Chapter 211 Arriving in Taikoo
After the two parties reached an agreement tacitly, they were all smiling, and there was an extra two or three hundred taels of silver, so it was difficult to think about it or not.

After selling more than 20 bottles of wine to Yihua, Zhang Tie and others continued on the road, while Yihua and other Korean soldiers drove their horses towards Hongyang County.

"Brother, congratulations on your promotion to Centurion again."

On the official road, a South Korean soldier rode a horse and walked with Yihua, laughing heartily.


Compared with the happy soldiers beside him, Yi Hua, who was promoted, was not very happy, but his expression was indescribably serious.

Yi Hua's abnormal behavior naturally couldn't be hidden from the soldier, so he asked in confusion, "What's wrong, brother? Is there something wrong?"


Yi Hua let out a long sigh, with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Now that the seven major drugstores in Hongyang County are gone, and winter is about to come, when the time comes... oh!"

Yihua didn't say much about the latter part, but the latter part has already revealed that the fear is that there will not be enough doctors to see the doctor during the peak period of the disease.

Suddenly, the smiles on the faces of more than a dozen soldiers gradually disappeared, and some were just deeply worried.


After more than three hours of rushing, the caravan finally arrived at the official road only more than 100 steps away from Taigu County when the sun rose to the center.

"Camp in place! Make a fire and cook!"

Zhang Tie, who was riding on the back of a gray horse, ordered loudly that he was going to set up camp here and eat first.

After eating in the early morning, they had been on the road for more than three hours, and many soldiers were already hungry. Now that they had arrived at their destination, they had to solve the problem of food and clothing first, otherwise they would not have the strength to resist when something unexpected happened.

The soldiers quickly carried out Zhang Tie's orders. After more than two months of training, they had already mastered the aspects of setting up camps and lighting fires for cooking, and their speed was particularly fast.

Those who set up camp set up camp, those who cook cook, and in just a cup of tea, the camp is built, and the water in the pot is boiled, waiting for fresh rice to be put into the pot.

The full-grained rice comes from the system store, and Zhang Tie bought it from the system store when he was on his way. Now the caravan's daily food is directly purchased by Zhang Tie from the system store.

This not only saves cost and space, but also tastes much better than ordinary rice.

In Zhang Tie's item column, there are still many sundries, such as air-dried meat, wine, etc., some were transferred from the warehouse before departure, and some were purchased by Zhang Tie after the system store was refreshed. of.

This allows Zhang Tie to get a lot of supplements for the goods he wants to sell, which can increase the transaction volume and increase his income.

As for why Zhang Tie didn't let Zhang Tie put all the goods in the inventory, but let the horse cart pull them, of course there is a reason.

For a long time, there have been two problems that limit the use of the item bar. One is the item bar itself. The number of grids determines how many items can be stored.

Another point is the negative weight. Once it exceeds the negative weight that Zhang Tie can bear, it will directly make it difficult for Zhang Tie to move an inch, and in severe cases, it will directly lead to death.

This is also the reason why Zhang Tie needs a carriage to pull the goods, in order to let the carriage share some of the load.

As soon as the rice was put into the pot, other people beside them started cooking and boiling soup. The dishes were all vegetables bought from Guazi Town, in order to supplement the soldiers' vitamins.

For soup, it is made with a variety of meats. Sometimes air-dried meat is paired with beef, sometimes air-dried meat is paired with pork, as well as chicken, horse meat, etc., are all served in the pot accompanied by air-dried meat.

The numbing and spicy taste of air-dried meat is very good when used to make soup. The soldiers all fell in love with this taste.

Not only that, but its nutritional value is also very high, allowing soldiers to recover their strength quickly, and the time of starvation has also become longer.

Before the rice was cooked, a group of people came out from Taigu County, coming from the direction where Zhang Tie and the others camped.

All the people who came out were wearing cotton armor and holding bright red spears, and the leader was wearing armor. They were definitely above the centurion level.

Watching the South Korean soldiers coming, Zhang Tie and Deng Wei took the passes and slowly came to the front of the caravan, watching the group of people who were about to come.

"The efficiency of things in Korea is so high! We only had a cup of tea when we got here, and someone came to ask."

Zhang Tie was obviously surprised by the speed of the other party. When he thought about it, the other party could arrive within half an hour, which was fast enough. He didn’t expect someone to come in just a cup of tea. .

"In this regard, they are indeed efficient among all countries, but in other aspects, hehe."

When it comes to the efficiency of the other party, Deng Wei quite agrees, but for other aspects, he really dismisses it, and Zhang Tie also agrees with it.

He has also heard about South Korea's arrogance, but it is similar to the South Korea in his previous life. They are all arrogant and arrogant guys, and they don't have a clear understanding of their own strength.

Jingle!Tread Tat Tat!
The sound of iron plates on the armor and the sound of footsteps came, and a group of people who came out of the city soon came to Zhang Tie and the other two.


At first, one person punched the two of them, and the iron sheet on the armor made another sound.

"Wei Lin Zhiti, Taigu County, welcomes all friends who have come from afar. I don't know where you are from? I am really ignorant, and I have never seen this banner before."

As soon as this officer arrived, he introduced himself first, claiming to be my subordinate. He seemed to be a very kind person.

'County lieutenant. '

Zhang Tie and Deng Wei looked at each other, and Zhang Tie nodded slightly to him, indicating that he should come to communicate with Weilin Zhiti from Taigu County.

"It turned out to be Master Lin, who has been admiring me for a long time. This is Deng Wei, the owner of the caravan's cargo, and this is Zhang Peng, the leader of the caravan's guards."

Deng Wei first saluted in return, then introduced himself and Zhang Tie's identities, and finally took out his pass and handed it to Lin Zhiti.

"Your Excellency has never seen this banner, and it's normal. We are not Koreans, but Yan people. We came here specially to conduct some commercial transactions with the people of your country."


With a long voice, Lin Zhiti took the pass from Deng Wei's hand, and carefully looked at the seal and handwriting on the pass.

"Well, it turned out to be a caravan coming from the Hongyang County Pass."

After returning the pass to Deng Wei, Lin Zhiti looked at Zhang Tie curiously, with a flash of vigilance in his eyes.

"I don't know why this brother Zhang is wearing a mask?"

"Sorry, there have been bandits making trouble recently, I hope you can show your true colors."

(End of this chapter)

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