cloth, and it is bulging at this time, obviously there is a lot of goods in it.

As soon as the money bag was placed on the desk in front of Zhang Shun, a foul smell came over his face, making Zhang Shun slightly frowned.

Zhang Shun picked up the money bag and opened the connector, revealing a lot of copper coins and broken silver inside. There were oily spots on the numerous copper coins and broken silver, and the anger was coming from above.

Looking at the oil splashes on the copper coins and broken silver, Zhang Shun's eyes lit up, and a flash of lightning flashed in his heart. He quickly looked at the two people kneeling below again, especially their hands, with the same expression on their faces.

"He Hansheng, can you tell me what you do for a living?"

Looking at He Hansheng below, Zhang Shun asked unhurriedly, with a slightly delicate tone, as if he already had the chance to win.

Qiao Shan, who knew something about it, looked at Zhang Shun suspiciously. Usually, when Zhang Shun showed such an expression, it must be because he already had thoughts and judgments in his heart.

"Back to the adults, the villain sells firewood."

He Hansheng seemed to have regained his composure, and he no longer hesitated to speak, but he still didn't dare to raise his head, for fear of seeing Zhang Shun's sword-like eyes again.

"Oh, is that so? You are actually selling firewood? Then, can you tell me why the money in your purse is sticky with oil, and it still smells like oil? It's not true!"

There was a loud bang, but it was Zhang Shun who picked up the gavel and slammed it on the desk when he told the truth.

He Hansheng was already guilty, and Zhang Shun presented the evidence, He Hansheng was frightened by the loud noise and collapsed to the ground.

"I'm recruiting, I'm recruiting, it's all because of my obsession. I accidentally saw Han Xuewen counting copper coins on the stall. Thinking that there was no rice coin at home, I was born out of courage and stole Han Xuewen while he was selling meat. The money bag was transferred to my money bag, and it was brought here by the butcher who was not expecting to see it."

"I also hope that the adults will show mercy."

While He Hansheng was talking, he kowtowed to Zhang Shun in the high hall. Unfortunately, it was too late. If he had admitted it from the beginning, perhaps Zhang Shun would have given him a lighter sentence. Now, it can only be said that he committed the crime himself. .

Zhang Shun took a red sign from the desk and threw it in front of He Hansheng. A big cross was written on the red sign with a brush.

"Left and right, pull him out and beat him ten times, and all the money will belong to Han Xuewen."

As soon as the words fell, four yamen servants stepped forward immediately, and were about to drag He Hansheng out of the lobby.

Just outside the door of the lobby, not far in front of the crowd, there is a long bench, which is specially used for giving people a board.

"My lord, have mercy, my lord, I don't dare anymore, never dare again!"

He Hansheng, who was held up by two yamen servants, desperately shouted for mercy, but he didn't dare to move his body. He obediently let the two yamen servants lead him out of the lobby, but Zhang Shun in the lobby didn't even look at him.

Holding the money bag, he came down to the high hall in person, first pulled Han Xuewen up from the ground, then stuffed the money bag into Han Xuewen's hands, and said: "The money is not revealed, and you have some faults in this matter. This time, I have to show the money strictly, so as not to be stolen again."

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord! The grass people will definitely remember it in their hearts."

Han Xuewen, who was holding the money bag, took several steps back and saluted Zhang Shun.

And when Han Xuewen saluted Zhang Shun in the lobby, four yamen servants had already taken He Hansheng outside the hall.

The two yamen servants pushed He Hansheng down on the bench with his buttocks up, and then took off He Hansheng's pants in front of everyone, revealing his gray buttocks.

The other two yamen servants held killing power sticks and slapped He Hansheng's buttocks hard.

Ten large boards, whether it is light or heavy, depends entirely on the way the executioner uses force.

The four yamen servants were the first to be blessed by Zhang Shun, so their strength was about three times that of ordinary people. If they really hit He Hansheng with all their strength, it would probably take only two sticks to kill He Hansheng.

However, when Zhang Shun lost the red lottery, he had already indicated that he was just punishing him a little bit. The two executioners were also familiar with it, so they naturally knew how to deal with it.

Although he didn't try his best, after ten boards, He Hansheng was torn apart and his butt was smashed.

The ninja was in pain, He Hansheng moved slowly and walked out of the crowd under the mocking eyes of the crowd.

"Okay, my lord judges cases like a god."

I don't know who took the lead to say something, and everyone outside the hall followed suit, constantly praising Zhang Shun's performance and how fast the case was resolved.

In fact, this case is not very capable, as long as it is a person who observes carefully, it is not difficult to deal with this case.

It's just because Zhang Shun has always had a good attitude in the hearts of the people. He wiped out the bandits, reopened the school, and paid for the sanitation of Biancheng County with his own money. These are his contributions to Biancheng County.

Everyone has been watching it and remembering it in their hearts. Now that Zhang Shun handles the case so easily, he will naturally be loved by everyone.

The whole day, except for the meal time, Zhang Shun was in the lobby to deal with the cases, but most of them were trivial matters, such as which chickens went to another family's field to eat, and then the dealer sued him in the lobby.

Originally, these small matters, that is, civil cases, could be handled by Bo Guo Mingjian and others.

However, today was the first time for Zhang Shun, and due to his own personality, he still took over these cases. He didn't finish all the cases until the sun was about to set and after the end of the hall.

After the lobby is the second hall, where civil cases are handled.When adjudicating a case in the second hall, the county magistrate usually tells the plaintiff and the defendant some principles such as the three cardinal guides and the five constant rules, so as to achieve the purpose of resolving disputes. Generally, criminal penalties are rarely used, but if the parties are obsessed and stubborn, then they have to use punishment.

With the sound of a drum, it was sworn that the interrogation was over.

Dragging his tired body, although his physical attributes had been strengthened by the system, Zhang Shun still felt exhausted from the day's mental work, so he went back to the backyard, and after dinner, he went directly back to the house to sleep.

However, Zhang Shun never thought that although he was tired today, what he gained was definitely worth the money.

 There is one or two chapters left, I will post them tonight

(End of this chapter)

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