Chapter 184 We Trust Him
The news brought by Cao Shuangxi not only reassured the common people, but also relieved Zhang Shun, who was in charge of the yamen, and other border city officials. Zhang Shun finally let go of some wild thoughts and worries in his heart.

When Cao Shuangxi came to fetch the replaced shield, Zhang Shun ordered Qiao Shan to lead people to prepare and get the shield onto the carriage as soon as possible.

After Qiao Shan led the order to step out of the yamen lobby, Zhang Shun asked Cao Shuangxi about the details of the battle.

Faced with Zhang Shun's detailed questioning, Cao Shuangxi also told Zhang Shun and others what happened in great detail.

Now that the news of transporting the shield has been conveyed, all we have to do is wait for Qiao Shan to carry the shield onto the carriage, and then Cao Shuangxi can just transport it directly.

After hearing all the details from Cao Shuangxi, everyone in the yamen broke out in a cold sweat, with fear on their faces.

This defensive victory is really far-fetched. If there is no such a good shield, I really don't know what the situation will be.

"It's really dangerous!"

Wiping off the cold sweat from his forehead, Liu Yi said in surprise, "I've heard that the Mongols are good at riding and shooting, but I didn't expect it to be so terrifying. If we fight against them on the Great Plains! Wouldn't it be..."

Although Liu Yi didn't finish the rest of the sentence, everyone in the lobby understood what he meant, and shook their heads with sighs, feeling a little hopeless about how to face this ferocious Mongol in the future.

On the contrary, Zhang Shun seemed a little calm. To him, since his brother can repel once, he can repel the second time.

Moreover, Tai also knew that as long as they were given time, the soldiers in Biancheng County would definitely make a qualitative leap. By then, they would naturally be able to resist the Mongols, even on the Great Plains.

Looking at the discolored crowd, Cao Shuangxi secretly clenched his fists. He was a little dissatisfied with their reaction, and said in a slightly generous way: "With Master here, everything should be fine, isn't it?"

"Since we can repel the enemy for the first time, why can't there be a second time? A third time? I believe we can do it!"

Cao Shuangxi's words made everyone look at each other, and their eyes lit up.

"Yeah, think about how we used to be powerless against bandits in our county, and could only watch the people being persecuted by them."

"But since Master Zhang arrived, he has cleaned up the bandits in the county within a few days, and even smashed a large group of bandits in Yan'an County."

"And now, the Mongols have been repelled. I believe that under the leadership of Master Zhang, they will be able to repel the Mongols again."

A scribe stood up, clasped his fists towards the north, his eyes were full of respect, as if Zhang Tie was right in front of him.

This scribe is really Hong Yu, the little scribe who registers recruits.

Because Zhang Shun had met him and noticed his hard work and hard work, and knew that he was a scholar, he took him with him and followed Qiao Shan to handle affairs. Yan Ran became the most famous person after Qiao Shan. Second right-hand man.

The main blogger Guo Mingjian also clasped his fists and said, "That's right, I also believe that Zhang Qianfu can defeat the Mongols."

Although Guo Mingjian has done some ulterior things, his love for Biancheng County is beyond doubt.

After all, he is also a native of Biancheng County, who doesn't want his hometown to be beautiful.

Suddenly, the people in the yamen became energetic and became more efficient in their work.

At this moment, Qiao Shan, who was going to install the shield, returned to the lobby, nodded to Zhang Shun, and then said to Cao Shuangxi: "Shuangxi, the shields have been loaded into the carriage, and they are heading to the gate of the North City now." , you can go to the north gate, I have told them to wait for you outside the north gate."

Ever since Zhang Tie began to cultivate Cao Shuangxi intentionally, Cao Shuangxi began to get in touch with Qiao Shan, Jiang Jianhua and others, gradually getting to know each other, and now they are all friends.


Cao Shuangxi nodded to Qiao Shan, then cupped his fists to Zhang Shun in the hall and said, "My lord, then I'll go first."

"Well, let's go now."

Zhang Shun waved his hand and asked Cao Shuangxi to quickly transport the shield back.

The sooner these shields are handed over to the soldiers, the casualties will be much smaller and the odds of winning will be much greater.


Outside the Tara tribe, Bayaf, who had been away from the tribe for nearly a month, finally returned to his tribe with Jebe and others.

As soon as they stepped into the tribe, Bayaf and others felt an ominous atmosphere.

some parts of the tribe

The entire Tara tribe seemed lifeless, and women's cries could be heard from time to time. The cries were very miserable.

Bayaf and others who had just stepped into the tribe heard so many cries, their complexions changed drastically, their legs clamped the horse's belly, and they went to the direction where the cries came from.

On the square of the Tara Tribe, Bayar knelt on the ground, muttering to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

In front of him were the corpses of more than 100 clansmen, including Hon Haier's corpse, placed in front of Bayar.

Beside each corpse, there are their relatives, holding their corpses and weeping bitterly.

Others were crying while holding their clothes. The bodies of their relatives were not transported back, but fell on the battlefield.

The people who died this time accounted for almost one-third of the fighters of the Tara tribe, and basically every household had relatives who died.

The entire Tara tribe was so immersed in the ocean of sorrow that they were not aware of some noises from the outside world.

Ba Taide hunched over and stood beside Bayar. He was obviously only in his thirties. At this moment, he looked like an old man who was about to fall into the ground, and his whole body seemed to have lost his soul.

"Heh! Heh! Heh!"

Bartide let out a few weird laughs. The sound was low and hoarse, as if someone was strangling his neck.

"It's over, it's over, the tribe that my brother has worked so hard for all his life is gone."

Numbly looking at Ba Yaer kneeling on the ground, a look of regret flashed in Ba Taide's eyes.

'If I had been firmer at the time, and even knocked Bayar out, maybe so many things wouldn't have happened! '

'It would be great if time could go back! '

It's a pity that things have already happened, and there is no regret medicine or time machine in the world, everything is destined to be so.

It's not that Badade didn't want to blame Bayar, but he felt that his fault was far greater than Bayar's.

Recalling his elder brother's instructions before he left, Bartide closed his eyes in pain.

The scimitar at his waist was pulled out by Ba Taide, and he was about to wipe it off towards his neck.

'Ahe, I'm sorry for you! '

Bayar, who was kneeling on the ground, heard the sound of the scimitar being pulled out behind him, and instinctively wanted to turn around, but Bayar firmly suppressed it.

He thought that Ba Taide was going to kill him, and Bayar also blamed himself for the mistakes he made, especially for the death of Hong Haier, and he hated himself even more.

'Ahe, don't worry, I will come to accompany you soon. '

Just when the scimitar in Bataide's hand was about to cut his own throat, an iron arrow knocked down the scimitar in Bataide's hand, and the scimitar flew and fell in front of Bayar.

Although the arrow saved Ba Taide in time, there was still a light bloodstain on Ba Taide's neck.

The blood stains on the scimitar made Bayar stunned. He subconsciously looked behind him, saw the wound on Battide's neck, and stared at Battad blankly.


"Brother! What are you doing!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was Bayar, and the other was Bayaf who had just returned from the Kere tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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