Chapter 225 Transaction Evaluation
"Falsely declaring trade goods will result in a fine of ten taels of silver. Are you sure that your main goods are medicinal materials?"

At the registration office of the Honglan Market, the registrant reminded Deng Wei with a serious face, and explained the consequences of falsely reporting trade items.

There is a bulletin board outside Honglan Market, which is updated twice a day, once at Chen Shi and once at noon. The content on it is the origin of the foreign caravans that are setting up stalls in Honglan Market today, as well as the items to be sold. type.

This approach allows both locals and foreign merchants to know at a glance how many caravans there are in Honglan Market today and what kind of goods the caravans sell.

Buyers can quickly search and trade according to the news on the bulletin board, which saves both buyers and sellers a lot of time, which is also the reason why there are so many people in the Honglan market.

And a long time ago, Honglan Market had falsely reported trade items, which brought a lot of harm to the local merchants who wanted to trade with this foreign caravan, and made people suspicious of the bulletin board.

It was also from that time that anyone who falsely reported trade items would be punished. The lightest punishment was a fine of ten taels of silver, and if it was more serious, they would be imprisoned.

"Yes, the main goods I sell are medicinal materials."

Deng Wei nodded affirmatively. He is indeed selling medicinal materials, and there is nothing to worry about in this regard.


The registrant lowered his head and drew a circle with a brush on the top of the accounts of Zhang Tie and others, and then wrote the four words of medicinal materials and ingredients below the three characters of Yan Guoren.

The registrant took out a blue wooden sign from the small frame behind him and placed it on the table.

Two lines of small characters are engraved on the blue wooden sign, namely Jinpu District and NO.13.

The registrant wrote all the small characters on the wooden sign on the account. After finishing the work, he gently blew the characters on the paper and placed it on the other side of the table.

"This is your number plate. The address on it is the address of your stall tomorrow. You can go and have a look today. If you are short on time, you can put the items in the shop today. After the street is closed tomorrow, you can put them away." Return the wooden sign to me."

The registrant picked up the blue wooden sign and handed it to Deng Wei.

"Of course, if you still want to continue setting up stalls, you have to come to renew."

"Okay, thank you brother."

After receiving the wooden sign, Deng Wei thanked the registrant, and left the small shed with Zhang Tie, and stepped into the Honglan Market, planning to take a look at the location of the shop first.

The scene in Honglan Market is different from what Zhang Ties imagined. Although there are many people, it is not noisy, there is no chaotic yelling, and there are only voices of bargaining.

Jinpu District is easy to find, because it is the center of Honglan Market and the place with the most traffic. The products sold here are also some valuable commodities, such as medicinal materials, jewelry, rouge and gouache.

The shops in the Honglan Market are divided into three areas, namely the Jinpu area, the Yinpu area, and the Tiepu area. Each area is roughly distinguished by the price and importance of the main items sold by the caravan.

Of course, it does not mean that there are no low-end products in Jinpu District, and there are no expensive goods in Tiepu District. Every district has expensive goods and cheap goods.

Because in addition to the main trade goods, the caravan also has some accessories, just like Zhang Tie's caravan, Deng's medicinal materials are the main goods, while Zhang Tie's miscellaneous goods are secondary.

Although the shop is divided into three areas, the appearance of the shop is the same.

A shop is divided into four parts, the first is the counter, which is the place to collect the bills; the second is the place where the goods are placed, there are two in total, one is in front of the counter, facing the street, and it is mostly used to display not very expensive items. items, and the other is inside the store, which is a shelf for displaying valuable goods.

Finally, it is the warehouse of the store. The warehouse is not big, and it can only hold the goods of two carriages at most, and it will not be able to hold any more.The function of this warehouse is for retail, and large transactions are also carried out outside the city.

After confirming the specific location of the store, the two turned around and walked out of the Honglan Market, returning to the camp set up by the caravan.

On the way back, both of them were lamenting the plan of the Honglan Market, especially Zhang Tie. He was a little skeptical that the one who came up with this plan was a time traveler, because this plan, compared with some plans of his previous life, was quite different. It's too similar.

If he hadn't learned that the person who came up with this plan had been dead for many years, maybe Zhang Tie would go to meet this person tonight to test whether he was a time traveler like him.

When Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie returned to the camp, the time was Weishi (around [-]:[-] p.m.), and the time when Honglan Market closed Street was Youshi ([-]:[-] p.m.). There are still nearly two hours left.

In order not to waste time, Zhang Tie and Deng Wei decided to get the goods to Honglan Market now and place them in the shops for trade, and the registrant also said that they can go to the stalls today.

When everyone was preparing, Zhang Tie's eyes were also on the retina, focusing on the skill that had never been used before - trading evaluation.

I didn’t use this skill before. First, the town where I live is too small, so there’s no need to waste time on it. Second, I’m on my way because I have extra time to wait for the evaluation.

It's different now, Seoul is a big city with a plethora of commodities, plus you have to stay here for a while, so you can use this skill to increase your profits.

As Zhang Tie focused on the transaction evaluation, the entire system interface moved accordingly, and the four characters of transaction evaluation turned black. At the same time, the improvement of the transaction evaluation appeared on the retina.

【Ding!Transaction evaluation in progress! 】

[Evaluation remaining time: 21 hours! 】

After paying the entrance fee, Zhang Tie and Deng Wei each took two people, drove the two carriages into the city gate, and walked towards Honglan Market.

After spending a cup of tea, all the items on the carriage were put into the NO.13 shop.

When the products were first placed, there were many people waiting and watching outside the shop. After Zhang Tie and the others had finished placing them, these people eagerly stepped forward to inspect the products, and asked Zhang Tie and the others from time to time what the status of the products was. quantity and price.

After Deng Wei answered more than a dozen people's questions in a row, Zhang Tie finally wrote down the prices of the products on a piece of paper and pasted them on the door of the store, finally solving Deng Wei's troubles of being frequently asked about prices .

The opening of every shop in Jinpu District will basically attract a large number of people. After all, special products can always attract the attention of most people.

 Thanks to the little X Niu and the first day of the 1st day for the reward!
  Thank you for the blue sky on the sea, the quiet blood, and the two monthly tickets issued by HSIJHZ!

  Thank you for the first day of junior high school, the book at a certain point, life is like a drama, like a dream, Florian, Xiao x Niu, the merchant who opened the store, Beiyang Li Zhongtang, Hanyou Qiaomu, a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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