Chapter 191
In the civilian area of ​​Biancheng County, a large stone monument with a height of thirteen battles is located in the center of a square.

On the front of the stele, there are six silver-white characters in which the hero is immortal, and each stroke of the six characters carries a sense of righteousness.

These six big characters were written by Zhang Shun, and they were the most perfect characters that Zhang Shun got after writing many times.

These words were first printed on stone tablets.It was then carved by skilled craftsmen. Although the six large characters were made of silver, it did not make these characters vulgar, but rather sacred and noble.

There are many small stone tablets around this big stone tablet. Except for one small stone tablet with more than a dozen names of the sculptor, the other small stone tablets are still blank.

The names engraved on the small stone tablet are all soldiers who died in battle since Zhang Shun took office.

Around the group of stone steles, many small jars are used to surround them, and the small jars are filled with flowers and plants.

At the forefront of the stone stele group, a platform was built with stones, on which various sacrificial utensils were placed.

When the day was just dawning, people began to come one after another near the Hero Monument, standing there quietly waiting.

At ten o'clock in the morning (around 8 o'clock), when Zhang Tie and Zhang Shun brought He Pojun and others to the Hero Monument, the whole square was already crowded with people, and soldiers lined up in two rows around the Hero Monument.

Standing on the platform, Zhang Tieda glanced at the crowd below, paying attention to the expressions of the common people, and found that the expressions of most of the common people were plain with a hint of sadness.

Only a few people showed sad expressions, and some of them were Goofy's mother.

Zhang Shun took a deep breath and stepped forward. Today, he will be the protagonist of this ceremony, and all the ceremony speeches will be handled by him.

When Zhang Tie came back yesterday afternoon, the two brothers Zhang Tie and Zhang Shun discussed how to conduct the ceremony today. Based on many discussions, it was finally decided that Zhang Shun would preside over it.

One is that Zhang Tie is a military officer, and the ceremony is handled by civilian officials after all; second, Zhang Shun is the county magistrate of Biancheng County, and Zhang Tie is only the commander of the soldiers in Biancheng County. If you ask him to preside over the ceremony, you will leave talk handle.


Zhang Shun first greeted the people below, and then pointed to the hero monument behind him.

"Behind me is the Hero Monument that has just been built."

After a slight pause, Zhang Shun continued: "I guess you all know the purpose of this hero's monument. Yes, this hero's monument was built to commemorate those who defended and sacrificed their lives fighting for Biancheng County."

"The reason is to let these people who have guarded us stay in our hearts forever and continue to our descendants, so that the world can know that there is such a group of people who gave their lives to protect us."

"Whether he is a soldier or a commoner, as long as he made a sacrifice for Biancheng County, it will be recorded on this stone tablet and let the world remember forever."

"They are all our heroes! Immortal heroes!"

Zhang Shun clenched his fist, put it on his chest, and swore loudly: "Hero! Immortal!"

Zhang Tie and the others also clenched their fists, put them on their chests, and followed Zhang Shun loudly, "Hero! Immortal!"

The people below the platform also followed the actions of Zhang Tie and others, shouting together: "Hero! Immortal!"

The whole ceremony was a complete success, without any unnecessary words. When Zhang Shun took the lead in taking the oath, the ceremony of the Hero Monument was completed.

After the ceremony was completed, Zhang Tie and others apparently took the lead in saluting the hero monument before leaving the civilian area.

After leaving the civilian area, Zhang Tie first went home and had lunch with his family, and then left Biancheng County. He took the female soldier leader Jiang Bilan and three other female soldiers to Yan'an County.

After more than a month, Jiang Bilan and other female soldiers have also been upgraded from peasant women to female soldiers, and their strength has been greatly improved.

This time I took Jiang Bihua to Yan'an County, naturally letting Jiang Bihua go to Yan'an County to be the shopkeeper of a grocery store.

The grocery store in Biancheng County is already on the right track, and it only needs to be done step by step. There is no need for Jiang Bilan and others, it is a waste.

Jiang Bilan is very good at managing grocery stores, otherwise Zhang Tie would not take her there.

Now that Yan'an County has become Zhang Tie's second system city, of course it will be used, especially the grocery store, which must be established first, and then whether it is food or trade, it will be needed.

As for the factory, it can be built directly. Because of the iron factory, Zhang Tie plans to build a factory in Yan'an County to produce velvet feathers.

Velvet feather, that is, silk, is something rich people make clothes. It is a special product of Zhao State, and it is also the favorite thing of Mongolia, South Korea and other countries.

When Zhang Tie became Zhang Tie in Yan'an County, Zhang Tie had already sent people to Yan'an County to find Bi Yongchun, and asked him to buy a shop and a site first.

The shop is naturally used to open a grocery store, and the site is used to build a warehouse and open a factory.

Whether it was buying a shop or a venue, Yan'an County Magistrate Li Chengye helped, allowing Bi Yongchun to do it in just a few hours, without even charging money for selling the shop or venue.


It was already afternoon when Zhang Tie brought Jiang Bihua and others to Yan'an County.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Zhang Tie was recognized by the soldiers guarding the city. These soldiers were all soldiers from Biancheng County, and the soldiers from Yan'an County were still being recruited.

"Sir, you are here."


Nodding slightly, Zhang Tie said directly, "Take me to Mrs. Bi."


A soldier defending the city put down his weapon and led Zhang Tie into the city.

Along the way, the people who recognized Zhang Tie looked at Zhang Tie happily, bowed to thank Zhang Tie, and asked about Zhang Tie's physical condition from time to time.

Facing the warm thanks and greetings from the common people, Zhang Tie nodded with a smile on his face, saying that you are welcome, and everything is fine recently.

Jiang Bilan, who was beside Zhang Tie, looked at Zhang Tie who was communicating with the people of Yan'an County with admiration, and there was a trace of admiration in her eyes, but soon this trace of admiration was deeply hidden in her eyes.

If Zhang Tie hadn't left Bi Yongchun and others behind in Yan'an County when the South Korean Siren attacked this time, I'm afraid Yan'an County would have no harvest this year.

However, even if the Koreans are repelled, the people of Yan'an County will still have a hard time this year.

When the bandits rioted, some fields were already ruined, and the harvest was directly reduced by more than half than before.

After a while, Zhang Tie, led by the soldiers, soon came to a courtyard near the Yamen of Yan'an County.

The gate of the courtyard was open, and there were still two soldiers from Biancheng County guarding the gate. After seeing Zhang Tie, they all gave a military salute one after another.

"Participate adults!"

After nodding his head, Zhang Tie led Jiang Bihua and others into the courtyard.

This courtyard was originally the residence of the county lieutenant of Yan'an County. After the death of the county lieutenant, the courtyard was taken back, and then Li Chengye gave it to Bi Yongchun and others to live in at zero hour.

There are four big houses and a kitchen in the courtyard. Although they are not very big, they are still good places for soldiers to rest after work.

As soon as Zhang Tie stepped into the courtyard, the door of a room was opened, and Bi Yongchun walked out, but he heard the voice of soldiers outside the door as they saluted.

As soon as he saw Zhang Tie, Bi Yongchun stood directly on the spot and punched Zhang Tie. "My subordinate Bi Yongchun has met your Excellency."

Zhang Tie also returned the salute, and then said: "Thank you for your hard work, Captain Bi. How was the battle with the Koreans?"

Although I received Bi Yongchun's envelope, after all, the matter on the envelope was not clearly stated in person.

PS: My mood is so intense today. When Saturday and Sunday arrive, ahem, my heart can’t calm down. MMP, I don’t even know what I wrote (?o?;.

 Thanks to Xu Dongwen for the 1991 tip in 1000!Thanks to Nan Guo Shushu for the 500 tip!Thank you for the 500 rewards for watching the past!

  Thank you for the two monthly tickets of Masked Ghost, Naruha, and Lonely d, x (forgive me for not recognizing them)!

  Thanks to Hanyou Qiaomu, hhehi, Donghai Yang, E is not what it used to be, SXLZKW, Tongtian Giant, and A Eye of Ten Thousand Years of Tears for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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