Chapter 13 Departure
The next night, Zhang Tie, who bid farewell to his family, stepped out of the house alone, and it was time to report through the Escort Bureau.

When we arrived at the bodyguard bureau, the sun was already gone, and we nodded with the guard as a greeting.

After entering the Escort, he first reported to Coach Deng, and then went back to the dormitory. The dormitory was still the same as when Zhang Tie left, and there was no change at all. Obviously, Zhang Tie’s other roommates had not returned to the Escort, which made Zhang Tie I have to think about the worst, maybe... I have been killed.

This world has no electricity, no lights, no mobile phones, no computers.As soon as it got dark, I almost had a rest, just in response to the saying 'work at sunrise and rest at sunset'.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no place for entertainment at all, casinos and women's branches, but for these two, Zhang Tie can only hehe. For those who have played Landlords, the casinos in this world are completely If you are not interested, there is no need to talk about the second one.

Although there is a system in hand, who knows if something will happen, if he wins, it will be game over, he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep quietly.

It was always early in the winter morning, so I brought a change of clothes and checked the weapons to see if I missed anything.

When you come out of the dormitory, the escort agency will prepare dry food and the like, but if you feel bad, you can bring it yourself if you don't mind the trouble.

In front of the door of the Escort, there were carriages full of large boxes with seals on them.The general escort agencies only have a small number of carriages, or even no carriages, only carts.

The Deng Family Escort Bureau is rich and powerful, and they all use horse-drawn carriages. Escort masters with horses will bring their own mounts to escort the darts. Using horse-drawn carriages can not only transport more goods, but also transport them much faster.

Other escort agencies have a three-day journey, but the Deng's escort agency only needs one day. It is the existence of this efficiency that makes the Deng's escort agency famous in Yanzhou.

The starting point of the Deng Family Escort is obviously not on the same starting line as other Escorts.Although the cost of each dart bet is higher than others, it is only the extra money for raising horses.

Raising horses is a bit more expensive, but it is incomparable with the money earned from betting on darts. It saves transportation time, which means that you can bet on darts a few more times. Such a virtuous circle will naturally make a lot of money, otherwise Deng Every family will not think about setting up branch offices in other continents.

This time the darts were filled with seven carriages, two miscellaneous goods, one carriage was loaded with dry food, and the other was loaded with forage.

This time, all the people who were going to bet on the darts came to the carriage. From the waist cards, it can be seen that there are 4 iron cards and 7 wooden cards, that is, 4 bodyguards and 7 trippers.

When the last carriage was about to be full, Coach Deng led a middle-aged man in a robe.

Instructor Deng introduced to all the bodyguards: "This is Chief Wen, the guide of the party in charge of this escort. This time, your place of escort is Qingzhou Zhoucheng. Mr. Wenchang will lead the way. Mr. Wenchang, they are Ben. This time, the dart guard, I hope you have a happy cooperation."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. The rest of the matter would naturally be taken over by someone. He still had other things to do.

"Guardians, it's up to you to escort the escort this time. You have worked hard." Wen Chang imitated the Jianghu people and saluted Zhang Tiemen with his hands clasped together.

"Where is it? Mr. Lao Wen must lead the way. To be honest, I have never been to Qingzhou!"

The oldest bodyguard among the 4 bodyguards came out and returned a clasped fist.

This bodyguard is Yang Zilin, the leader of the bodyguard escort this time, and he belongs to Deng Erye Deng Botou's subordinates. The other two, including Zhang Tie, belong to Deng Botou.

They flattered each other a few more words, and finally Yang Zilin ended the topic.

"Mr. Wen, you see that the goods have been transferred, can we set off on the road?"

It turned out that the last forage had already been loaded.

"Okay, let's start now, thank you everyone!"

【Ding!Mission Tips]

【Escort Mission】

[Task content: Deliver the goods to Qingzhou City. 】

[Task reward: experience 3000, system currency 1300. 】

[Whether to accept: 'Yes' 'No']


Each of the seven riders got into a carriage, and the driving of the carriage was naturally left to them, with their sabers put aside.

Yang Zilin rode in front on horseback, Wen Chang sat in the first carriage, and the rest of the bodyguards sat in different carriages. Zhang Tie naturally sat in the last hay carriage. Because this tripper is the person Zhang Tie is most familiar with outside of Coach Deng in the Escort.

It was none other than Ma Chao,
The road in the town is not very spacious, and one has to be careful when driving a horse-drawn carriage. The speed is almost as fast as a person's walking. The horse-drawn carriage left the town in an orderly manner and came to the official road.

After coming to the official road, the carriage began to accelerate slightly, but it was not very fast, only a little faster than that of a human being. After all, this was a long journey, and it was still a carriage full of goods. It could not run too fast, otherwise the entire carriage would be overwhelmed. Lose.

After getting on the official road, the horse will usually walk along the road until someone drives it, and then it will change direction.

"Brother Chao, how many times has this been the dart? I didn't expect to bet with you this time,"

On the forage cart at the end, Zhang Tie chatted with Ma Chao.

Ma Chao glanced at the bow and arrow on Zhang Tie's back, his eyes were full of envy, he held the rope in his hand, and controlled the horse to turn slightly,

"This is my sixth time to bet on a dart, and Coach Deng said that I can be promoted to be a dart master after finishing this time."

A look of surprise appeared on Zhang Tie's face, and he asked puzzledly: "Isn't it true that if you enter the bodyguard bureau, you will become a bodyguard master? Brother Chao, how do you say that you have to bet the bodyguard before you can be promoted to a bodyguard master?"

Ma Chao knew that Zhang Tie was a fresh newcomer, so he didn't think it was inappropriate to say this, nor would he think it was mocking him.When Ma Chao himself first joined the Escort, he spent most of the three months explaining the basic work of an Escort, as well as the experience of the world and martial arts practice, and he did not explain these at all.

Ma Chao glanced at the road, he was straightforward, and replied patiently: "You don't become a bodyguard master just after entering the bodyguard bureau. You have to become a trooper first, and you will be promoted to a bodyguard master after you have a few times of experience as a bodyguard."

Having said that, Ma Chao took another look at Zhang Tie with the bow and arrow on his back, and raised his eyebrows.

"As for why you were able to become a bodyguard master as soon as you entered the bodyguard bureau, and you skipped the hand, it's because you are a capable person. I saw you when you were shooting arrows the other day. Needless to say, you are really powerful."

"Hehe, where is it?"

Zhang Tie was a little stunned, "It turns out that the Escort Bureau still has such a saying, and it really has its own rules."

"You kid is really a freak, you don't need to aim at the time when you shoot an arrow."

Zhang Tie laughed, he couldn't say that he didn't need to aim at the time because he had a system, so he quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, Brother Chao, how much is this bet on darts?"

Ma Chao thought for a while, sorted it out, and then said: "I can't be sure about this, and I have to pay according to the actual situation. If you have more goods, you will be given more, if you have less goods, you will be given less, and if the distance is far, you will be given more. The shorter the distance, the less."

"For this matter, you have to do more and do less, but the escort agency will still give you money every month, but you can also eat with the money. If you want to live a healthy life, you have to rely on more escorts. .”

"Looking at how young you are now, bet on darts a few more times. If you have money, don't spend it recklessly. Save it to get a good wife. Don't be like me. You spend all your money and you're still a bachelor. I'm so sorry!"

Zhang Tie was stunned, why did everyone say this? At home, Zhang Sanfeng and his wife were also saying that they had taken a fancy to a woman for him a few days ago, but now that they knew Zhang Tie's ability, they felt that women were not good. In this era of being well-matched, it is obvious that Zhang Tie's parents have to find their next target again.

 Request collection
(End of this chapter)

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