Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Under the deterrence of Li Bin, the rebel army became quiet in the queue. After waiting for a while, no one dared to take the initiative to stand up and confess the crime.

Li Bin took a few steps forward, and using his internal strength, he said loudly: "Fathers and elders in Boluo Town, if any relatives in your family were killed by the rebels, please go up boldly and only recognize the perpetrators. I, Li Bin, are your strong backing!"

"Lieutenant Wei, tell your soldiers to put down their weapons!" Li Bin ordered the captain behind him to avoid accidents when the people identified him.

Wei Biao was in awe of Li Bin very much, so he had to shout loudly: "Everyone obeys the order and disarms immediately!"

The lieutenant had spoken, and the three thousand rebels had no choice but to carry it out. However, some of the rebels were still unwilling to lay down their weapons and disarm. They seemed to sense a hint of danger from it, and they were unwilling to be arrested without a fight.

Seeing this, Li Bin added loudly: "Those who disobey the order to lay down their weapons will be treated as rebels!"

As soon as the words fell, many rebels took advantage of Li Bin's power and disarmed their bodies one after another, throwing down their weapons.There are still a small number of stubborn rebels who are still unwilling to put down their weapons.

"Brothers, we can't wait to die! Surrender your weapons and let others kill you. It's better for everyone to fight! If you don't want to die, come with me and kill Li Bin. Although he is very good at martial arts, we are worse than many people. As long as everyone If you have the same heart, you may not be unable to succeed! Don't be afraid of him! Go!"

Instigated by some diehard elements, more than 100 rebels who did not want to stand still rushed out of the queue and rushed towards Li Bin.

"Hmph, this is better and less troublesome." Li Bin thought before he started, "If I don't use the thunderbolt method to frighten the [-] disorderly troops in front of me, today's affairs will never be good."

More than 100 menacing, unwilling to stand still, the desperate rebels who came up were harvested by Li Bin's whirlwind offensive, and they were all killed on the spot in the blink of an eye!



"It seems that the rumor that Li Bin broke through [-] Turkic cavalry by himself is true..."

"It must be true. More than 100 soldiers were all killed in the blink of an eye. Only he can do it."

"Ah Si and the others are really confused, didn't they just rob some money and goods, listen to the order to put down their weapons, my life will be saved, listen to the dog, that bastard is blind, this is asking for death!"

"That's right, the dog is not a human being. He has too much blood on his hands. He owes him several lives. He thought he was going to die. Before he died, he dragged many brothers to accompany him. It's so insincere!"

The chaotic army ranks were in chaos for a while, and everyone was talking about it.

Li Bin yelled: "The disobedient rebels have been shot to death! I have only one request now, and the rest of the people keep quiet." After a pause, Li Bin then said loudly: "Followers of Boluo Town, please boldly identify Killing soldiers, Futumen Li Bin is your strongest backing!"

As soon as the words fell, outside the market, after waiting for a long time, the townspeople of Boluo Town, who were the most ravaged by the rebellion, rushed into the ranks of the rebellion in twos and threes to identify the murderer one by one.

The rebels were completely intimidated by Li Bin's unrivaled martial arts. No one dared to make any move. Everyone stood still and allowed the citizens of Boluo Town to recognize them.

During a cup of tea, the townspeople of Boluo Town who had identified the assailants left the ranks one after another, ran to the corpses of the hundreds of rebels killed by Li Bin on the spot, and carefully identified them one by one.

"Master Li, the murderer who killed my brother is dead."

"The murderer who killed my father is also dead."


Soon, the residents of Boluo Town found the murderer who harmed their relatives in the corpses of the rebels killed by Li Binge, and completed the most dangerous act of punishment for murder.

The reason why Li Bin chose the high-risk method of fighting rebellion and committing crimes at the same time was entirely based on his ability to control the situation and scene.Don't do porcelain work without diamonds. Li Bin has a very clear understanding of this point.

No one except Li Bin can do such a domineering act of fighting chaos.

Even Wei Biao, the lieutenant of the Chinese military academy behind him, looked at Li Bin with admiration and reverence in his eyes.

In this way, a military chaos was eliminated by Li Bin with a thunderbolt at the smallest cost. Li Bin not only eliminated the military chaos, but also subdued the hearts of the soldiers.

The people of Boluo Town were even more grateful for Li Bin's life-saving and revengeful kindness. Almost all the people of Boluo Town spontaneously knelt down towards Li Bin, crying with gratitude and thanking him endlessly.

Many Boluo people who relied on Li Bin to avenge their relatives set up longevity tablets for Li Bin at home afterwards, praying for Li Bin every day.

Li Bin ordered loudly again: "Put the goods you looted on the ground and leave Boluo Town in line!"

Turning around and unlocking Wei Biao's acupoints, Li Bin ordered: "Today's military looting should have punished you as the leader..."

Li Bin's harsh words frightened Wei Biao, and he immediately knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Master Li, I'm only carrying out the order of Jianwei General Murong Ge. , but he couldn’t listen and insisted on doing it.”

Hearing this, Li Bin responded with an "oh", noncommittal, and then asked, "Why did this military chaos start?"

"The humble official believes that there are three main culprits who provoked the mutiny of the Lingnan garrison this time. One is that the imperial court has stopped paying the arrears of military pay for a long time. It is inevitable that the morale of the army will fluctuate when the family is too poor to get paid for a long time.

Secondly, the imperial court did not keep its word, and the agreed rule of rotating the border guards every three years was not followed. Most of the troops stationed in Lingnan were from Jiangnan and Jiangbei provinces. They had been away from their homeland for a long time and were homesick.

Third, the leading general, Murong Ge, was irritable, self-willed, and did not sympathize with the suffering of the soldiers, which aroused the mutiny.well……"

After figuring out the reason for the mutiny of the Lingnan garrison, Li Bin already had a way to put an end to the rebellion.Let Wei Biao return to the army and re-command the three thousand rebellious troops.

"Lieutenant Wei, I have the right to believe what you said. You were not at fault for this mutiny, but you were responsible for looting and looting. You have not been able to supervise well, and you are always to blame. Now you have a chance to redeem your crimes. You return to your army. Can we control this insurgent army, prevent plundering, and bring the insurgent army back to the barracks to standby?"

Seeing that Li Bin didn't blame him and punished himself, Wei Biao was overjoyed and said loudly, "I will obey your orders!"

After leaving Boluo Town, Li Bin said loudly in front of all the soldiers: "It's best for you to return to the barracks and wait for orders. I will order someone to escort you to pay you according to your actual income."

As soon as the voice fell, deafening applause and applause erupted in the soldier queue, and everyone's face was full of joy.

Li Bin paused, changed the subject, and continued to speak loudly: "But I, Li Bin, said my ugly words first. If you dare to do the same thing as looting your neighbors today, I will definitely not let you off lightly!"

"Leader Li, don't worry! Now that you are paid, your wife and children will have food to eat, so who would take the risk of doing such wicked and inhuman things?"

After dealing with the rebellion in Boluo Town, Li Bin screamed for the big white eagle.

In a moment, the great white eagle swooped down, causing thousands of soldiers to scream loudly. They had never seen such a huge and majestic great white eagle.

Before the big white eagle landed, Li Bin lightly jumped onto the back of the big white eagle, carried by the big white eagle, and flew towards Guangzhou Port.

Thousands of soldiers were stunned by the big eagle carrying people flying into the sky. Everyone was dumbfounded and surprised. This kind of scene is simply unbelievable.

In their minds, Li Bin at this time is no different from a god descending to earth.Everyone admired Li Bin endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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