Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 176

Chapter 176
"The total number of hunted by King Jin's team is 210 four birds and beasts! It exceeds the number hunted by Prince's team and ranks first!" Ah San reported loudly after finishing the calculation.

"How is it possible! This is absolutely impossible, King Jin's hunting can't possibly surpass mine, you do the math again!" The prince couldn't restrain himself anymore after hearing the words, and roared like thunder in front of everyone.

"I would like to thank the prince for his kindness. I will be disrespectful to be the first in this year's hunting." Knowing that he has surpassed the prince in the first place, Jin Wang Qiwu smiled and did not forget to run on the prince.

"Get out of the way! What we are pulling in the carriage are all the hunted by the King of Chu's team." Suddenly, a loud voice came from the gate of the big camp in the paddock.

After about a cup of tea time, one after another a carriage full of hunting came from outside the gate.

The amount and variety of hunting on the carriage stunned the people around the paddock. The hunting on the carriage included not only huge black bears, but also colorful tigers, the king of beasts.

What is surprising is that more than one carriage carried the hunt in this way, and the carriages that came in one after another were all in the same condition, which made the people in the paddock camp scream loudly in surprise.

Not only the soldiers in the paddock camp exclaimed, even the princes who came out to watch the fun were talking excitedly about the catch of the King of Chu's team that caught everyone's attention this time.

Now in the paddock camp, the prince and the eldest prince Jin Wang Qi Wu are the ones whose expressions have changed the most.

When King Qi Wu of Jin saw the endless carts of Qi Xing, King of Chu, full of hunted horses driving into the camp, the joy of beating the prince and ranking first disappeared in an instant. Apart from the expression of confidence, there was only endless annoyance left.

At this time, the expression on the prince's face was more colorful. Seeing the king of Chu's hunting carloads continuously transported into the camp, the prince was very envious and jealous at first, but when he saw the dejected expression of King Jin Qiwu, The prince walked up to the king of Jin and burst out laughing "haha", taunting: "Prince Jin, oh king of Jin, we have won the fisherman's profit by fighting each other, and you flew away before you got warm. "

Ah San, after a tense count of incense sticks, loudly reported the details of the hunt by the King of Chu's team: "The King of Chu's team has hunted a total of 520 birds and beasts! The king of Chu has the most hunted today!"

The total number of hunts by Chu Wang Qixing's team far exceeds the sum of the number of hunts by Jin Wang Qiwu and the Prince's two teams, and deservedly won the No.1 hunting this year.

"Brother Xing, you are really amazing, you have captured so much. Father, you should reward my brother Xing well this time."

Princess Hanyue Qi Lin held the old Emperor Daqi's arm affectionately, and slowly walked out of the large tent in the paddock.

"See the emperor." All the soldiers around the camp knelt down and saluted the emperor, but Li Bin didn't care about that much, and just performed a symbolic martial arts audience salute, bowing with fists folded.

The Emperor Daqi asked loudly: "Your family is exempt from courtesy. Today's hunt, which prince's team has the most hunted?"

General Ah San, who was in charge of counting the hunting of the princes, came to the emperor respectfully and knelt down and reported: "The hunting of all the princes' teams has been counted, and the team ranked first is the team of the king of Chu. The number of hunting is 520 eight."

The old emperor said loudly: "Where is the King of Chu?"

Qixing walked respectfully to the emperor, knelt down and said loudly: "My son, I am here."

"You are very good. This Longxing sword has been with me for more than thirty years in all directions. Today I will award it to you." The old emperor took the sword off his body and handed it to Qi Xing.

Qi Xing raised his hands above his head, and took Long Xing's sword respectfully.

The old emperor's gift of the sword made the prince and Jin Wang Qi Wu unable to stand it. The prince's eyes almost burst out with fire, and Jin Wang Qi Wu was even more furious, gnashing his teeth, and his expression was horribly distorted.

After presenting the sword, the old emperor was still unsatisfied, and asked loudly: "This year's hunting, who has the most abundant personal hunting?"

Ah San said loudly: "Qi Zuo the emperor, this time the king of Jin and the king of Chu hunted are comparable, both are 42 birds and beasts. How to make a decision I respectfully invite the emperor to judge."

After Ah San's report was finished, the surroundings were silent, and everyone's eyes were wide open, waiting for the emperor's final decision, who should be rewarded for the No. 1 hunted individual.It is a great honor to be rewarded by the emperor himself, and you can get a glimpse of it by referring to the Longxing Sword that the emperor previously awarded to the King of Chu. The reward for the No. 1 individual hunter will definitely be very generous.Therefore, everyone in the paddock who watched the excitement was also looking forward to the emperor's final ruling.

The preciousness of the Longxing sword is not only reflected in its high quality, but the most important thing is that the Longxing sword was once the personal sword of the old emperor. For the princes, the symbolic meaning of the sword is the most precious.

When the emperor was pondering who should give the honor of No.1 personal hunting, Qi Xing, King of Chu, walked quickly to the old emperor, knelt down respectfully and said loudly: "I want to report to my father, the number one personal hunting is definitely Futu." Li Bin is the head of the door."

The words of the King of Chu immediately aroused loud discussions, and everyone was very surprised why the King of Chu gave up the honor of hunting No.1 and handed it over to others.

The old emperor was also very surprised: "What? How do you say that, there is proof." The arrows of the princes are all made exclusively by Yousi, with obvious marks, so you can know it at a glance when checking.

Qi Xing, king of Chu, said loudly: "All the prey that were not damaged by arrows in the hunt were all hunted by head master Li with his fingers."

It is unimaginable that someone can hunt birds and beasts with their fingers. The old emperor was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately ordered loudly: "Re-check the hunting of the King Chu's team immediately, and find out that it was not the arrows that were injured, but the fingers. What is the total number of prey?"

"The last general takes the order!" Ah San quickly led the soldiers to re-check the hunt after paying homage to the emperor's order.

"My Majesty, a total of 7 birds and beasts were injured and killed under the force of fingers! And most of them were some large beasts, including three black bears, four tigers, three leopards, seven gray wolves, three eagles, and the rest There are wild deer and three wild boars, and there are more wild deer, foxes and hares."

As soon as Ah San finished speaking, there were exclamations from all around. All the soldiers in the paddock were surprised that Li Bin was able to hunt so many birds and beasts with his bare hands. This was something that had never happened before. In the decades of hunting history, there has never been an outstanding hunter like Li Bin who can hunt so many beasts with bare hands.

All the soldiers present knew very well that even if they were fully armed and faced a black bear alone, they would not be able to retreat completely, let alone hunt it down.But Li Bin can easily do it, killing so many beasts with bare hands, this point, all the soldiers and generals of Daqi sincerely admire it.

Princess Hanyue Qi Lin, who was staying beside the old emperor, looked at Li Bin with admiration in her eyes.The little princess looked fascinated, and her eyes never left Li Bin for a moment.

"Where is Li Bin?" The old emperor seemed to have made up his mind.

Li Bin stepped forward quickly to meet the emperor with martial arts etiquette.

Having been robbed of the limelight by Li Bin, Jin Wang Qi Wu felt unwilling, took the opportunity to retaliate and shouted: "Bold! How dare you see the emperor not kneeling!"

Li Bin glared back at Jin Wang Qi Wu, his eyes were sharp and domineering, Qi Wu couldn't help shivering in fright, and he didn't dare to talk anymore.

"Leader Li, people in the martial arts world, don't need to perform the court ceremony." The old emperor has been sitting in the country for decades, and he has won the essence of winning people's hearts. For people with great abilities, they can't be restrained by the red tape of the world. , many times, it is counterproductive.

The old emperor said so, and other people, even if they were dissatisfied with Li Bin's failure to kneel down and pay respects, no one dared to speak out.

The old emperor said loudly: "Master Li, you have won the No. 1 personal hunt this year. Tell yourself, what reward do you want?"

Li Bin thought for a while, and said loudly: "The grass people just want to ask the emperor for the Lingnan folks. Please don't carry out the policy of moving inland in Lingnan."

The old emperor looked at Li Bin with a smile and said, "That's all? This is not a reward."

"These are already great gifts for the people of Lingnan." Li Bin vowed to obtain the emperor's will, which not only concerns others, but also concerns himself.

The old emperor thought for a while, "haha" laughed loudly and said, "Unexpectedly, Master Li is not only world-class in martial arts, but also has a heart for the world, petitioning for the people. Well, I promise you, in addition to what Master Li asked, I will add one more, People in Lingnan Province will be exempted from tax for three years!"

Li Bin responded loudly: "Caomin thank the emperor for his kindness on behalf of the Lingnan people."

After achieving his goal, Li Bin was about to step down, when the old emperor suddenly said loudly, "In three days, I will invite Master Li to attend the pilgrimage meeting of envoys from all nations."

Hearing this, Li Bin didn't know what was so special about the Laoshizi meeting that the old emperor was talking about. Since he received the emperor's reward, he still had to give this face, so he replied: "It's a great honor for the grass people."

(End of this chapter)

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