Riding a chopping horse and stepping into the world

Chapter 172 The Double Shield School

Chapter 172 The Double Shield School
As the Mongols left the range of the system map, a series of reminders appeared on Zhang Tie's retina.

【Ding!The battle is over! 】

[The battle is won! 】

[Our casualties: Three people died and 32 people were injured. 】

[Enemy casualties: 33 killed and 31 wounded. 】

[Gain experience +50000, gain reputation +50, system currency +20000, honor +5. 】

[There are soldiers that can be upgraded! 】

[Loading loot interface! 】

【Successful loading! 】

【Ding! 】

A dazzling light appeared on Zhang Tie's retina. The spoils this time were surprisingly good. Eighteen nomadic bows, eighteen scimitars, and five prairie horses were all weapons and horses, and there were no other sundries.

[Scimitar (one-handed): Sold for 30 copper coins, weight 1.5, slashing 29, speed 102%, attack range 97, requires strength to 8. 】

[Nomadic bow: 32 copper coins for sale, weight 1.3, effective range 100, accuracy 86%, speed 90%. 】

[Grassland horse: 388 for sale, 28 armor, 40 speed, 40 manipulation, 29 dash, 135/135 life, requires riding skill 1. 】

After putting all the weapons and equipment into his inventory, Zhang Tie chose to exit the spoils interface.

The loot bar rotated rapidly, suddenly shattered into countless pieces, and then gradually disappeared, and the interface changed back to the sandbox template again.

Just when the system was restored to the sandbox template, another prompt appeared in Zhang Tie's retina.

【Ding!Task reminder! 】

[The Mongols are attacking! 】

[Mission content: The Mongolian country that is connected to your border city county has launched a plunder to the border city county, defeat their vanguard, and protect your people. 】

[Task rewards: experience +100000, system currency +30000, reputation +1000, honor +5, domination +2. 】

[Punishment for failure: People's hearts in Biancheng County -50, the prosperity of Biancheng County is reduced, and attributes are randomly reduced by 5 points. 】

[Hint: When the popularity of the people is -10, the people will revolt against your rule. 】

[Task Status: Completed! 】

The generous rewards made Zhang Tie realize the difficulty of this battle and how lucky he was to win.

If it weren't for the fact that the shields in the hands of the sword and shield soldiers are very good, they are produced by the system, and their personal strength is also good.

Otherwise, if the quality of the shield is not good enough, after being shot by the bow and arrow, or the force of the arrow hitting the shield is shocked, and the shield cannot be held, one can imagine the fate.

But now all the shields in the hands of the sword and shield soldiers have become damaged, and the shields full of arrows can no longer be used.

Zhang Tie had to buy it from the store himself, because the soldiers upgraded this time were all archers, and there were no sword and shield soldiers.

In other words, the current sword and shield soldiers have become big sword soldiers because there are no shields anymore.

And after experiencing the Mongolian arrow rain today, Zhang Tie also had an idea in his mind, which was imperative.

That is to let each sword and shield soldier and cavalry wear two shields, and all other arms also wear a shield, so that there will never be a situation where the shield is shot, because it can be exchanged for the shield and resist again.

Moreover, other arms with shields can also protect themselves without swords and shields. Anyway, for these soldiers whose attributes are far beyond ordinary people, an extra shield will not feel the weight at all.

In fact, Zhang Tie often used this idea when he played [Horse Riding and Blade] in his previous life.

Zhang Tie likes bows and arrows, two-handed weapons and cavalry spears. Bows and arrows and two-handed weapons are used in sieges, and cavalry spears are used in general encounters. When using cavalry spears, Zhang Tie will carry four kinds of equipment on his body. Gun, one two-handed weapon and two shields.

Rifles are naturally used when on horseback, and two-handed weapons are used when fighting on foot in case the horse will die.

As for the two shields, one is usually held in the hand to block the arrows in front, and the other is carried behind the back to block the arrows in the back. This approach can effectively block the enemy's shots in the game. This style, in It's called the double-shield turtle flow in the game.

However, if Zhang Tie wants to do this, the price will be very high.

Generally speaking, shields made in reality, unless they are made by masters, are of average quality. If a dozen arrows are hit, the shield will definitely explode. This is still made of the highest quality materials.

Of course, this does not include you using iron blocks to make shields, but this kind of shield is not used by ordinary people, and you may be exhausted before you start fighting.

And even if you have a master-level blacksmith who can forge high-quality shields, the time it takes to forge a high-quality shield is too long, and it cannot be widely used by soldiers at all.

What's more, to make shields, you need metal, that is, iron. Even if Zhang Tie has opened a factory now, and there are captives collecting iron ore every day, it is still not enough.

Iron is needed for many things, such as repairing swords, armor, making arrows, and even agricultural tools. These things all need iron, and the output is barely enough.

If you want to equip more than 1000 soldiers with high-quality iron shields, the raw materials are far from enough, and the time does not allow it.

At this time, it can only be purchased through the system store. It is obviously impossible to rely solely on Zhang Tie's own store. The only option is to unite all the lieutenants and purchase it in the system store together.

A good shield requires at least 1000 system coins or follow points (Eternal Guard is a special equipment).As for the one follow point of the deputy generals, Zhang Tie needs to give two points of system currency to exchange, that is, the deputy general buys a shield, which is twice the purchase price of Zhang Tie.

All of these will consume a large amount of system currency. With Zhang Tie's current economy, it is far from enough to buy all of them at once.

Moreover, there are only six of Zhang Tie's lieutenants, each of whom can only buy ten shields a week on average, and Zhang Tie himself can only buy seventy shields a week. If he wants to equip more than 1000 soldiers with shields, he still needs to spend more than three months.

Zhang Tie doesn't feel bad about the consumption of system coins at all. After all, it is to strengthen himself and can effectively reduce the casualties of soldiers. What does Zhang Tie have to feel bad about.

Looking at the shields abandoned by the soldiers, Zhang Tie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the shields before the upgrade of the sword and shield soldiers are still there, and they can continue to be used. Otherwise, they can only make do with wooden shields first."

"After a while, I will ask someone to go back to Biancheng County to get the shield."

"But in the future, I have to find a way to earn more system currency. The current system currency is completely insufficient!"

All the old equipment was stored in the warehouse in Biancheng County and had to be transported by someone.

The reality is really not a game. In the game, even if you are wearing armor and being shot as a hedgehog or the shield is broken, the arrows in the quiver have been shot and the horse is killed.

But once you exit the battle, except for the damage to the horses, everything else will remain intact. Although the armor that was shot into a sieve will have an extra prefix, such as dented, you can still use it in the game. The defense is just low. A little bit.

The same is true for shields, which also have multiple prefixes and can still be used.

The arrows that have been shot will also stay in the quiver again, fully loaded without any loss.

But in reality, when a horse died, it was dead, and if the armor was broken, it could only be repaired or discarded directly.

Once the shield is broken, it can no longer be used.

And most of the arrows shot can no longer be used.

And this is also the reason why Zhang Tie consumes more system currency than in the game.

Games are not equal to reality!
(End of this chapter)

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