Chapter 42 Counting the Harvest
The story of Princess Ping's assassination finally spread, and the streets and alleys are discussing it, especially adding fuel to the actions of the man in black. In a short period of time, many different versions have been produced.

And in a certain room on the second floor of the "High School" inn, Zhang Tie was liquidating his gains, first of all experience and system currency.

Experience +13800, system currency +3000.

Next is the item,

["Tao Te Ching": The content of silent recitation is to improve qualitative and memory. After reading, add 3 points to intelligence, 1 to charm, and 2 to skill points, (only once)]

[Taoist robe: 300 for sale, weight 1.0, head defense +40, body defense +40, leg defense +40. 】

[Commoner x5: sell 10, weight 1.0, body defense +10, leg defense +5. 】

[Dagger x6: Sell 10, Weight 0.5, Speed ​​105, Attack Range 45, Sharpness 25. 】

Surprise, big surprise, at first Zhang Tie thought that there was only one good thing, "Tao Te Ching", but he never thought it was not only "Tao Te Ching", but also something better.

An ordinary Taoist robe was actually turned into a top-quality equipment by the system, with a total defense increase of 40, which is only 20 less than Jia Yu's suit.

First set the "Tao Te Ching" to the reading state, then took away Jia Xu's clothes, folded them slightly, handed them to Zhang Shun, and said, "This clothes is for you, you have to put on this equipment now."

Zhang Shun took Jia Xu's clothing without knowing why, and the moment he got it in his hand, the words that appeared on his retina immediately made Zhang Shun speechless in surprise.

This is the first time for Zhang Shun to come into contact with such good equipment. In the store, Zhang Shun opened it more than once, and he often went to check the miscellaneous items to buy some food for his little sister from time to time.

In the equipment that Zhang Shun looked at, the defense was all added up, and it was already very expensive if it reached 70, and it would cost three to four thousand follow-up points.

You must know that Zhang Shun's current following points are less than 1000, which is already a sky-high price for him, let alone Jia Xufu who has added a full 180 points of defense.

[Jia Xu clothing: 1874 for sale, weight 4.0, head defense +60, body defense +60, leg defense +60. 】

Zhang Shun shook his hands, almost dropped Jia Xu's clothes, and quickly handed them back to Zhang Tie.

"Brother, this is too expensive, I can't accept it!"

How could Zhang Tie take back the equipment he sent out, forced Jia Xufu into Zhang Shun's arms again, and said unquestionably: "I also have good equipment, and now you are away from home, and you don't have much self-protection ability, just what you need This kind of equipment with high defense is life-saving.”

Zhang Shun couldn't shirk it, so he had to put away Jia Yu's clothes and choose the equipment.

Without doing anything, Zhang Tie directly gave Zhang Shunqun the equipment, a leather glove, a dagger, a turban, a night jacket, a dented simple cavalry shield, a nomadic bow, and a bag of barbed arrows.

Zhang Tie casually taught Zhang Shun some tricks of using force, all of which he had learned from "The Wind Saber Technique".

Since reading and playing the two books, Zhang Tie has been practicing "Children's Kung Fu" and "Wild Wind Sword Technique". It seems that "Boy's Kungfu" is about to reach a certain level, but it is a pity that it has not been achieved.

However, practicing "Blaster Blade Technique" increased Zhang Tie's proficiency in one-handed and two-handed weapons a lot, and he also felt a slight increase in speed.

Before he knew it, Zhang Tie had been explaining the tricks of using force for a long time, it was getting dark and he was hungry.

The two brothers left the room, locked the door, went downstairs, ordered a few side dishes, ate and drank enough, went upstairs to go to sleep, did not see the examination room today, and will go to see it tomorrow with Luo Long and the two brothers.

And just when the two brothers started to sleep, in an uninhabited forest outside Beicheng, more than a dozen people in various clothes gathered together, and the faint light of the fire shone on the group of people, which looked very strange.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the people around the fire looked in the direction of the footsteps. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. After a while, the owner of the sound walked to the fire. It was the leader of the assassins.

The face of the assassin leader was a little gloomy, as if he was in a very bad mood.

With his hands behind his back, the leader of the assassins looked at the people around the fire, counted the number of people, and found that one person was missing.

This discovery made the assassin leader, who was already in a bad mood, explode completely and said angrily: "There is another person, who hasn't come yet? Didn't he receive the order?!"

At this time, a man in a mink fur coat stepped forward, lowered his head so that people could not see his appearance and expression clearly, and said in a low voice: "The one who didn't come is Dong Wenhua, I'm afraid he will never come again, he He died at the hands of the man in black."


The assassin leader yelled in surprise, and said in disbelief: "Didn't I already give the order to retreat? How could Dong Wenhua still die? Could it be that he didn't obey my order?"

"Dong Wenhua, he was killed before we retreated. He was shot by the men in black."

Another person beside the fire said with a choked voice. When talking about the man in black, he gritted his teeth, and it seemed that he had a lot to do with the dead.

The leader of the assassins looked up at the pitch-black sky. There is no moon today, and without the moonlight shining, everything looks particularly gloomy.

The leader of the assassins took a deep breath, and said harshly: "This time I really lost my wife and lost my army. If I failed to steal a chicken, I lost a handful of rice. This time, seven brothers died, and six of them died from the same cause." The hand of man, this revenge must be avenged."

Every subordinate has been carefully selected and trained many times before they have the subordinates they have today. Every subordinate is very precious to the assassin leader.

The assassin leader glanced at everyone present, and then said: "The assassination failed this time, everyone should be careful after returning to the city, don't expose your hands and feet, and wait for a while before looking for clues about the man in black."

After a pause, the leader of the assassins then gritted his teeth and said, "I must tear him into pieces!"


The Beicheng state capital was still brightly lit at this time, and there were people in police uniforms coming in and out from time to time, all of them in a hurry.

In the lobby of the state capital, the Beicheng government official was wearing an official uniform. He was burying his head in looking at something, frowning, and writing and drawing on the white paper beside him from time to time.

He muttered to himself: "It's strange, all the clues of the police are concentrated in one alley, but they are all broken here, and people disappear out of thin air?"

This person is Liu Hua who was ordered by King Yan to find the whereabouts of the man in black. Liu Hua has already inquired about the open and dark lines on the street, and the results all point to an alley, and then suddenly disappeared, and the man in black disappeared out of thin air. .

In fact, it wasn't that the man in black disappeared out of thin air, but Zhang Tie's particularity. He changed into a suit of equipment as soon as he landed, and with a public face, he was already very good at investigating. The police didn't notice him at all, let alone Doubt him.

"In this case."

Liu Hua sketched a circle on the paper and thought about it. "That person should live nearby!"

Liu Hua got up and said to his subordinates standing aside: "Pay attention to the residents around the alley to see if there is anyone who looks similar to the man in black."


The catcher who was standing by the side quickly walked out.

After the subordinate left, Liu Hua pressed his swollen temple and walked up and down in the lobby.

"The township exam is coming soon, and such a big thing happened, hey!"

 Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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