Chapter 197 Entering the Level
Two hours later, Zhang Tie and his party arrived near the East Fortress, and were about to leave the border of Yan State and enter South Korea.

And beside Zhang Tie, there was a person following him, and that was Wei Yan who was stationed in the East Fortress.

As early as when Zhang Tie and the others were half an hour away from the East Fortress, the patrolling soldiers found Zhang Tie and the others and reported to Wei Yan when they came back.

After Wei Yan got the news, he immediately came to meet Zhang Tie and accompanied Zhang Tie all the way to the border.

"Master, take care all the way."


Zhang Tie nodded slightly, turned around and glanced at the East Fortress, and punched Wei Yan's chest, "Although South Korea probably won't come to make trouble, it still can't be taken lightly, and can't be careless."

"Master, don't worry, be steady."

The Koreans are far more cunning than imagined. When the East Fortress was first opened, there were Korean soldiers who came to watch and investigate.

But since Zhang Tie repelled Mongolia, the investigators have never appeared again, and they seem to have given up on the observation of Biancheng County.

Not to mention coming to attack Border City County, there has been no trace of him for so long.

If Yan'an County hadn't been attacked by Koreans, Zhang Tie would have thought that the Koreans had changed their minds.

After bidding farewell to Wei Yan, Zhang Tie and others finally walked out of the border of Yan State and entered the South Korean zone.

Because there were so many carriages, Zhang Tie and others always took the official road and could not drive on the small roads.

Soon, they came to a pass.

This "pass" is not the other pass. There is no tall city wall at this pass. There are only a dozen Korean soldiers using a row of wooden frames to block the official road and check the passers-by.

There is also this in Biancheng County, the fort is the pass, but it has been useless, because no foreign caravan will pass through Biancheng County.

The costumes of Korean soldiers are very fancy. While imitating the styles of southern countries, they changed the patterns in a mess.

It was supposed to be a simple soldier's cotton armor, but it showed various patterns of flowers, which is a bit like singing a big show.

This was Zhang Tie's first feeling when he saw Korean soldiers.

When Zhang Tie and his party entered the sight of the Korean soldiers, a dozen Korean soldiers stood up lazily.

With their right hands resting on the weapons at their waists, they stared at Zhang Tie and his party in the distance, with a hint of joy in their eyes.

The Korean soldier who bore the brunt looked at the convoy in the distance and said with a grin: "His grandma's legs, finally a caravan is coming. Brothers, cheer up, there are fat sheep coming."


A Korean soldier following the soldier spat on the ground, "Boss, that son of a bitch Jin Wan, relying on his identity, suppressed us everywhere and made us stay in this wretched place without any profit or water." .”

"OK OK."

The leader of the South Korean soldiers glanced at his subordinates behind him, "Win the king and lose the bandit. If you lose, you lose. Complaining is of no use."

The leader of the soldiers patted his stomach, making a thumping sound.

"Let's cheer up, a fat sheep finally came, and we need to get more oil and water to be worthy of our stomachs."

The leader of the soldiers seemed to be very respected among the dozen or so soldiers. They all straightened their backs, stared straight ahead without squinting, and were really refreshed.

Although there were more than 200 people on the other side, the South Korean soldiers were not very scared, but very excited. In their eyes, Zhang Tie and his party were like a big fat sheep, not aggressive.

After all, peace is the most important thing for a businessman, let alone cross-border trade.

As mentioned above, cross-border trade requires a pass. Without a pass, it is a prohibited act, that is, black businessmen, unprotected, and others can rob you of your property at will.

And this pass is given by each checkpoint. After paying the tariff, the soldiers stationed at the checkpoint will give it to the passing party and give him a pass.

And this has naturally formed a rule, that is, in addition to paying taxes, some tips are also given to the soldiers stationed at the checkpoint. relationship and strength.

This is also the reason why when they find that there are many people on the other side, the Korean soldiers are not afraid at all, but are confident.

As the two sides got closer, people on both sides also saw each other's clothes.


But when he saw Zhang Tiefang's decoration, the leader of the South Korean soldiers changed his face suddenly, and muttered to himself, "Isn't this the decoration of soldiers from Biancheng County? Are they not a caravan, but soldiers from Biancheng County? Are they here to attack us?" ?”

Full of doubts, the face of the soldier leader changed suddenly.

"Huh! No!"

The leader of the South Korean soldiers stared suspiciously at the people coming from afar, "If it's a war, there shouldn't be so many carriages."

"I hope I'm over-hearted."

The deeds of Biancheng County, from the time when it was established to exterminate bandits, news has been spreading in Hongyang County, the adjacent Korean county, and there is no need to say more about it since then.

When hearing that Biancheng County repelled the Mongols and killed more than 300 people, Hongyang County was hit like never before.

This is also the reason why they did not attack Biancheng County this year. Such Biancheng County is no longer something they, a small county, can handle.

The stronger the opponent is, the more afraid they are, for fear that Biancheng County will attack them and take revenge.

Soon, Zhang Tie and his party came to the South Korean soldiers.

A South Korean soldier stretched out a hand and shouted, "Stop!"

In fact, there is no need for the Korean soldiers to say more. As old Jianghu, Deng Wei and others all know this rule, and they have slowed down their progress and stopped before the pass.

"I'm going to Liexue Zhendeng's family. Thank you all for your hard work. Your petty care is not a sign of respect."

Turning over and jumping off the horse, Deng Wei took out the money bag he had prepared earlier and handed it to the soldier who spoke.

Zhang Tie, who was beside Deng Wei, just watched everything Deng Wei did quietly and had no intention of stopping Deng Wei. Every line of work has its own rules, and it can save you a little money and trouble, so why not do it? .

There is a saying that the King of Hades likes to mess with little ghosts. Although Zhang Tie doesn't like this kind of rule, Zhang Tie doesn't want to cause big troubles because of such a small matter.

The soldier took the money bag, threw it away, then opened the money bag, glanced inside, showed a satisfied expression, and then threw the money bag to the soldier leader behind him.

"Boss, go on."

The soldier's eyes turned to Deng Wei in front of him again, he licked his lips, and looked at Deng Wei with greedy eyes, but the soldier didn't see at all that the money bag he threw was not caught by his leader, but fell to the ground.

Deng Wei, who was looked at by this gaze, frowned slightly. In the purse, he put a full five taels of silver, which is enough for tolls. You know, the note only needs two taels of silver Yes, the remaining three taels of silver are for the soldiers in front of them. Three taels of silver are not rare. Many families have to work hard for a year to earn these.

"So it's the Deng family! I've admired you for a long time."

Just when Deng Wei was about to take out the silver from his pocket again, a voice came and interrupted Deng Wei's movements.

I saw the soldier leader holding a note, handed it to Deng Wei, and said respectfully: "This is your pass."

While speaking, the leader of the soldiers glanced slightly at Zhang Tie on the horse, and swallowed heavily.

"Boss?! Not—"

The soldier who spoke first looked at his leader in confusion and wanted to say something, but the soldier leader turned his head and interrupted with a stern look, and did not continue.

Although I don't know what happened to the other party, but after getting the pass, there is nothing wrong.


After punching the leader of the soldiers, Deng Wei got on his horse and took the lead to walk towards the pass, followed by the convoy.

 Thank you for being Black Pearl, Towny, and the two monthly tickets to see!

  Thanks to Yixiangke, Zhao Qihui, Hanyou Qiaomu, Iron Armored Wolf Cavalry, and Liu Peiliang for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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