Turning people into demons

Chapter 163 A Happy Life Needs No Explanation

Chapter 163 A Happy Life Needs No Explanation

The black smoke dissipated completely, and the top of Luoxia Mountain became clear again.There were broken swords everywhere on the top of the mountain, and the broken bodies of heroes everywhere, and a thick fog of blood filled the scarlet blood on the ground.

In this battle, Su Mo of Ice God Valley and Master Nianren of Xiaolin Temple were seriously injured.The four young masters fell to the ground, and their life and death were unknown. 68 people died and more than 20 people were injured. Zhengdao suffered heavy casualties.Moreover, the defeat was a mess, under the siege of tens of thousands of heroes, more than a dozen young masters, and the heads of the two major sects, Liu Yibai was actually allowed to escape, and the whole world was in an uproar.

Regarding the fact that Fu Lingtian, the bird master who is both righteous and evil, suddenly appeared and rescued Liu Yibai, even the monk Nianren didn't know why.Speaking of those who were present, that is to say, he and Master Niao are relatively familiar. He is very clear about the character of Master Niao. He will not come to rescue someone who has nothing to do with him for no reason. The strength of this ancient divine beast is unfathomable, and it is impossible to be controlled by Master Niao.

He didn't know all of them, so he could only let it go in a hurry.

Many experts of the older generation present recognized the identity of the mythical beast that appeared just now. While they were surprised by the power behind Liu Yibai, they could not help but be worried about the future.

The interrogation meeting turned into a demon killing meeting, and finally turned into a killing meeting. This can be said to be a great shame for righteous martial arts.

The summit of Luoxia Mountain was gloomy, and the meeting continued for another day. The interrogation meeting turned into a demon-hunting meeting. All righteous people gathered together to discuss how to chase and suppress Liu Yibai. The last few respected heads began to invite the world Well-known masters came to discuss how to carry out the operation of killing demons.

Nun Qingshui stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the mountains in the distance with a complicated expression, feeling a sense of loss and regret in her heart.Chu Yingxuan walked gently behind her and said, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking of someone."

"Haha, Junior Sister Qingshui, you have violated the taboo of Buddhism," Su Zuo walked over from behind with a smile, without any sign of decadence, as if he was not the one who was defeated by Liu Yibai.At first he really felt very angry and ashamed, but later he figured it out, after today, Liu Yibai could only face endless pursuit, and it was absolutely impossible to compete with him in the future, so he didn't take that day at all. things in mind.

"I'm just wondering if everyone has their own helplessness. There are many things they don't want to do but have to do." Nun Qingshui sighed while looking at the bottomless cliff.

Chu Yingxuan said thoughtfully, "You think too much."

"Let's think about what's going on now. Liu Yibai, the demon, has already fled. The most urgent thing is to catch him first, otherwise there will be no peace in the world." Su Zuo also said.

"He probably doesn't want all of this."

"Junior Sister Qingshui, what are you talking about? You Buddhists should not be compassionate like this. This Liu Yibai has committed a heinous crime. You must not have any compassion for him."

Qing Shui sighed, turned around and walked into Luoxia Gate.

The two were stunned, neither understanding what Qing Shui was thinking.

Three days after the conference, the martial arts heroes came down the mountain one after another. Five days later, rumors spread about the battle between the Blood Demon and the top of Luoxia Mountain. Ten days later, twelve masters from the Central Plains who were as powerful as Monk Nianren jointly issued a pursuit order and sent all the people in the world to fight. The master began to kill the blood demon Liu Yibai.

All of a sudden, the whole Central Plains was boiling, and the news of the Gorefiend Liu Yibai making a fuss on the top of Luoxia Mountain spread to every corner of the Central Plains.

While Liu Yibai was surprised at the appearance of the pheasant, Bird Master had already taken the lead to attack the pheasant. He saw the legendary pheasant up close in the mist, its two claws shone brightly, and then With a flash of light, he rushed towards Su Mo and Monk Nianren.

It was this kind of pure physical strength that directly caused the two of them to be disemboweled and seriously injured.He couldn't help gloating in his heart, it was the first time he saw Nianren who was so high above him so embarrassed.
Bird Master took Liu Yibai and ran down Luoxia Mountain, then got close to the continuous mountains, and ran for a long time before stopping.In the end, he threw Liu Yibai off the squid.

"Your uncle, do you want to do this?" Liu Yibai got up from the ground in embarrassment, glaring at the smiling Master Bird.

"Haha, you boy, I saved your life, so I don't know how to be polite. You should call me uncle, but you really have to call me uncle, haha."

"Tell me, why did you save me, I don't seem to know you."

"I'm happy because of you."

"Hehe, is there still a free lunch in this world?"

"Believe it or not, my old man doesn't need to explain so much to a small person like you. Goodbye." Master Bird took a deep look at him and flew away like a wisp of green smoke.

"My Cao, take me away." Liu Yibai yelled on the spot, and finally his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

It's not that he was seriously injured, but just collapsed. Under the siege of so many masters, he couldn't stand it even if he was hardened.

The void in front of Liu Yibai twisted for a while, Master Niao went back and forth, looked down at his injuries, and finally said to himself: "It's a piece of jade, but the correct way of practice is missing. "

"Hehe, no matter, whether you can systematically practice ancient martial arts skills depends on your own good luck." After finishing speaking, a clear light shot out from Master Bird's hand, which fell directly into Liu Yibai's mind. Everything, he squeezed Liu Yibai's face with a smile, and finally stepped on his face again, and then disappeared again.

Not long after, Liu Yibai woke up from his coma, and a layer of falling yellow leaves fell on his body.He shook his head and looked at the surrounding scene blankly. This was a mountain range a hundred miles away from Luoxia Mountain.

The headache was severe, Liu Yibai patted his forehead, not knowing what the sudden pain was.I remember that it was not like this when I went down the mountain. It felt like being hit on the head with a heavy hammer.
"I'll go, someone won't beat me up while I'm unconscious." Liu Yibai struggled to get up, and walked towards a small spring in front of him.

The face of a handsome man with vicissitudes of life is clearly reflected in the spring water. The only fly in the ointment is that there is a very disharmonious footprint on that handsome face. Judging from the footprints, this man's feet are not very long. It should be a tall man. short man.

"It can't be the bastard Bird Master." Liu Yibai was stunned, he thought about it, and only this unscrupulous person would do such a wicked thing.

"Your uncle's."

Just when he yelled out the words "your uncle's" angrily, an old laughter suddenly came to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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