Chapter 73
In the early morning, at a camp outside Wucheng County, Yanzhou, Zhang Tie walked into the barracks with a bucket of wine. At this time, the bodyguards who were injured this time were sitting in the barracks, and Ma Chao was among them.

After the successful recruitment, Ma Chao finally saved his life, but although he survived, his injuries would not heal instantly.

With white bandages wrapped around his hands, Ma Chao looked at Zhang Tie in surprise. Ma Chao, who had just woken up, found that there were many more memories in his head.

Zhang Tie, who noticed Ma Chao's expression, gave Ma Chao a quiet expression, and poured a glass of wine for everyone who was injured to refresh them. Then Zhang Tie led Ma Chao to a corner.

When he came to the corner, before Ma Chao could say anything, Zhang Tie said, "I know what you want to say, that's right, I did all of this, and you were almost dead at that time."

Nodding clearly, Ma Chao looked a little excited, and said in a low voice, "I've heard it all. They all said that I already had a zombie face at that time, and that I was absolutely destined to die. They didn't even think that I would live. Come here, and."

While speaking, Ma Chao raised his injured left hand, clenched his fist, and then let go, "My hand is almost healed now, but I have been pretending it so as not to scare others."

Zhang Tie looked around. The other injured bodyguards were drinking and chatting, looking at Zhang Tie from time to time, as if the topic of discussion was related to Zhang Tie.

"Well, you can pretend that your hand is still injured for the time being, so as not to make others suspect, but do you like the feeling now?"

Ma Chao nodded excitedly, and looked at Zhang Tie with some admiration. "Boss, I now feel like my body has strength that I never had before. It's really great."

Zhang Tie waved his hand with a suspicious expression on his face, "Well, let's do this first, I still have work to do, this time three people were killed and 7 people were injured, which already accounted for more than half of the escorts this time, I hope they hurry up Get well!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie turned around and walked away. Indeed, there were many things that he needed to do, the first was the matter of the bandit's corpse, and the second was the matter of herbal medicine.

The corpse of the gangster can be handed over directly to the county magistrate in exchange for silver taels.The medicinal materials also need to be sold out earlier, fortunately
Speaking of the dead, Ma Chao's face suddenly became depressed. Among the bodyguards who died this time, there was Ma Chao's younger brother, Ma Yong, who was the first to be split in half by the gangsters.

"I don't know how to explain to my aunt, hey."

Looking at Zhang Tie walking out of the tent, Ma Chao's expression suddenly became complicated, "Boss, you really don't show your face! Can you bless me?"

After leaving the camp, Zhang Tie brought two bodyguards who were not injured, while Lu Jindao stayed in the camp. The current camp still needs a master to guard it.

Although the camp was just outside the city gate, generally speaking, it was unlikely that any accident would happen, but the only thing to fear was the appearance of bandits. After all, they suffered heavy losses yesterday.

The three of Zhang Tie drove a total of three carriages, one carriage was pulling medicinal materials, and two carriages were carrying the corpses of bandits. As for the medicinal materials on the two carriages, they were naturally unloaded on other carriages.

The horses pulling the carts were all the horses left by the gangsters. They were all fat and strong, much stronger than the previous horses. The three of them drove the carts and soon arrived at the gate of the city.

The strong smell of blood was noticed by the soldiers guarding the city from a long distance away. One of the soldiers held a long gun and greeted him. He reached out to stop Zhang Tie and the others, "Stop! What are you doing?"

The soldier was very handsome. He looked young and well-equipped. The tip of the spear in his hand was also shining with a cold light, which seemed to be very sharp.

At this moment, the soldier frowned, as if he was overwhelmed by the smell of blood.

Zhang Tie didn't care about it either. It would be strange if there were no soldiers to stop the smell of blood. "It seems that the soldiers here are very valued and well-equipped."

He fisted the soldiers habitually, "Zhang Tie of the Dengjia Escort Bureau, this time he was escorting his escort through expensive land. On the way, he encountered a gangster. After a lot of hard work, he was lucky enough to repel the gangster. Behind them are corpse, and the cargo I am waiting for the darts."

When Zhang Tie mentioned the gangster, everyone near the city gate stopped and looked at Zhang Tie curiously.

And when Zhang Tie said that he was lucky enough to repel the gangsters, everyone was surprised at first, and then they all looked in disbelief.

The handsome soldier also looked surprised, "Is he a liar? But there is such a heavy smell of blood, and."

Qingxiu soldier caught sight of the horses pulling the cart, and the appearance of the horses came into view, "Besides, these three horses are all war horses. Even if the Deng Family Security Bureau is rich, I can't use war horses to pull the cart."

Withdrawing the hand that blocked the car, the Qingxiu soldier held a long gun and gave Zhang Tie a fist, "Brother, can I go up and check it out?"

Although what Qingxiu soldier said was an inquiry, his tone was very forceful, an imposing manner that must be done. There is no doubt that this is the responsibility of the guarding soldiers to their profession.


Zhang Tie didn't stop it, and there was no need for it. This was what soldiers had to do, and there was really nothing he couldn't check.

Qingxiu soldiers came to the first carriage, which was the carriage driven by Zhang Tie, opened the tarpaulin to look inside, and then put down the tarpaulin.

Go straight to the second carriage, the cargo box of the carriage has been stained bright red with blood, and the gaps in the cargo box are full of suspicious blood clots.

The two carriages behind were also randomly covered with cloth, and the cloth was also stained with blood.

The Qingxiu soldier turned over the cloth of the second carriage and looked inside. What he saw made his complexion suddenly change, and he looked suspicious, "This dress! It's exactly the same as what I heard, and it looks like the callus on the palm of the right hand on his hand It is also formed by holding a knife for many years, and there are also calluses on the fingers, which should be caused by using a bow all the year round, I am afraid it is really a gangster."

He checked the third carriage again, and some of the details surprised the handsome soldier even more.

Looking at the deadly wounds of the dead, they were all small holes. As a soldier, he naturally knew what kind of weapon it was caused by. "Are they all killed by one arrow, what a terrible sharpshooter."

After checking the vehicle, Qingxiu smiled slightly at Zhang Tie, "This strong man, although there is no problem checking here, but you have to go to the yamen with me first to dispose of the corpse, otherwise the impact in the city will not be too great. good."

The Qingxiu soldier's attitude towards Zhang Tie has improved a lot, and he even has a little respect. The strong are worthy of your respect.

"Okay, little brother, please."

He made a gesture of invitation to the handsome soldier.

Qingxiu soldiers first ran to the gate of the city, leaned their spears against the city wall, and then came to the carriage driven by Zhang Tie and sat on the platform.

Zhang Tie picked up the whip, waved it in the air, made a crisp sound, drove the carriage, and slowly entered Wucheng County with the Qingxiu soldiers.

 Today is another day to decide whether to recommend anything, amen!

(End of this chapter)

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