Chapter 49
On the Zhao Guo Merchant Ship, Zhang Tie stared at the so-called "third brother" who was like a treasure, and couldn't imagine how he had survived until now.

"Cough! Cough! Second brother, go and see what the money bag is, don't let the third brother embarrass himself in front of the guests again."

At this moment, a voice came from the stairs, Zhang Tie turned his head subconsciously, and saw the person he had seen in the shop, it was Li Dahua. At this time, Li Dahua was at the door of the upstairs cabin and wanted to come down.

Zhang Tie quickly moved away and leaned against the corner of the wall on the other side, out of the way of Li Dagua.

In fact, Li Dagua had already woken up when Zhang Tie made his voice. After all, it was not too late, and the deduction happened today, which made Li Dagua toss and turn on the bed unable to sleep.

When he saw Zhang Tie's clothes at the window, a flash of lightning flashed in Li Dagua's mind, and he instantly remembered some news he heard in the city during the day.

There was a person whose appearance and clothes were very similar to the person in front of him. This made Li Dagua watch the show behind the window, mainly to observe Zhang Tie's movements, not knowing what Zhang Tie was doing when he came through the wall.

It's just that he didn't expect his third brother to be so stupid that he had to come out. If this continues, Li Dagua feels that he really can't lose face.

Li Dagua came downstairs, and when he passed the broken stairs, he was extra careful, and slowly passed the broken bottom of the building, and stepped on the next section of stairs. Hurt'.

Once downstairs, Li Dagua clasped his fists at Zhang Tie and said, "Let me, Li Dagua, this is my second brother Li Donggua, and that one is my third brother Li Papaya. I think you are the assassin who shot five arrows in a row. , Save the Heisha hero of Princess Pingan! Disrespect and disrespect."

When Li Dagua introduced his third brother, the corners of his mouth twitched obviously. Hearing Li Dagua's introduction, Zhang Tie almost laughed out loud. light.

Fortunately, Zhang Tie was wearing a mask, and the reason for the darkness was not discovered. He thought, what the hell name, why isn't he called Li Dagua, Li Ergua, and Li Sangua!

Hearing that he was a masked hero again, he was startled at first, wondering if his identity had been exposed, and then he remembered, isn't this attire the same as what he wore when he saved Princess Pingan?
Then there was an urge to vomit blood, "What kind of nicknames are these? It's also a masked hero. Why not call him Superman in Black or Masked Superman or something like that?"

After calming down, Zhang Tie also clasped his fists and said, "The jade-faced flying dragon Zhang Bairen, the one with 5 arrows in a row is indeed the next one, but he is not a masked hero, nor is he saving a life or a Princess Ping An, but he just can't see them assassinating a woman." Seniors, just shoot at will."

Looking at the purse that had just been transferred from Li Papaya's hand to Li Donggua's, he said to Li Dagua, "Treasurer Li, let's take a look at the goods I brought, you will definitely be satisfied."

Li Donggua, who had just taken the money bag from Li Papagua, was also stunned. He really couldn't imagine that the wretched thief in front of him could be the masked hero he heard about during the day. (Note: wretched refers to being sneaky, not the current wretchedness!)

Although they already knew that the assassin was from the state of Zhao, the three Li Dagua brothers were not sad for the death of the assassin, but wanted to applaud him loudly.

The King of Zhao State is very unpopular in the eyes of the current Zhao State people, not only turning a deaf ear to some reckless behavior of his own army.

Moreover, it imitated the Yan State and made a money ticket, but it was very different from the implementation of the Yan State.

The state of Zhao produces money bills, takes cash from the hands of the common people, and then vigorously produces more money bills to buy more cash from the common people, making the money bills of the state of Zhao extremely valuable, and most of the people have no cash in their hands. , only depreciated money bills, making people miserable.

Since the armistice of the Yan State, in order to vigorously develop the economy, it has introduced a thing called money tickets. Every county and even individual towns have set up a money bank, which is responsible for money tickets.

However, unlike Zhao State, Yan State’s money tickets are strictly controlled, and each one is made after the silver is entered into the account. Invoices, and you must have cash before you can continue to issue money invoices, so there is no such thing as worthless.

Now many surrounding countries have followed suit, and money escorts in the Yan Kingdom have become a necessity for businessmen when traveling. After all, money notes are easy to carry, but the largest money note is only 100 taels of money.

Li Dagua was slightly taken aback when he heard that he wanted to see the goods first, and then he smiled and said, "Okay, okay, second brother, let us see what the customer has prepared for us."

As he spoke, he came to Li Donggua, ready to have a look, and let this masked hero say what would satisfy him.

Li Donggua slowly opened the money bag and tore the opening, revealing the white salt inside.

Looking at the white things in front of him, Li Dagua was a little hesitant, and always felt that the things in front of him were somewhat familiar.

I grabbed a little bit with my hand and held it in the palm of my hand, smelled it with my nose first, then picked up a little salt, and prepared to stuff it into my mouth.

Li Donggua, who was watching from the side, quickly dropped the purse, grabbed Li Dagua's hand, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "Brother!"

The money bag was thrown on the ground by Li Donggua and scattered all over the place.

"It's okay, since Brother Bairen came here so sincerely, I naturally can't neglect Brother Bairen."

Li Dagua pushed away his younger brother's hand while talking, put the refined salt in his mouth and tasted it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the salt was put into his mouth, Li Dagua's complexion suddenly changed. The two brothers were so frightened that they thought they were poisoned. They quickly stepped forward to help Li Dagua and prepared to detoxify him.

Unexpectedly, Li Dagua pushed the two brothers away, bent down quickly, stretched out his hand, picked up the purse that Li Donggua threw on the ground, and said regretfully: "Li Donggua has a son of a bitch, do you know What did you just throw away!? Salt! Fine salt!"

Li Donggua on the side heard the words, knelt down and picked up a little salt scattered on the ground, put it in his mouth and tasted it, turned his head, looked at Zhang Tie dumbfounded, and then joined the ranks of picking up salt with a look of remorse.

Li Dagua desperately picked up the scattered refined salt, muttering to himself: "It's the first time I've seen such a good refined salt without any bitter taste."

Salt is actually very common in coastal areas and is not very expensive. However, the government does not allow civilians to make or sell salt privately. Once discovered, they will be dispatched to the border areas in a light way, and those in serious cases will be killed directly.

However, there is little salt in inland areas and can only be extracted from salt mines and salt bricks, which are not only rare, but also very expensive.

The level of alchemy in this era is low, and the treatment of salt bags is very simple, that is, drying, so the salt in different places is different, and there are more or less impurities and odors.

The performance of the two made Li Papaya on the side anxious, and pointed at Zhang Tie with a knife: "What trick did you use to make my two brothers fall into the trap, let's see."

As he spoke, he raised his knife and stepped forward to fight Zhang Tie.What Li Papaya did brought the two shocked people back to their senses, and quickly stopped Li Papaya's behavior.

"Third brother come back!" "Third brother stop!"

The two stopped the third brother of Huobao, and were about to talk to Zhang Tie, when a voice came from the cabin, "Shopkeeper, what happened?"

The voice from inside the cabin startled Li Dagua, and he quickly said loudly: "It's okay, my third brother is messing up, I'm scolding him, let's go inside and rest!"

While talking, he signaled his younger brother with his eyes to take Zhang Tie to the highest cabin.

The patrolling soldiers who happened to come also heard these words, and with the mentality that more things are worse than less things, they turned back with torches.

Li Donggua immediately withdrew his knife, came to Zhang Tie, and made a gesture of invitation, presumably because he was afraid that people would talk too much, so that he could talk in a place where no one would notice.

"The less people know, the better. I am here to smuggle salt this time. When there are too many people, no one knows what will happen. After all, there are too many people talking." Thinking of this, Zhang Tie nodded and walked upstairs .

 Begging for collection!Please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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