Chapter 15
Just after dawn, the members of the Escort put their horses on the carriage, Yang Escort went to bid farewell to the village, the team slowly left the village, returned to the official road, and continued on their way.

Along the way, the convoy spent four days safely. Escort Yang is obviously an experienced old escort. Along the way, he can always find a village to stay in before dark.

There are naturally towns on the road, but the escorts will generally not enter the towns unless they arrive at the escort location or there is insufficient supplies.

People in cities and towns are overcrowded, and mistakes may be made. One more thing is worse than one less thing. If you can avoid causing trouble, try not to do so.

During these four days, during the first two days when eating, the two brothers Wang Baodong could always be seen beside Zhang Tie. Every meal time, the two brothers Wang Baodong would have the cheek to get some meat from Zhang Tie.

Two days after arriving, the entire convoy had to go to Zhang Tie's to get a piece or two of air-dried meat during meals. For a while, Zhang Tie was happy but speechless.

Naturally, he was happy because he had established a good relationship with the people in the team, and the most important thing was that these people could be recruited. But Wuyu was helpless at the shamelessness of the escorts.

The time could not be seen in February, the weather was much warmer, and the road was much easier to walk.

However, things in the world are always unpredictable. No, when the sun was in the west, the team had an accident.

The axle of a carriage was broken. For such accidents, the experienced bodyguards repaired the axle and replaced it quickly. The convoy continued on the road.

But misfortunes never come singly, the axle of another carriage broke, and the axles of carriages were damaged one after another, letting everyone know that things were no longer simple, and everyone looked serious.

Escort Yang came to the side of the broken carriage, and said to the other escorts with a serious face: "It seems that we will not be able to reach the expected village today, and everyone knows that if we continue walking, there must be some broken carriages. Here, everyone takes safety measures, and other people accompany me to check other vehicles, and replace them if they find something wrong."

Turning around, he said to Wen Chang beside him: "Mr. Wen, this is the only way to go today, please forgive me for the delay."

Wen Chang shook his head, how could he not understand the current situation, and said kindly: "What Yang Biaoshi said, there is a reason for this, I can understand it, Yang Biaoshi is being polite."

Wen Chang's voice was soft and gentle, which was very comfortable to listen to. All the bodyguards seemed to be much calmer under this voice.

And when Escort Yang said to take safety measures, Zhang Tie also received the task.

【Ding!Task reminder! 】

【Safety Measures】

[Task content: The sun is about to set, assist everyone to establish safety measures,]

[Task reward: experience 500, system currency 300. 】

[Whether to accept: 'Yes', 'No']


Zhang Tie doesn't know how to repair cars, so he can only build tents and the wood to burn at night. The tents are all ready-made, and the wood for the fire is mainly used.

Although there are mountains and forests on both sides of the official road, there are many trees, but not all wood can be burned. Burning raw wood will produce thick smoke, which is very harmful to the human body. Only dry wood can be used to light fire.

He kept searching for dry wood near the carriage. When the wood was almost there, it was already dark.

The tent of the convoy has been set up, the vehicles have been checked, and some items that are about to break down have been replaced. We can start again tomorrow morning.

【Ding!Complete the task and get rewards, experience 500, system currency 300. 】

It was night, after dinner, the other bodyguards had gone to rest, leaving Zhang Tie and Ma Chao beside the fire.

Today it's Zhang Tie and Ma Chao's turn to keep watch in the middle of the night. For Zhang Tie, the night watch should not be too easy. Everything within a radius of 2100 meters is on Zhang Tie's map. The horses and escorts are small green dots, light gray The dots are animals that will not attack people, and the red dots represent hostile animals.

Naturally, Zhang Tie also received a new task.

【Ding!Task reminder! 】

【Night Watch】

[Task content: Inspecting the convoy for the first half of the night]

[Task reward: experience 500, system currency 300. 】

[Whether to accept: 'Yes', 'No']

Usually, it is not easy to concentrate on the map while on the road. When watching the night, it is natural that you can often concentrate on the map.

There are many gray dots and red dots on the map. Most of the gray dots are motionless, most of them are animals that are still hibernating. The red dots are very active. The nearest red dot is 500 meters away.

Chatting with Ma Chao from time to time, listening to Ma Chao talking about some men who understand things, and then patrolling around the convoy again.

Before I knew it, it was late at night, and in half an hour it would be time for handover.

Ma Chao was already drowsy, his eyes were open in a daze, and he kept lowering his head.

Looking at Ma Chao, who was already falling asleep, Zhang Tie also had some understanding, "He's falling asleep now! It seems that driving during the day is quite tiring, so I'd better keep watch at night, and don't make any trouble."

Because Zhang Tie has some high intelligence attributes, he is full of energy and thinking faster than ordinary people, without the slightest sense of fatigue.

I glanced at the map habitually, and suddenly found that there are more than 100 red dots within 30 meters, and they are still approaching slowly.

At the same time, a hint appeared on Zhang Tie's retina.

【Ding!Mission Tips]

【Urgent task】

[Mission Content: Survive under the attack of wolves]

[Task Reward: Experience 3000, System Coin 500]

[Task Status: In Progress]

This is because the system does not prompt whether to accept the task, so it is obviously a mandatory task or a task that must be done.

He hurriedly walked to the carriage and used the zoom mode in the direction of the red dot. In the dark forest, a pair of bright eyes stared at the convoy in the cool moonlight.

Even in the dark night, the moonlight is not very bright, but there is still no reservation under Zhang Tie's eyes with a magnifying effect. Those eyes reflect the light, and they are vicious wolves, hungry wolves with slobber all over their heads. .

Clenching the bow and arrow in his hand, his breathing was a little short, Zhang Tie quickly lowered his voice and shouted.

"Get up, get up, there is a situation! There is a situation! Ma Chao! Wake everyone up!"

Ma Chao, who had been drowsy just now, woke up in an instant. Before he could ask any more questions, he hurried into the tent and woke everyone up.

The bodyguards would sleep without taking off their clothes when escorting the bodyguards, and they would put their weapons beside them. After a while, the bodyguards all came to the carriage.

Escort Yang glanced at the crouching wolves in the distance and took a breath.

"It's the Timberwolves. There are at least 20 of them. I'm afraid it will be troublesome this time. Everyone relies on the carriage to defend."

In fact, there were more than 30 forest wolves, and Zhang Tie didn't say anything about some of them where the bodyguards couldn't see, for fear of disturbing the minds of the bodyguards.

"Zhang Tie will stay by Mr. Wen's side later. Be sure to protect Mr. Wen."

【Ding!Task reminder! 】

【Protection chief】

[Task content: Protect Wenchang from being harmed in this attack. 】

[Task reward: experience 2000, system currency 800. 】

[Whether to accept: 'Yes', 'No']


"Okay." Zhang Tie responded, glanced at Mr. Wen, and found that his face remained unchanged, his hands drooping naturally, and he couldn't help admiring him.

Zhang Tie is sorry for experiencing the strange dream last time, which gave Zhang Tie a bloody experience, otherwise he would definitely be trembling now.

Timberwolves are mostly nocturnal, with a keen sense of smell and good hearing.Alert, suspicious, good at running, strong endurance, sharp teeth, often use the method of hot pursuit to obtain prey, and often hunt in groups.

It was early spring, and the hibernating animals hadn't come out yet, so the Timberwolves must be very hungry, otherwise they wouldn't approach the official road and attack the crowd.

Just as Escort Yang finished speaking, there was a wolf roar from the wolves in the distance. Obviously, the wolves noticed that the convoy had woken up, and a sneak attack was impossible.

With the howling of wolves, all the wolves attacked at such a fast speed that they were under the carriage in a blink of an eye.

At the same time as the pack of wolves attacked, Zhang Tie also shot the arrow in his hand, and with a pop, the arrow pierced the head of the first wolf. It is said that wolves have copper heads, iron bones and tofu waists. It can be seen that Zhang Tie shot Arrows are powerful.

Before the wolves rushed to the carriage, Zhang Tie had already shot four arrows one after another, and the arrows hit, and four more Timberwolves died on the way to the charge.

Zhang Tie's bravery greatly encouraged everyone in the Escort, each of them clenched their weapons tightly and swung at the attacking wolf.

Zhang Tie had already lost his bow and arrow when the wolf came over. Now that he is fighting hand-to-hand, if he uses a bow and arrow again, he may accidentally injure his own people at any time.

He pulled out the iron knife at his waist, took off the Eternal Armor on his back, stepped into the carriage circle, and stood beside Wen Chang.

All the bodyguards desperately resisted the wolves. Although the bodyguards were all extraordinary existences and had weapons in their hands, not everyone had the perverted attributes like Zhang Tie. At least two wolves were also besieging here. If there was no carriage, someone would have died in an instant.

The two wolves bypassed the bodyguard in front and came to the carriage circle. The two wolves looked at where Zhang Tie was, but did not even look at the trembling horses in the corner.

Wolves are smart hunters, they know what a siege is, and they know to hunt the standing and walking bodyguards in front of them first, and those who are wielding weapons are their priority hunting targets.

The two wolves approached Zhang Tie and Wen Chang from left to right. The two wolves opened their mouths wide, revealing their sharp teeth. There was still traces of saliva on the teeth. The two wolves jumped on their hind legs and attacked Zhang Tie, who was holding a weapon. In the eyes of wolves, Zhang Tie is the most threatening person.

 Ask for collection, please recommend!Thank you for your childish maturity and the cloudless sky, thank you for your support.


(End of this chapter)

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