Chapter 219
In Wucheng County, Pingzhou, Yan State, in a manor, more than a dozen strong men stood quietly in the lobby, without looking sideways, as if they were waiting for someone.

This manor is located in the wealthy area of ​​Wucheng County. It is one of the three rich merchants in Wucheng County. Horse farm.

These ten or so strong men were very strong, with their temples bulging high, and they were still wearing thin and strong clothes in the crisp October autumn weather, and they all carried all kinds of weapons on their bodies, including knives, swords, Long spears, and those who use double axes.

With a soft creak, a small door in the lobby was opened, and two people came out of the small door and came to the upper center of the lobby.

One of them was of medium build, with pockmarks all over his face, and two swords were hung on his left and right waists. The hilts of the two swords were very smooth. It could be seen that the owner of the swords often used him.

The other person was tall, imposing, and handsome. The only fly in the ointment was a scar between the bridge of his nose, but this scar also gave this person a bit of a tough look.

Standing next to the man with pockmarks all over his face, this person looked even more handsome, holding a folding fan in his hand, shaking it gently.

The pockmarked face was none other than Xiang Yunzhong, Xiang Shaohu's right-hand man, and Jiang Qizheng, one of the bandit leaders.

The gangsters are one of Xiang Shaohu's important troops for collecting money and training soldiers. They have four leaders who are nicknamed the Four Heavenly Kings. Heavenly King Jiang Qizheng.

These four leaders are all wise and brave, and they were trained by Xiang Shaohu himself, which cost him a lot of hard work.

Each of them has their own special abilities, and they manage one of the four continents of Yan Kingdom.

Xiang Yunzhong was sitting on the first seat in the lobby, while Jiang Qizheng was sitting on the second seat in the lobby.

Xiang Yunzhong scanned the people in the lobby, picked up the wine glass on the table in front of him, and raised it to everyone.

"First of all, thank you colleagues for coming, do it!"

After finishing speaking, Xiang Yunzhong raised his head and drank the strong wine in the glass in one go. After finishing drinking, he turned the glass down to signal that he drank it clean.


Everyone else in the lobby also picked up the wine glasses in front of them and drank them all in one gulp.

Seeing that everyone had finished drinking, Xiang Yunzhong nodded in satisfaction, put down his glass, made a gesture of invitation to everyone, and said kindly: "Everyone, please sit down."

Everyone in the lobby put down their wine glasses, fisted Xiang Yunzhong, and sat down on the seats beside them.

The [-] people in the lobby are all high-ranking Pingzhou thugs, and each of them has at least [-] thugs in their hands, and everyone's hands are also stained with the blood of countless people.

Xiang Yunzhong took out a letter from his cuff, handed it to Jiang Qizheng, turned around and said to everyone in the lobby: "Everyone, I am ordered by Lord Xiang to tell everyone that the plan will proceed as usual, and the target I will let people give you the news one after another.”

"Now, you have to get everyone back together as soon as possible. Because of the last incident, we stopped for a long time and lost a lot of income in money. This time, Mr. Xiang can't wait, everyone can be fast It's one o'clock."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but did not answer. Instead, they turned their attention to their leader Jiang Qizheng, waiting for his answer.

They didn't expect that it was only two months after the last incident, and they would continue to act. You know, the rumors outside have not passed, and many bounty hunters are still looking for them to claim rewards .

Jiang Qi was just receiving the letter, ignoring everyone's attention, but opened the envelope first to confirm whether the message was really from Xiang Shaohu.

I read the contents of the envelope carefully, both the notes and the tone of voice were written by Xiang Shaohu himself, and it only said to continue the previous task. As for the reason, Xiang Shaohu did not explain.

Jiang Qizheng frowned slightly. He was also a little confused about this order. He didn't know why King Xiang was so anxious all of a sudden, but as Xiang Shaohu's subordinate, obeying orders was his duty.

And he also believes that there must be a reason for King Xiang to do this. As a disciple of Xiang Shaohu, he still knows a little about his master, Xiang Shaohu, and knows that the other party will not release such a "killing one thousand enemies" for no reason. , Self-defeating eight hundred orders, among them, there is definitely a secret that he cannot know.


Letting out a long breath, Jiang Qi was putting away the envelope, clasped his fists at Xiang Yunzhong and said, "Brother Xiang, don't worry, since it's King Xiang's order, we will definitely do our best to do it."

"it is good!"

Xiang Yunzhong could see the reactions of Jiang Qizheng and others, and understood their doubts and hesitation.

He also understands the current situation. Since King Xiang issued the wanted order, the gangsters have become street rats. Everyone is shouting to beat them. Not only are soldiers surrounding them, but also martial arts sects are also searching for them. The situation cannot be described as frightening. .

When he received this order, he also looked puzzled, not understanding that Xiang Shaohu would issue such an order, until Xiang Shaohu told him a piece of news that shocked him.

Xiang Shaolong, the King of Yan Kingdom, is terminally ill, and his time is numbered.

Upon receiving this news, Xiang Yunzhong immediately understood why Xiang Shaohu gave such an order.

This is to accumulate money and train soldiers to prepare for the near future.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xiang Yunzhong stood up, picked up the wine jug, refilled everyone in the lobby with wine, then returned to his seat, and filled his own glass as well.

Raising his wine glass, Xiang Yunzhong looked around at the people in the lobby, and said loudly, "Everyone, cheers to King Xiang!"


Everyone in the lobby also raised their glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

In the back garden of the manor, Xiang Yunzhong brought Jiang Qizheng to the back of a rockery.

"Brother Xiang?"

Jiang Qizheng looked at Xiang Yunzhong with a puzzled look. He didn't know why Xiang Yunzhong brought him here after the meeting ended.

"Here, take a look. This is another letter. After reading it, destroy it and don't tell anyone else."

Xiang Yunzhong looked around for a while, and after confirming that no one was there, he took out another letter from his arms and handed it to Jiang Qizheng.

Taking the letter in doubt, Jiang Qizheng gently tore open the seal, and after only one glance, Jiang Qizheng stared at Xiang Yunzhong in shock.

Faced with Jiang Qizheng's shock, Xiang Yunzhong smiled slightly, and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Jiang, work hard, prosperity and wealth are just around the corner."

The content of this letter is the news that Xiang Shaolong, King of Yan Kingdom, is terminally ill.

(End of this chapter)

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