Chapter 207 Post-War Dynamics

The attack of Jin Dongwan and others was just a small episode for Zhang Tie and others. Apart from bringing rich system rewards and many spoils of war, it did not do substantial harm to Zhang Tie and others.

After fighting a big battle, it is obviously impossible to reach the destination within today.

After a war, there are still many things that need to be dealt with. At least the cleaning of the battlefield, the disposal of the corpses, and the distribution of the spoils all take some time to be resolved.

As for the disposal of the corpses, it was still simple and rough. After all the valuable items on the 'bandits' were scavenged, they were all piled up together, ready to be burned with a fire.

The spoils of war were all put aside, piled up according to different categories, and money and other things were directly put into the box and loaded into the carriage.

As for some large objects such as weapons, they were first selected and put into the spare carriage until the carriage was full, and some worn-out trophies left behind were placed on the horsebacks of Wudang disciples.

After the entire battlefield was dealt with, more than an hour had passed.

During this period of time, Deng Wei looked at the busy people in shock and curiosity as if he had discovered a new continent.

He also believed that Zhang Tie was able to defeat the Mongols because the opponent was careless, and he didn't think Zhang Tie's soldiers were so strong.

In fact, Zhang Tie defeated the Mongols only when they were careless. However, the soldiers at that time were not the enhanced version of Zhang Tie's soldiers now.

Now, Deng Wei finally understood why Zhang Tie was able to defeat the Mongols. With such a powerful army, it was a matter of course that he could defeat the Mongols.

The scene of the battle at that time can be vividly remembered. Deng Wei was most surprised by the flashing flying knife across the sky and killed the enemy. This kind of strength had to surprise him.

When he was still in Hongyang County, he had also seen the flying knife skills of Wudang disciples, but he thought that only a few had such strength, and he never expected that there were more than 100 people with such strength.

This made Zhang Tie's image in his mind become more and more mysterious.

After Zhang Tie and the others cleaned the battlefield, passers-by still passed by on the official road, but after discovering the situation ahead, they all looked at Zhang Tie and the others in horror, then quickly retreated and returned to the original road.


"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Zhang Tie clapped his palms, glanced at the pile of burning corpses, and said loudly to everyone: "Let's go, stay in the small town ahead today, sell these equipment by the way, and go to Taigu County tomorrow .”

Although Taigu County cannot be reached today, the small town ahead is still within reach. With the concept of not wasting time, Zhang Tie decided to go to the small town ahead for trading first.

Anyway, it will take the next day to reach the destination. Besides, these trophies have to be sold and cannot be kept on the carriage. The weapons of these people are not good goods. Zhang Tie does not need these junk weapons now.


Everyone responded happily, mounted their horses one after another, jumped into the carriage, and continued driving forward.

Today's big battle not only left everyone safe and sound, but also made everyone a lot of money. After returning, they can have a big meal again.


The conversation was divided into two parts. When Zhang Tie and others were fighting with Jin Dongwan and others, Jin Chengfu of Hongyang County finally noticed something was wrong.

After today's Chenshi transaction, only the salt merchants and the grocery merchants came to worship, but the seven big medicine merchants who were the big heads did not come.

Sensing that something was wrong, Jin Chengfu sent people to the seven major drug dealers to check, and got news that he never thought of.

Some people saw the seven great medicine merchants leading a large group of people out of the city gate, walking towards the north, and the people of the seven great medicine merchants were all armed and in a hurry.

The moment he heard the news, Jin Chengfu only felt a headache.

"These guys, they want to snatch Zhang Tie's caravan just because of their rabble? Don't cause trouble for me!"

It is not unfounded for Jin Chengfu to think so. As a soldier, he is too aware of the gap between ordinary people and soldiers. Whether it is in terms of personal force, actions in executing orders, or mentality, the gap is huge. It is very huge, not to mention that Zhang Tie's soldiers are still soldiers who defeated the Mongols, which is not comparable to ordinary troops.

If Zhang Tie's army can be easily defeated, kill Zhang Tie and prevent Zhang Tie from escaping.Why wait for Jin Dongwan and others to do this, he himself will send troops to eat Zhang Tie's trade caravan and seize their property.

He didn't do this because he thought it was impossible to succeed, but he never expected that these drug dealers would actually have the idea of ​​cheating.

"I hope they didn't intercept Zhang Tie and others, otherwise..."

Jin Chengfu looked at the sun that was about to rise to the middle, it was obviously a hot day, but he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

A burst of encouraging footsteps came, interrupting Jin Chengfu's meditation.

"Huh! Huh! My lord! Something happened!"

A panting man in the uniform of a yamen servant came to Jin Chengfu with a puzzled and uneasy expression on his face.

"What's the matter? Take your time."

Looking at the uneasy subordinates in front of him, a thought flashed in Jin Chengfu's heart, he was afraid that something happened to Jin Dongwan and the others, and things were just as he guessed.

"My lord, there is news that a scuffle broke out fifty miles away. One side is the caravan that left this morning, and the other side is... Jin Dongwan and the others."

"grown ups!"

Just after this yamen servant finished speaking, another yamen servant ran into the courtyard, the same panting, but the difference was in his expression. The later yamen servant had deep fear in his eyes.

"My lord, Jin Dongwan is dead. Of the more than 500 people they went this time, only a dozen escaped back."

The flustered yamen servant stammered and swallowed with difficulty.

"That's right."

Jin Chengfu muttered to himself, his tone was taken for granted, as if the result was like this.

"Xiao Hua, go and invite Master Chao Bo to come over, Zhao Tong, go and ask County Captain Cao to come over, and just say that I have something to discuss with him."


The two yamen servants looked at each other suspiciously. Although they didn't know what the county magistrate was going to do, respecting the duties of his subordinates, they both walked out of the courtyard quickly and ran towards their respective target locations.

Seeing the two yamen servants leaving, Jin Chengfu showed a slight smile.

"Guys who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, since you are all like this, then I will not be polite about your wealth."

(End of this chapter)

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