Chapter 149 Special Shield
Outside the west gate of Yan'an County, following Zhang Tie's answer, the common people guarded by bandits burst into tears.

The bandit leader on horseback was stunned on his horseback. He didn't expect the people on the city wall to reject his request so quickly.

Originally, he thought that the soldiers on the city wall would definitely think for a long time before giving an answer. As for the answer, it didn't mean much to him.

Because he knew that the leader of the soldiers in the city would never surrender, because there were more people in the rear, and it was impossible to surrender just because of more than 300 people.

He used the lives of these people as conditions. The main purpose of doing so was to disturb the morale of the soldiers on the city wall, disrupt their mentality, and lower the morale of the soldiers in Yan'an County. It would be more beneficial when they attacked the city.

The bandit leader squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Tie on the city wall, "It seems that the soldier stationed at the west gate is not from the county, otherwise he would not have answered so quickly, and the soldiers around him did not respond. It seems that , the people above are the ones who attacked Hongyang and the others last night."

A bandit came to the side of the bandit leader on horseback and said to him: "Boss, they won't surrender, why don't they kill a group of people first and show the people on the city wall to test the situation? "

The bandit leader shook his head slightly, pointed at the soldiers on the west gate wall, and said to the people beside him, "Don't try, they won't surrender, because they are not from Yan'an County at all."

"In this case, boss, why don't you kill these people and show the people on the city wall a good look."

The bandit who killed the young people just now stood in front of the people and said to the bandit leader in front of him.

After he finished speaking, he licked his dry lips, played a trick, and stared at the civilians with their hands tied with bloodthirsty eyes. In his eyes, the more than 300 ordinary people in front of him seemed to have become a group of people waiting to be slaughtered. of livestock.

The people whose hands were bound closed their eyes in despair, and stopped shouting, knowing that no matter how much they said, it was useless. Now the soldiers on the city wall have abandoned them, and the only way left is death. .


The bandit leader shook his head slowly, turned his horse's head, and looked at the people waiting to be slaughtered expressionlessly, "There is no need to kill them now, it is still useful to keep them."

When they heard that they didn't need to be killed, the commoners all looked happy, thinking that the bandits were going to let them go, but the next sentence was to let them know that the reality is always so cruel.

In this world, being weak is the original sin, you can't become strong, you can only become someone else's fish on the board.

"And this purpose is to serve as a human shield for us."


With the order of the bandit leader, the siege battle officially began.

More than 300 people in Yan'an were scattered by bandits, and more than 800 bandits were mixed among them, including archers with bows and arrows, spearmen with long spears, and sword and shield soldiers with one knife and shield.

However, among these bandits, the shields of the sword and shield soldiers were obviously made of wood in a hurry, and they all looked a little new, and the wooden boards on the shields still had resin.

Such a wooden shield has a pitifully low ability to resist blows, and at most it can withstand a few shots of bows and arrows. Once faced with a close-up attack from a weapon, it is estimated that it is only a matter of one blow, and this temporary wooden shield will be broken directly. .

Engineering equipment such as ladders and crash cars were also carried or pushed by some bandits to walk around the common people.

There are also more than 300 other bandits holding knives and shields. This group of bandits is obviously the elite of these bandits, because they are much better than the previous bandits in terms of weapons and equipment.

Some of the weapons in the hands of the bandits in front have gaps, but the weapons in the hands of these bandits are intact.

Then there is the shield. The bandits in front can only say that they are wooden boards, not shields. The shields in the hands of the bandits in the back are much better than the shields in the hands of the bandits in front. At least they are covered with iron sheets. with.

He was also wearing a uniform cotton armor, which was exactly the same as the armor worn by soldiers in Yan'an County.

In the end, there were only more than 20 bandits riding on horses, and the leader of the bandits was among them.

These bandits on horseback are the leaders of more than 1000 bandits, and the bandit leader here is the leader of the bandits who ate the soldiers of Yan'an County.

Not to mention the weapons and equipment on his body, they must be equipped with the best weapons and armor.

The formation formed by bandits attacking Yan'an County can be described as quite vicious.

Seeing the bandits advancing outside the city, Zhang Tie felt like his head was going to grow bigger. The actions of the bandits put Zhang Tie in a dilemma.

If you want to defend the city gate, you can't let the bandits carry the ladders and crash cars to the city wall and the city gate, otherwise the city gate will definitely cause a lot of panic and damage the morale of the soldiers.

Coupled with the fact that the number of bandits is dominant, once the city gate is lost, the number of bandits far exceeds that of Zhang Tie and others, so it is impossible to stop the actions of these many bandits.

At that time, once bandits rush into the city and carry out burning, killing and looting, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties to the people.

Moreover, the bandits not only have an advantage in numbers, but they are all desperadoes. Even if Zhang Tie's subordinates are all far superior to ordinary people, if he wants to completely eliminate these bandits, he will probably not suffer any casualties. This is also difficult for Zhang Tie to accept.

There is a saying that kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself by eight hundred. If Zhang Tie cannot solve these problems, the consequences will definitely be the same as above. It will be a matter of time before the city gate is smashed open by a car.

However, this problem is a very headache for Zhang Tie.

The bandits used more than 300 civilians as human shields and followed them themselves. This made it difficult for Zhang Tie to make a decision and could not give the order to shoot.

Zhang Tie can accept the death of ordinary people at the hands of bandits. After all, bandits did it, so there will be no burden in his heart. At most, he will kill these bandits later and avenge them.

But once the shooting is ordered, these civilians who are used by bandits as human shields will definitely be killed by mistake. In this way, these civilians are equivalent to being directly killed by Zhang Tie. This is something Zhang Tie cannot accept. .

Although there are nearly fifty archers among the soldiers brought by Zhang Tie, in terms of accuracy, even at a distance of 50 meters, they still can't achieve the effect of hitting every shot.

That is to say, once Zhang Tie gave the order to shoot, it was tantamount to abandoning the people outside the city, and the archers who were not accurate would accidentally injure the civilians.

This is completely contrary to Zhang Tie's original intention. If the soldiers guarding the city were soldiers on the border, they would probably directly give orders to shoot everyone outside the city, because their mission is to guard the border and prevent the enemy from advancing rashly.

We will not give up more people for the sake of hundreds of people because of small losses.

Among Zhang Tie's current troops, Zhang Tie and Jiang Jianhua are the only ones who can hit every shot at a distance of 50 meters.

In addition, there is Yan Beichen who uses a flying knife, but the effective distance of the flying knife is too short, and it can't be thrown that far yet.

There are only two people, and it is not enough to face more than 1000 bandits.

ps: I’m going back to school soon, and I have more than 2000 rapeseeds at home waiting for me to squeeze oil, so, as usual, the second update will be later.

(End of this chapter)

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