Chapter 52 Candidate Admission
At ten o'clock in the morning, the northern city of Yanzhou, which should be quiet, is brightly lit at this time. People are coming and going on the street, and the sellers keep waving pens, inks, papers and inkstones in their hands, or dry food items, loudly selling .

With the yelling, the spit from the salesman's mouth was sprayed on the goods in his hands, but they still didn't notice it, and they kept shouting, the goods in the seller's own hands.

The noisy crowd attacked the scholars in long robes and their families. This situation continued on the streets near the entrance of the inner city, where they were intercepted by soldiers one by one.

Today is the first day of the township examination. Candidates have to enter the examination room before the ugly time (3 o'clock in the morning), and the candidates are allowed to enter the examination room before the ugly time.

One is to allow candidates to calm down their complex thoughts in advance and prepare for the exam carefully.

Second, searching the examination room at night eliminates the need to waste candidates’ time during the day.

Yan Guo's rural examination starts on the ninth day of June, and the exam lasts three days, with three exams in a row.It is said that a game is three days, and it is necessary to count the entry one day in advance and the exit one day after that, that is, entry in the middle of the night is counted as one day, and appearance is also counted as one day. The actual test time is only one day.

In the first session of the sixth day exam, you have to prepare in advance on the evening of the fifth day. The exam officially starts the next day, and you will hand in the papers when it gets dark. Leaving the examination room on the morning of the seventh.This is the so-called three-day exam.

The second exam is on June [-]th. You have to enter the exam on the night of June [-]th. The rules are the same as the first exam. You can only leave the exam hall on August [-]th.

Then on June NO.12, candidates entered the venue to prepare for the third exam. It was still the night of June NO.11. On the night of June NO.12, the exam ended.

Although all three exams of the township exam have ended, candidates can only leave the exam room on the morning of June 13th.

After the rural examinations in other places, candidates can choose to stay in the provincial capital to wait for news, or they can choose to return to their hometowns.

The results of the rural examinations will be sent to the prefectures and counties through official post stations, ensuring that they will be sent to the place where the candidates' school status is located.

However, Beicheng is special, and it is obviously different from other prefectural cities. As the capital of the king, coupled with the current shortage of talents in Yan Kingdom, the results of the township examination will usually come out before June No. 20.

Zhang Tie prepared a lot of things for Zhang Shun to enter the examination room at night. In addition to food and drink, he also needed to bring pen, ink, inkstone and paperweight into the examination room by himself.

Candidates are not allowed to bring draft paper into the examination room by themselves. Before entering the examination room, candidates can pay a fee to obtain draft paper. The fee is not very high. The main purpose is to prevent candidates from cheating. The difficulty of checking.

Before nightfall, Luo Long and Liu Yi all came down from the third floor and called Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie to go to the examination room together.

Because you have to stay in the examination room for three days in one session, you have to prepare at least four meals. The examination room will prepare charcoal fires for heating and cooking.

The food that Zhang Tie brought to Zhang Shun was quite good. In addition to flatbread, rice balls, water and vegetarian dishes, there were also meat dishes such as eggs and stewed meat. Air-dried meat and beef were naturally necessary. The taste, I guess Escort Yang and the others are still nostalgic to this day.

As for Yang Zilin, Escort Yang who is far away in Qingzhou, no, the first four of Escort Yang and the others are having a meal. But he was thinking about Zhang Tie's air-dried meat.

Zhang Tie was going to start cooking for Zhang Shun in the dormitory, so he prepared a basket of cooked food slowly.

In June, the night was still a bit chilly. In order to prevent Zhang Shun from freezing at night, Zhang Tie specially put on heavy clothes for Zhang Shun. He could take them off in the examination room and use them as a quilt at night, which was the best of both worlds.

In the evening, 8 people set off from the "High School" inn. The candidates and their families who participated in the rural examination along the way, of course, our lovely salesman, and soldiers on guard.

Since Luo Long is from the Feihu Camp, he knows quite a few soldiers and greets them from time to time.

After passing through many crowds, Zhang Tie and others finally arrived at the entrance of the examination room.

There were quite a few people in the examination room, or even more. There was already a long queue in front of the entrance of the examination room. The soldiers at the gate held the examination room to prevent candidates from entering and leaving at will. There was a small tent beside it.

After a while, 6 people walked out of the small tent and walked towards the examination room. The soldiers guarding the gate did not stop them, but called another 6 people in line.

The six candidates did not enter the examination room directly, but paid 6 coppers for draft paper money, and then entered the small tent on the side. The small tent was obviously used to search the candidates to prevent cheating.

Once a scholar is found to be cheating, it will be a catastrophe. Not only will he be dismissed, but he may even be exiled to the army. However, some opportunistic people cannot be stopped.

The search of candidates is very strict. In order to prevent candidates from cheating, candidates must take off their underwear when they are searched, and they will not be allowed to enter the examination room until the search officer has carefully inspected it.

After all, the county, government, and hospital exams are all completed on the same day of entry, and the time is relatively tight, while the rural exams are entered one day earlier, so there is more time for inspections, and it is more stringent.

Two days before the start of the exam, Zhang Shun and others had already received their number plates, and the seats were all good, and they did not get the "stinky" number. In the examination room, it would also be written that a certain number in a certain line was a candidate's number in a certain place dormitory, and post the names of the candidates outside the dormitory, revealing the list to everyone

Not long after, Zhang Shun and the others were lined up, handing over the basket, Zhang Tie patted Zhang Shun on the shoulder, and said, "Treat it with a normal mind, don't think too much, it's enough to bring it out at the usual level."

There is nothing to say about his brother's knowledge. He is definitely a genius. Now that he has received attribute bonuses, his intelligence is as high as over 30, which makes Zhang Shun's memory even smoother.

Everything in the book can be memorized verbatim, and if you say a sentence at will, you can figure out which book, which page, which line, and which sentence it comes from.

After taking the basket, Zhang Shun had a calm expression on his face, as if the whole person was in a quiet and stable state. He nodded to Zhang Tie, turned around and followed Liu Yi and the others, everything was in plain sight.

Zhang Shun's soldiers guarding the gate were a little impatient now, if they didn't know Luo Long beside him, they would have started yelling a long time ago.

Luo Long, as the captain of the Flying Tiger Battalion's reconnaissance team, has strong relationships and manpower.

The four Zhang Tie stayed for a short while after Zhang Shun and others finished checking and entered the opening room, then left the examination room.

It was not long before dawn, and they couldn't fall asleep when they went back, so Zhang Tie and others planned to find a place to drink a few pots of wine and eat a few taels of meat.

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(End of this chapter)

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