Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 119 The Ambition of the Futu Gate

Chapter 119 The Ambition of the Futu Gate
Spontaneously sent off by all the monks in Shaoli Temple, Li Bin left Shaolin Temple with great glory and embarked on the journey back home.

It can be seen from the reverence in the eyes of the Shaolin monks who bid farewell that Li Bin turned the tide and risked his life to save the Shaolin Temple from being exterminated, and won the heartfelt love of all the monks in the Shaolin Temple.

The only regret and disappointment for Li Bin in this Shaolin battle was that Zen master Lingyin escaped under the desperate protection of his disciples and grandchildren.

However, based on the trauma Lingyin suffered, Li Bin believed that without a few months of recuperation and recovery, he would never want to use force again.Li Bin is quite confident about the lethality of his Immortal Killing Finger, especially with the addition of Hunyuan Qi, the power of the Immortal Killing Finger is unstoppable!

"You have completed the side mission: disciples of the sect have uniform uniforms of the sect. Rewarded items: a token for the upgrade of the sect building, and a token for the promotion of the bird." Li Bin, who was galloping on the official road, received a notification from the system.

Li Bin is very happy to complete another system task and get the most scarce sect building upgrade token. From now on, he must step up and improve the efficiency of completing system tasks, so as to quickly improve the overall strength of the Futu Sect to deal with all kinds of martial arts in Kyushu. A sudden event.

As soon as he drove across the border of Guangdong and Guangxi, Li Bin received a flying horse report from the disciples of the Futumen, saying that everything in the Futumen was safe, and the production of the port shipyard was gradually on the right track.

The magic horse Black Rose carried Li Bin into Guangzhou Port within half a day without stopping at all. Li Bin rode his horse straight to the office of Zhangju Port.

What Li Bin is most concerned about is the situation of Futu Sect's overseas trade. Junior brother Zhang Ju has lived up to his expectations. The trade contracts that Li Bin had previously negotiated with major local chambers of commerce have begun to enter the specific implementation stage. Various special goods from Da Qi are being shipped inland. Continue to the port for shipment.

Futumen rented two ocean-going trading ships from Dashi Merchant. Li Bin did not intend to pay them back so soon. The monthly rental fee of 1 taels per ship was so insignificant that it could be ignored compared to the huge wealth created by the trading ships. Excluding.

Although Futumen's own shipyard has started building ships, Li Bin has already prepared for the worst. The first seagoing ship in the shipyard should be regarded as a place for craftsmen and apprentices to practice and accumulate shipbuilding experience. Trading sea-going ships is not a simple matter. Without a certain accumulation of technical experience, it is unrealistic to get fat in one bite.

As expected, the two ocean-going trade ships owned by the merchants of Dashi Kingdom will play an important role in the ocean-going trade transportation of Futu Gate for a long time.

When Li Bin and Zhang Ju returned to the port after inspecting the shipyard together, Li Bin took aim at an ocean-going trade ship moored in a foreign country. Based on the rough calculation of the trade contract negotiated with the local businessman, he wanted to implement the trade contract to the maximum extent. , At least three sea-going ships are needed for ocean-going trade.

Not surprisingly, under the lure of Li Bin's sticks and carrots, an ocean-going trade ship from Tianzhu Kingdom was incorporated into the Futumen's ocean-going trade fleet by Li Bin.

Li Bin stood at the edge of the slipway, looking at the rows of port laborers loading goods in an orderly and tense manner at the port. He smiled and said to Zhang Ju: "Junior brother, after this trade, we should start to create new trade routes and establish A new overseas trading station has been established, and some efforts have been made to integrate various special goods and commodities from Qi.

The future situation is difficult to predict. Most of the neighboring countries are at odds with Daqi, and peace will not last long. If Futu Sect cannot firmly control the source of its own goods production and rely on various chambers of commerce, there will be no security guarantee. "

Zhang Ju nodded in agreement, and said: "What the head brother said is very true, I have a suggestion, that is, we need to recruit and train the ocean-going trade sailor team belonging to the Futumen, so as to prepare for the establishment of the Futumen's own ocean-going trade fleet in the future. Ready. How do you look?"

"Very good, just recruit sailors according to your idea. I'm afraid we won't be able to keep up with this trade trip. Let's first recruit people from the registered disciples who are temporarily unemployed to form the first batch of sailors. They will train and study with the trading ship. They will go on an ocean trip. After running down the trade, these disciple seamen must have learned almost enough." Li Bin told Zhang Ju.

"Understood. Just do as the head brother said." As soon as Zhang Ju finished speaking, he hurriedly disembarked from the ship to carry out the tasks assigned by Li Bin.

With such a capable junior brother, Li Bin really saved a lot of energy and worries.Without such a capable and loyal junior brother Zhang Ju to assist him, Li Bin thought he would never be able to do so many mundane tasks in Futumen.

"You have completed the main task: repairing the sect's mountain gate task. Rewarded items: a pair of silver ticket template molds, a pair of special anti-counterfeiting seals, a sect building upgrade token, and 3 taels of silver." The system prompt sounded in Li Bin's ear sounded.

Li Bin was wondering why the reward items given by the main task reward items this time were so strange, and the system prompt sounded again: "You have a task to accept, please check the character information by yourself."

Li Bin called out the task information to check,

Main task: Establish Futumen's own bank in Daqi State, and issue banknotes that can be used for circulation.

Side task: Raid a martial arts dungeon with platinum level difficulty.

Li Bin took on both tasks.Judging from the ever-expanding commercial and trade activities of the Futu Gate, it is very necessary to establish its own bank in the Daqi State. In the future, after the commercial trade of the Futu Gate develops, it is impossible to go out and escort a dozen or dozens of carts of silver to do it. Business, this is neither convenient nor safe, nor efficient.

Li Bin believes that with the increasing strength and influence of the Futu Sect, even if a large amount of silver is escorted out, few thieves dare to attack the Futu Sect. The main reason is that it is very inconvenient and inefficient to do so. People dare to rob, but other businessmen who have business dealings with Futumen don't have that much face.

Li Bin thought: "The establishment of a bank is not something that can be done casually. You have to go to the capital to discuss with the fourth prince. The fourth prince Qi Xing will help you arrange it."

There are people in the court who are easy to handle, the absolute truth.

Li Bin flew back to the Futu Gate, and before leaving for the capital, some sect matters had to be dealt with, and the disciples hadn't been instructed on their kung fu for many days.

The teaching of Kung Fu to disciples must be paid close attention. After Zen Master Lingyin was entangled in Tubo Dalingyin Temple in the Shaolin Battle, his disciples and grandchildren were swept away by Shaolin monks because of their lack of strength.

From this, Li Bin deeply realized the importance of the disciples' martial arts professors. No matter how powerful the head of a sect is, without the help of equally outstanding disciples, many things cannot be handled at all.

There is another point that Li Bin wants to complete as soon as possible, that is, after getting through the second channel of Ren and Du, Li Bin wants to practice the magic skill of Vajra Immortality as soon as possible. OK

The life-and-death duel with Lingyin made Li Bin once again realize the importance of improving his own fighting ability. Two martial arts masters with similar strengths are duel. If one side's fighting ability is far stronger than the other, it will be decisive. advantage, will be invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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