Chapter 167 Tara Attacks
In the food area inside the bunker in Biancheng County, the residue on the ground tells that a celebration banquet was held here yesterday.

The accompanying five or six handymen were cleaning up the residues on the ground, and some chefs were cooking dishes in the kitchen, preparing to cook a hearty breakfast for the soldiers.

The soldiers stationed in the bunker had already woken up. Although they ate and drank crazily last night, they all got up early the next morning and started their daily drills in the special square. ,
On the drill field outside the bunker, the soldiers were really rehearsing their formation, mainly the formation training of the sword and shield soldiers.

The archers practice shooting freely on the sidelines.

Zhang Tieyou walked between the formations of the sword and shield soldiers, correcting the soldiers who were standing in the wrong position and holding the wrong shield.

Although Zhang Tie didn't know the specific drill techniques, after accompanying He Pojun for a period of time, he still learned a lot about basic formations.

For those who have experienced the data explosion, it is much easier to absorb this knowledge than the natives.

Zhang Tie came to a soldier and helped the soldier adjust the position of the shield, "Pay attention here, the shield in your hand should be raised higher, yes, that's it, only in this way can you protect your teammate on the left and not be caught The stream shot."

The soldier corrected by Zhang Tie nodded his head, indicating that he understood.

When he came to another soldier who raised his shield incorrectly, Zhang Tie was about to help him correct it. Suddenly he felt the ground shaking, and it became stronger and stronger, which instantly changed Zhang Tie's face.

Not only Zhang Tie felt the vibrations on the ground, but also some of the soldiers on the edge, and their expressions all changed suddenly.

Regarding the vibration of this frequency, they all knew that such a powerful vibration could only be produced when a large group of cavalry ran together.

As the soldiers of Biancheng County, they were not unfamiliar with the vibration of this strong attack, on the contrary, they were very familiar with it.

This is when the Mongolian cavalry who come to Biancheng County to fight the grass valley pass by every year, there will be such a shock.

A soldier said to Zhang Tie with a dignified expression, "My lord! They are Mongolians! Absolutely!"

The other soldiers also spoke one after another, all with solemn expressions, because they all knew how scary and difficult the Mongols were.

And just as the soldier spoke, Zhang Tie also found a large number of black spots on the system map coming from the prairie, moving very fast.

At the same time, a system prompt appeared on Zhang Tie's retina.

【Ding!Task reminder! 】

[The Mongols are attacking! 】

[Mission content: The Mongolian country that is connected to your border city county has launched a plunder to the border city county, defeating their vanguard, preventing them from crossing the border and endangering your people. 】

[Task rewards: experience +100000, system currency +30000, reputation +1000, honor +5, domination +2. 】

[Punishment for failure: People's hearts in Biancheng County -50, the prosperity of Biancheng County is reduced, and attributes are randomly reduced by 5 points. 】

[Hint: When the popularity of the people is -5, the people will revolt against your rule. 】

It is also the case that Zhang Tie is not given whether to accept or not, which shows that this task is a compulsory task.

And compared to before, there is also a task penalty this time, which will not only reduce the popularity of Biancheng County, but also randomly reduce Zhang Tie's 5D attributes by [-] points.

All this happened in an instant. Zhang Tie, who came back to his senses, immediately set off and ran into the bunker, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Everyone return to the bunker immediately and prepare to defend against the enemy."

Because of the need to train soldiers, Zhang Tie did not bring his other equipment with him except Pojun, but put them all in his sleeping place.

The soldiers who were still outside followed Zhang Tie and entered the bunker.

For the Mongols, it is natural to be careful. This is not a bandit with a little force, but a Mongol who is proficient in riding and shooting.

Only through the function of the city wall can they be resisted, otherwise they will only become living targets if they fall outside to fight with them. The Mongols' archery skills are not bragging.

What's more, the Mongols all have horses, two-legged, how can they fight with the four-legged Mongols.

He hastily took away his weapons, the guard of honor Fang Tian's painted halberd and the black lacquer bow, holding the black lacquered bow in one hand and the guard of honor Fang Tian's painted halberd in the other, Zhang Tie trotted to the top of the bunker.

Thick black smoke came from the top of the bunker, it was really a wolf smoke used to convey news.

Beacon smoke is a firework signal lit by frontier guards on the beacon tower when they discover the enemy's situation.

Although it is called "wolf smoke", it does not actually use wolf dung as a raw material. If wolf dung is used as fuel, it is difficult to collect a large amount of wolf dung, and the smoke from burning wolf dung does not rise straight.

Populus euphratica, red willow, apocynum, achnatherum, white ci, camel grass, licorice, dry reed, Haloxylon, etc. grow in the desert, all of which can be used as fuel.

As soon as he noticed the ground shaking, Cao Shuangxi immediately ran to the top of the bunker and lit the combustibles placed on the top.

When Zhang Tie had just climbed above the bunker, the other soldiers were already standing by the wall, looking towards the prairie to the north.

More than 200 Mongolians rushed from the grassland to the bunker. These Mongolians were naturally Jin Kela and his party from the Tara tribe.

Although there were two bunkers connected to Mongolia, Jin Kela felt that the middle one was easier, so he took the lead to come to Zhang Tie's bunker first, and planned to solve the middle bunker first.

Looking solemnly at the Mongolians coming from afar, Zhang Tie clearly saw the expressions of the Mongolians coming through the magnification effect. The ferocious look on their faces let Zhang Tie know that these people came with no kindness.

"After the opponent enters the range, the archers can shoot freely, and the sword and shield soldiers should pay attention to protecting the archers."

Without thinking too much, Zhang Tie directly gave the order to shoot, and sometimes it was better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster.

Even without any systematic prompts, Zhang Tie knew that these people were definitely here to hunt for grass.

The colleague who gave the order, Zhang Tie himself, was not idle. He put down the guard of honor, Fang Tian drew his halberd, picked up the black lacquered bow, put on a straight arrow, aimed at No.1 at the front, and let go of his right hand holding the arrow.

And the Mongol targeted by Zhang Tie was Jin Kela, who told him to charge at the front, and he was also wearing armor, which other Mongols did not have. He knew at a glance that he was the leader of these Mongols.

Although Jin Kela and the others are still 500 meters away, they are not within the range of everyone's bow and arrow, but for Zhang Tie, this distance is within his range because he has a [balanced black lacquer bow].


There was a powerful cracking sound, and when the arrow was shot, a whirlwind hung from the arrow, blowing the hair on Zhang Tie's forehead, and making Zhang Tie squint his eyes subconsciously, and moved his hand holding the black lacquered bow slightly to the left. a little.


In an instant, the arrow shot not far from Jin Kela's side, and pierced into one person's chest.

The man let out a last scream, and passed away, dying under Zhang Tie's arrow.


After the arrow pierced the people around them, Jin Kela and the others heard the whistling sound and knew that someone had shot an arrow at them.

Subconsciously, he looked towards the place where the screams were coming from, but what he saw made Jin Kela's pupils shrink, the hair on his body stood up, and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead.

Jin Kela was like this, not to mention the other members of the Tara tribe, they all secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

It's not that they haven't seen a sharpshooter, but it's because they often contact with a sharpshooter that they know how terrifying this arrow is.

Seeing the arrow before hearing the wind, if it was shot at any of them, they would be irresistible.

"Zhe Farewell?!"

Jin Gaila said with difficulty, with an unbelievable look in his tone. This Zhebie was not called Zhebie from the Tara tribe, but meant to be a sharpshooter.

No wonder he was so surprised, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful arrow that could shoot such a long distance.

Despite this incident, the herdsmen of the Tara tribe still did not stop moving forward.

The fear just now was just a human's instinctive reaction. Although they were afraid of the power of an arrow, it did not make them weak and they still charged towards the bunker.

And they all know that there is no limit to the number of arrows they hit, and they are not afraid of their personal strength. With their bows and arrows, they don't believe that anyone can stop their attack.


With a roar, Jin Kela took the lead in heading towards the bunker.

ps: Chapter 2, I don’t know if there is a typo.Khan ("▔?▔) Khan?
(End of this chapter)

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