Chapter 71
On the top of Tianyin Mountain, the Buddha's light lingers all year round, and there is an endless stream of pilgrims who come here admiringly.

Yang Suxian and his party followed the pilgrims who went up the mountain to burn incense on the rugged mountain road. It has been five days since they took the road from Jizhou to Tianyin Mountain. Looking at the Xiaolin Temple on the top of the mountain, Lin San could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If he, Huayan, and Qiumo used lightness kung fu to travel, it would take two days. Unfortunately, after the silver needle on Yang Suxian's head was pulled out by Liu Yibai, not only did he lose all his cultivation and become an ordinary person again, but his bones were also damaged. It was much worse than before, which was why I wasted many days on the road.

"Sisters and sisters, Xiaolin Temple is right in front of you after driving for five days in a row. Let's take a break first. The bald donkeys who go up the mountain don't know how to make things difficult for us." Lin San looked at Yang Suxian with sweaty face, He just sat down on a boulder beside the road and didn't go away.

"Young man, how can you talk nonsense and blaspheme here? The Buddha will punish you if you act like this." Before Yang Suxian could answer, an old man on the roadside couldn't stand it anymore and pointed at Lin San blowing his beard and staring. Said: "There are all holy monks in this Xiaolin Temple. The Buddha's Dharma is boundless. The villagers at the foot of our mountain rely on the blessings of the holy monks on the mountain to live a peaceful and contented life. How can you call the holy monk a bald donkey?" Woolen cloth.."

"Hey, I said old man, why did I blaspheme the gods? Aren't the monks in Xiaolin Temple all human beings, and even holy monks? I think you have lost your head and been fascinated by them." Lin San lifted eye, retorted.

"You..." the old man's face turned red, apparently because of Lin San's anger, he picked up the pole in his hand and wanted to hit him.

Lin San rolled aside in a hurry, and shouted: "Why are you so unreasonable, old man? This is a pure place of Buddhism. You are blaspheming the gods by doing this."

The old man hastily put down his pole and knelt down on the ground, chanting words like asking the Buddha for forgiveness and the holy monk for forgiveness.

Huayan gave Lin San a hard look, stepped forward to help the old man up, and said softly: "Old man, he is not sensible, so don't be as knowledgeable as him, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

"You're still a sensible girl, and the Buddha will bless you." A smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth, revealing a few yellow teeth.Immediately, he cast a sideways glance at Lin San, picked up the pole and staggered steadily towards the top of the mountain.

Huayan kept a close eye on Lin San along the way, for fear that he would cause trouble again.Not long after, the four of them had reached the top of Tianyin Mountain.

Xiaolin Temple is on the top of the mountain with deep mist, and the magnificent temple is built with antique flavor and solemnity.

What is strange is that there is a dilapidated ancient temple next to Xiaolin Temple. There is an old tree behind the temple, which seems out of place with the magnificent Xiaolin Temple.

Lin San looked puzzled, and said, "Why does Xiaolin Temple keep this ruined temple and not demolish it?"

"According to the inscription, this ancient tree has been around for at least 1000 years. The ancient tree is hollow, but it is still full of vitality. It is rumored that this is the place where the founder of Xiaolin Temple preached and sat down. This ordinary bodhi tree is contaminated by the Buddha light of the founder of Xiaolin Temple. , this is the vitality."

When Yang Suxian arrived at Xiaolin Temple, his mood improved a lot, and he patiently explained: "When the patriarch passed away, he left a last word - not to cut down this ancient Bodhi tree. He predicted that one day this ancient tree will be enlightened. The great way lives forever in the world. Therefore, the successive abbots of Xiaolin Temple did not dare to disobey the will of the Patriarch, not only this ancient Bodhi tree, but also the small temple where the Patriarch lived in the past has been preserved."

"Brother and sister, what you said is too mysterious." Lin San opened his mouth, his face full of disbelief. "A tree can also realize the Tao? Even if it becomes a spirit, it can't be so awesome."

Yang Suxian was noncommittal, and said with a smile: "I just saw it by accident in a book of strange tales of ancient times, just listen to it, and don't take it seriously."

"So I saw it in a book, maybe some idler made it up."

Lin San curled his lips and said, "Let's go, let's find Monk Nianren."

Walking with a little monk in the huge temple, there are resplendent glazed tiles, vermilion walls, and majestic and solemn gate towers everywhere.There are still poems written by celebrities of past dynasties on many walls and steles.A golden plaque hangs high in the center of the door of each Buddhist hall, and the door is carved with exquisite fairy and flower patterns, which is magnificent.Walking into the Daxiong Palace, you will see three big Buddha statues, with their chests bare, sitting cross-legged, with hands clasped together and smiles on their faces, vivid and full of life.Walking through the Daxiong Hall is the Dashi Hall, where Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands and eyes is enshrined.Opposite Avalokitesvara is a golden-armored Vajra, draped all over the body, majestic and majestic.

It is said that this statue of Guanyin is very effective. Many childless women came to ask for a child, and they were able to conceive a child soon after returning home.
After twists and turns, I followed the little novice into the living room.

"Several benefactors sit down for a while, I'll ask the abbot to come out." The little novice made tea for everyone, clasped his hands together and said goodbye.

Savoring the Tieguanyin in the cup carefully, Yang Suxian couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After the meeting, he didn't know how to speak, and asked people for holy things as soon as he came to the door. Presumably, even if he was a princess, these monks would not sell the court's face.

"If you can't borrow the Living Buddha's relic, Brother Liu may be in danger."

While pondering, the kind-hearted old monk followed the little novice slowly into the hall, followed by four calm elders.

Yang Suxian got up hurriedly, looked at the old monk at the front, saluted, and said, "You must be Master Nianren."

Nian Ren raised his hand, signaling Yang Suxian not to be too polite.He laughed and said, "The princess is here at our temple, what is your order?"


"The princess said it's okay."

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask you to borrow some living Buddha's relics." Seeing Yang Suxian's sullen face, Lin San stepped forward and said.

The four elders behind Monk Nianren changed expression and shouted angrily: "The living Buddha's relic is a sacred object of our temple, how can I lend it to others?"

Not to be outdone, Lin San straightened his head and said: "It's not that I won't return it to you, are you putting it in the temple and waiting for it to mold? Why don't you lend it to us to save people."

"You don't make sense"

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient." Monk Nianren waved his hands, turned to look at Lin San, and said in a deep thought: "I have already understood the reason for your coming, Master Liu and my Buddha have a predestined relationship, and I should want it both emotionally and logically." Borrowed, but"

Lin San looked in disbelief, wondering how Monk Nianren knew that they came to borrow the Living Buddha's relic to save Liu Yibai.

"Does this old monk still have the ability to predict the future?"

Lin San was afraid for a while, and secretly blamed himself for being reckless. There are indeed many capable people in a giant like Xiaolin Temple.It seems that the holy monk mentioned by the old man on the mountainside is really not bluffing.

"Master, it doesn't matter." Yang Suxian didn't care how Monk Yi Nianren knew about it, seeing that he seemed to be interested in borrowing, she hurriedly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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