Chapter 17
Eternal King slapped a wolf away again, but this time it failed to hit the wolf's head, but hit the wolf's front legs. With a crisp sound, the wolf's head was not smashed, but the front legs were shot by Zhang Tie. broken.

The wolf fell to the ground, struggling to stand up again, but the broken front leg could only make the wolf keep standing and falling down.

The forest wolves are decreasing head by head, and Zhang Tie's physical strength is also constantly losing. Even with Zhang Tie's inhuman physique, he still feels tired. Originally, Zhang Tie's strength should not be exhausted so quickly in terms of Zhang Tie's attributes. That's right.

It's a pity that Zhang Tie is inexperienced, and he tries his best every time he exerts his strength. By now, his physical strength is almost exhausted. If it were someone else, he would have exhausted his strength long ago and was bitten to death by wolves.

"Damn, don't you have any strength! It seems that the way of exerting force is completely wrong!"

Hoo hoo hoo, panting heavily, Zhang Tie dodged a wolf's bite again, carefully guarding against the attacks of other wolves.

On the battlefield in his dream, Zhang Tie tried his best in every blow without reservation, and it is still the same to this day.

"Calm down, huh, huh, there are still 8 wolves now, just hang on, wait until other people come, and wipe out these wolves."

Zhang Tie put aside distracting thoughts and took the attack of the wolves seriously.

Killing a wolf again, a ferocious giant wolf had already opened its mouth and was going towards Zhang Tie's neck. Zhang Tie, who was losing his strength, could only squeeze out a little strength, and took a step to the left, avoiding the fatal blow.

Although Zhang Tie was not taken to the neck, Zhang Tie's back was scratched by the wolf's claws. Fortunately, with the equipment, the giant wolf only scratched Zhang Tie's clothes and did not hurt Zhang Tie.

Although he was not injured, Zhang Tie was bumped and took a step forward, losing his balance.

"not good!"

The moment Zhang Tie lost his balance, Zhang Tie knew he was going to suffer. Sure enough, after Zhang Tie's body balance was broken, the remaining wolves would naturally not miss this opportunity and rushed towards Zhang Tie together.

Facing the combined attack of the wolves, Zhang Tie, who was in an unbalanced state, only had time to protect his head with the Eternal Armor, exhausted his last strength, and swung the knife forward for the last time.

Pooh!The big wolf head flew into the sky.

A wolf bumped into the Eternal Palace, and the huge impact caused Zhang Tie, who had lost his strength, to fly backwards. The surrounding scenery kept flashing in front of Zhang Tie's eyes, and with a click, Zhang Tie finally fell to the ground.

Just as Zhang Tie was waiting to die, a kill prompt appeared on his retina,

【Ding!Target dies!Gain 50 experience, wolf skin x1, wolf meat 50, wolf teeth x2]

【Ding!Level up! 】

A new force surged out, allowing Zhang Tie to regain full strength in an instant.

Before he had time to think about it, Zhang Tie rolled on the spot, avoiding the deadly attack of the wolves.

Letting out a fierce breath, Zhang Tie looked at the remaining 7 wolves fiercely, showing a bloodthirsty smile.

Step, swing the knife, step, swing the knife.

After beheading two forest wolves one after another, the remaining five wolves finally became scared. Looking at Zhang Tie's non-stop hind legs, his mouth was black, and he lay down on the ground, trying to make his body smaller so that it would not be so conspicuous.

Wolves are also physical animals and intelligent creatures. Facing a more vicious man than them, they are afraid and want to escape from this vicious man.

At this moment, a wolf howl sounded, it was the voice of a wolf, and a wolf brought four wolves to the battlefield.

This wolf was recognizable as a wolf at a glance. It was bigger than all the forest wolves and very strong. The four wolves behind were also much stronger than ordinary forest wolves.

The arrival of the first wolf regained the courage of the remaining five wolves. The eyes of the last ten wolves were red, obviously planning to go all out.

Zhang Tie straddled his horse and waited silently for the final life-and-death struggle. The escorts not far away also recovered their strength and approached Zhang Tie full.

Letting out a shrill wolf howl, the alpha wolf took the lead in charging, its sharp teeth shining cold white in the moonlight.

"Kill!" The bodyguards not far away also roared and rushed towards the wolves.

With a horizontal cut, the head wolf nimbly dodged Zhang Tie's blow, and the other giant wolf behind the head wolf rushed towards Zhang Tie, much faster than ordinary forest wolves, and Zhang Tie had time to block with his shield. Unable to use all his strength to slap the giant wolf, without even thinking about it, Zhang Tie, who has a very high neural response and dynamic vision, took a few steps forward, and at the same time twisted his body backwards, using a back knife.

Not only dodged the attacks of several wolves, but also scratched the belly of a forest wolf.

"Hoo! It's dangerous!"

Zhang Tie was very thankful for the flexibility of his body, otherwise he would never have been able to do the action just now, and he would definitely be injured.

After one wave was not settled, another wave rose again, and the wolf head attacked again, and a cold light appeared in Zhang Tie's eyes.

Shen Shen dodged the blow and deliberately bought a flaw, and his back was exposed. As expected, the alpha wolf was fooled and pounced on Zhang Tie's back.

Zhang Tie turned to the right as before, and used a swinging knife to slash at the head wolf. However, Zhang Tie's slash missed the head wolf, and slashed at a giant wolf that was also pounced on Zhang Tie's back.

Everything happened in an instant. The giant wolf was split in half by the spinning knife, but the big mouth of the alpha wolf had already reached Zhang Tie's neck, and there was a trace of ridicule in the alpha wolf's eyes.

Puff, with a soft sound, the wolf's head was cut off with a knife in disbelief, as if to say, why.

【Ding!Target dies!Gain experience 1000, wolf skin x1, wolf meat 50, wolf teeth x4]

【Ding!You have killed 20 wolves, get the achievement, natural enemy of wolves. 】

[Effect: It has a scaring effect on canine animals. 】

The knife that killed the wolf was exactly a move that Zhang Tie had been practicing hard. One knife cut twice, and two swords were swung in an instant. Where the knife passed, not a blade of grass would grow.

With the death of the head wolf, the rest of the wolves lost their courage and were killed by the later bodyguards with their knives.

【Ding!Mission Tips]

[Protection mission completed]

[Task Reward: Experience 2000, System Coin 800]

【Survival mission completed】

[Task Reward: Experience 3000, System Coin 500]

On the side of the official road, after a great battle, everyone began to clean up the wounds. There were spirits and golden sore medicine on the carriage. Zhang Tie and Wen Chang, the only ones who were not injured, were busy treating the wounded. Fortunately, they were all minor injuries. There are serious injuries, only the dead and the slightly injured, and the seriously injured have no possibility of surviving under the siege of wolves.

After working for a while, everyone's wounds were treated. During the treatment, everyone looked at Zhang Tie with admiration. The strong are always admired.

【Ding!Gain reputation 30. 】

A reminder sounded, making Zhang Tie stunned for a moment, then thoughtful.

"Reputation after every battle?"

He shook his head, let go and wanted to post, there are still many things to do.

More than 30 wolves died at the scene, most of them were killed by Zhang Tie, and all of them were split in half.

According to the rules, whoever kills belongs to him, so Zhang Tie has to deal with the wolf he killed.

A wolf's body is full of treasures. Wolf fur can be used as a writing brush, and its skin can be used to make clothes. Wolf fangs are even more valuable. They are not only beautiful, sharp, and tough, but they are often made into ornaments and worn on the body. People believe that they can ward off evil spirits. .

Wolf meat is also good meat. The meat is slightly thicker than dog meat, but the taste is the same. As the saying goes, dog meat is rolled three times, and gods can’t sit still. Although it’s not dog meat, it’s okay for gods to sit still. .

Without being seen by others, Zhang Tie took out the scimitar. The iron knife was basically scrapped in yesterday's battle. There are many gaps. It is obviously unrealistic to use it to deal with the corpses. It is probably only used for smashing and chopping. up.

There is also a small gap on the scimitar, but it is harmless, and it is not a problem to deal with the wolf carcass.

When he came to the head wolf, he first peeled off 4 fangs, and then began to skin and cramp. Zhang Tie was born, and he was very slow in peeling and cramping. He finally finished the skin of a wolf. He looked up, Huo!Others have already finished it, still with injuries, and have already started to deal with the wolf that Zhang Tie killed.

Zhang Tie was slightly taken aback, and turned around to deal with the next wolf. He believed that others would not steal his spoils.

With other people's actions, it was quickly finished. As expected, everyone just helped Zhang Tie deal with the wolf corpse, silently thanking Zhang Tie for his life-saving grace.

The trophies were all loaded into the wagon with fodder. The fodder was almost gone. It happened to be used for wolf teeth, wolf skin and other things. As for the wolf meat, there was not much to carry, and we couldn't bring so much, so we had to deal with it on the spot. , as much as you can eat.

It was still dark at this time, and all this happened in about half an hour, so everyone was naturally resting.

The vigil naturally fell on Zhang Tie, who was not injured.

【Ding!Mission Tips]

【Mission Improvement】

[Task Content: Watch the night for the convoy until dawn]

[Task Reward: Experience 1000, System Coin 500]

[Whether to accept: 'Yes', 'No']


Holding the bow and arrow he picked up, Zhang Tie started the vigil in the second half of the night.

 Thank you naive, please collect it!
(End of this chapter)

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