Chapter 82 Identity Exposed
At the gate of Biancheng County, the soldiers guarding the city were absent-minded, as if something major had happened.

A soldier broke the silence first, and said tentatively: "Tell me, what will happen to the new county magistrate this time? Looking at the clothes just now, the one in the white gown should be the county magistrate."

As soon as the soldier opened his mouth, the other guarding soldiers also started chatting.

"I think the new county magistrate is still young and has a friendly face. He shouldn't be like the previous county magistrate."

This is what a younger soldier said.

"You just looked at the county magistrate, didn't you see the man on the gray horse? The evil spirit on his body is so strong and terrifying. Some veterans are not as strong as him. I guess only Brother Yan can compete with him."

This is what another soldier said. The soldier had an arrow wound on his face, and he should have been on the battlefield.

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions before doing something, just watch, there will be results, stop discussing, and close the city gate."

A mature and experienced soldier ended the discussion, and several people set off to close the gate of Biancheng County.

Zhang Tie and others who had gone away would never have imagined that they would be known by the soldiers and guessed their identities as soon as they entered the city.

In fact, Zhang Tie and others were careless. In a border area, the people who entered and exited the city gate, and the soldiers guarding the city all had an impression. Moreover, Zhang Tie and others were all wearing leather armor. People are all wearing long gowns.

In this place with limited traffic, it is not difficult to guess the identity of Zhang Tie and others.

Zhang Tie and others came into the city and found that the city was also in disarray. The streets were littered with rubbish, which seemed to have not been cleaned for a long time, and the gutters were even more stench.

Frowning, Zhang Tie suggested to Zhang Shun: "Shunzi, it seems that the first thing you do when you take office is to clean up the sanitation in the city. In this environment, it is easy to get sick."

People have been aware of this for a long time. Cities with the right conditions will lead running water into the city, such as Jiangnan, and many small towns will do water conservancy to lead running water to solve sanitation problems.

Those who do not have such conditions will have other solutions. For example, Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty, where millions of people lived for a hundred years, because there was too much garbage, the whole city was moved.

Nodded, in fact, even if Zhang Tie didn't say anything, Zhang Shun would do the same. As an important part of a county, the street is equivalent to a facade. Really is the first step.

Most of the shops on both sides of the street are closed, and only a few are open.

Most of the shops that are open only sell some necessities of life, there are few other valuable things, and there are not many cloth shops.

There were also very few pedestrians on the street, and the passers-by all looked at Zhang Tie and his party curiously. Some of them looked a little suspicious, as if they had discovered something.

Pedestrians were very careful not to let Zhang Tie and others notice. Liu Yi, who was looking at the surrounding environment, came to Zhang Shun and said in a low voice: "I asked about it when I came, and the population of Biancheng County is about 4. Most of them are in the county seat, and the rest are scattered in various villages."

A population of 4 is actually quite small for a county, but it is understandable considering the various events in Biancheng County in recent years.

After walking for a long time, when they were about to reach the end of the street, Zhang Tie and others finally found an inn that was open, probably the only one in Biancheng County.

"Border Town Inn" is a very simple name. The inn has only two floors, which is different from other inns. The first floor of "Border Town Inn" has only tables and benches, and there are no diners.

There was only the shopkeeper who was dozing off on the counter, not even a waiter, and the whole inn seemed empty.

The street near the entrance of the inn is different from other streets. The ground is very clean, and it is obvious that someone often cleans it.

Leaving one person to watch the carriage and other things, Zhang Tie took the lead to enter the inn, knocked on the counter, and the shopkeeper raised his head in a daze. It seemed that Zhang Tie glanced at him, blinked his eyes, and there was some gum in the corner of his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up yet. .

The shopkeeper is five or sixty years old, his hair is a little pale, and his face is covered with wrinkles. In this era, as long as you are not a martial arts practitioner, you are almost an old man at this age. Of course, those who only practice external skills may also grow old. faster.

Knocking on the counter again, Zhang Tie said angrily: "Boss, stay at the hotel."

"Oh! Stay at the store."

The innkeeper finally came to his senses, patted his face, rubbed his eyes, to make himself more awake,
After looking at Zhang Tie and the others, the innkeeper's eyes twitched imperceptibly, "How many guests are there? How many rooms do you want?"

Zhang Tie glanced back at Liu Yi, Liu Yi gestured to Zhang Tie, and then said to the shopkeeper: "A total of 11 people, six rooms, besides, boss, do you have a place to park the horses here? "

The shopkeeper nodded quickly, and while writing and drawing on an old ledger, he said: "Yes, yes, sir, let me give you the key to the room first, and then I will take you to park the horses. fellow."


The conversation was divided into two parts. Just when Zhang Tie and others entered "Border Town Inn", a soldier ran into the residential area next to the county government office and knocked on the door of a room.

After a while, the door was opened, and the soldiers were welcomed in. The soldiers who entered were the soldiers guarding the city gate.

The residential area next to the county government office is where government officials live, and the sanitation is very clean and tidy. Many houses have flowers and plants planted in the walls and courtyards.

The house the soldiers entered was much better than the other houses around, and the doors were all made of good wood.

The person who opened the door seemed to be a servant, dressed as a handyman, but the fabric of the clothes was good. He led the soldiers all the way to a room, and knocked on the door lightly.

"My lord, the city gate guard Wang Mazi has something to ask to see."

"Let him in."

Words came from inside the room, the voice was a little low, and it seemed very tired.

Gently pushed open the door, the servant made a gesture of invitation to Wang Mazi, after Wang Mazi entered the room, the servant closed the door gently again, moved his footsteps, and guarded not far from the door .

The room Wang Mazi entered seemed to be a study room. There were several bookshelves in the room, and the bookshelves were filled with books. One person was drinking tea on the table, and beside it was a closed ledger, without any name written on it.

This person is about forty years old. He is the head of Biancheng County, Bo Guomingjian, and is now the top leader of Biancheng County.

Guo Mingjian, a person from the border city, a former scholar, is now the governor of the border city. Guo Mingjian's body is also somewhat strong, and he seems to be a martial arts practitioner.

As soon as Wang Mazi entered the room, he stepped forward a few steps, and first bent down to the person sitting on the table.

"Master Bo, the new county magistrate has already entered the city."

Guo Mingjian, who was drinking tea, quickly put down his teacup with a shocked expression on his face.

"What did you say? The new county magistrate has entered the city? Are you sure you read it right?"

 How about a favorite (?▽?).

(End of this chapter)

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