Chapter 188
When Zhang Shun appeared on the city wall, the voices insulting the Mongols from below the city gradually subsided, and after a while, outside the north gate of the entire Biancheng County, there was no other sound except the sound of the wind blowing clothes and breathing. .

This situation stunned Zhang Shun and the others who had just climbed the city wall. They didn't expect that just standing on the city wall, the people below the city would quiet down by themselves.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Shun strode to the edge of the city wall, looked at the people below with a pair of eyes, glanced at the head hanging on the city wall out of the corner of his eye, and frowned slightly.

Knowing is one thing, seeing with one's own eyes is another thing, seeing with one's own eyes is much more shocking than hearing.

Zhang Shun was wearing the system equipment [Jia Xu Clothes] today. His wide and clean white sleeves fluttered with the wind blowing in the north wind, giving him a sense of elegance.

"Everyone, we succeeded! We successfully defeated the Mongols! We defeated them!"

Zhang Shun pointed to the head hanging on the city wall, and continued: "They are the wolves of the north, and they are a knife around our necks. However, this knife will no longer pose any threat or harm to us, but Everyone can harvest rice with ease now."

"They will no longer be the existence we fear, nor will they be undefeated legends. We already have the strength to defeat them, and we will definitely not let them invade again."

Taking a breath, Zhang Shun calmed down his excited mood slightly, looked at the crowd below, and opened his hands.

"Now, let us celebrate, celebrate this long-awaited victory!"


That night, the entire Biancheng County was immersed in a sea of ​​celebration, and the streets and alleys were full of people laughing and dancing.

Today is also an exception, there is no night ban, Youdao treats it specially for special circumstances, such a happy day, naturally cannot spoil the lively atmosphere.

For the safety of the common people, Yu Yingyou and other yamen servants began to patrol the streets off-duty to prevent accidents from happening. Although the probability of such things happening was very small, Yu Yingyou and the others still carried out their duties.

The carnival lasted until late at night, and the ground was full of melon and fruit peels left after the carnival.

In the early morning of the next day, the people in the fleeing city yesterday left the border town with their bags and bags on their backs, and returned to their homes with their relatives.

Now that the situation has stabilized, with such a powerful army stationed on the border, there is nothing to worry about, they cannot stay in the city all the time.

What's more, the rice in the field is already mature and needs them to harvest. This is their life-saving food, the fruit of a year's hard work. Without food, it will be difficult for them to survive the cold winter that follows.

In the next few days, nothing happened, and the people in Biancheng County were harvesting the grain in the rice fields, all with smiles on their faces.

The harvest season is originally the happiest day for the common people. Looking at the fruits of their labor for a year, there is always a sense of satisfaction in their hearts.

Biancheng County is safe, and there are no Mongols to attack again, but other surrounding counties are not so lucky.

Many counties in the prairie have been attacked by the Mongols. The soldiers in the counties can only hide on the city walls, gnashing their teeth and watching the Mongols swaggeringly hitting the grass valley.

It’s not that these counties that were attacked by the Mongols did not send a message to their superiors for help. Unfortunately, the higher-ups can’t control so much at all. They can only be stationed at the most important passes to prevent the Mongols from going south and harming more people.

The war between Yan State and Zhao State for many years has been exhausted, and no more soldiers can be sent to support.

And some counties connected to Biancheng County not only requested support from the imperial court, but also sent letters for help to Biancheng County.

The record of defeating the Mongols in Biancheng County has been spread around, and it seems to have become the last straw in their minds.

It's a pity that Biancheng County also can't send extra soldiers, and now it has to be careful to guard against Mongol attacks.

What's more, these county towns and fortresses have not been rebuilt, and they cannot be used for a while, and the Mongols have already invaded the county.

Zhang Tie would not think that now their soldiers are capable of fighting the Mongols without the help of the city walls, and they can repel the Mongols.

In field battles on the plains, the Mongols with horses and cavalry and archery skills can completely crush the current Zhang Tie. The restraint of arms is too great, unless Zhang Tie has more archers or cavalry.

After Zhang Shun carefully wrote down the reasons for not being able to go to support, he handed it over to the person sent by the other party.

Without support, these counties that are connected to the Kelei Tribal Alliance can only watch the Mongols do whatever they want on their own land.

Fortunately, I don’t know why the Mongols’ grazing valley this time is much shorter than before. They used to plunder them for nearly ten days and a half months. This time they only carried out Three to five days.

Although the time for harvesting grass valleys has become shorter, countless grains and grasses have been robbed and burned.

They burned all the food and grass that could not be taken away.

The people who have been robbed of food and grass can be said to have no harvest this year, and most of the surplus food at home has also been robbed.

All of a sudden, the people had no choice but to sell their fields and land, and some even sold their own daughters, just to make their family survive.

However, some family members have no land to sell, no daughters to sell, or are unwilling to sell their daughters. These people can only leave their hometowns, carry a small amount of luggage on their backs, bring their families with them, and become refugees. To the inland or border counties.

The number of people who fled to the inland was far less than those who fled to Biancheng counties, and most of the people who fled to the inland were those who had relatives in the inland, and only a few people who had no worries fled to the inland.

As for why most refugees fled to Biancheng County, the reason is actually very simple.

First of all, it is because Biancheng County is the only county in Guanzhou, other than the pass, that can defeat the Mongols. Fleeing to Biancheng County, at least in terms of safety, is guaranteed.

Secondly, in Biancheng County, there are already bandits. Unlike other counties, in addition to guarding against the Mongols' attack, they also have to endure the burning, killing and looting of bandits.

Finally, and the most important point, that is the current policy of Biancheng County - land policy.

More than half a month ago, in order to cope with the food crisis, Zhang Shun issued an ordinance on land reclamation. All wasteland can be reclaimed, and the tax is exempted for three years.

At that time, this ordinance had already made some people in other counties with less land moved. It was only because they could still live on, and because they didn't want to leave their hometown, they didn't come to Biancheng County.

Now they have no land of their own and have become homeless refugees. With such good regulations in Biancheng County, they will naturally come.

With such good conditions, whether they are refugees or ordinary people, this is a good opportunity for them, an opportunity to own land again.

(End of this chapter)

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