Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 205 Visiting the Horse Market

Chapter 205 Visiting the Horse Market

Li Bin led a large group of disciples straight to the largest, busiest, and most popular West Market in the capital. The West Market Horse Market is also the best among several large markets in the entire capital. It is not as rich as the variety of horses, and the number of horses is also the largest. Knowledgeable horse merchants and herdsmen will set up horse sales outlets in the West Market, even the Daqi government, sometimes come to the West Market to purchase horses.

Seeing Li Bin's majesty, the bosses of various horse stalls in the horse market hula-la led more than 200 people into the horse market.They all regarded Li Bin as the big money maker in the horse market, and they all yelled enthusiastically, hoping to attract Li Bin's attention so that they could sell their horses.

What's more, he ran up directly, tried to grab Li Bin's arm and pulled it directly to his stable.But these over-enthusiastic horse sellers were without exception. As soon as they touched Li Bin's clothes, they were bounced away by Li Bin's ingenious Tai Chi soft force in a daze.Afterwards, this group of people still couldn't figure out why they couldn't grab Li Bin's arm.

Li Bin ignored those horse bosses who came up to Mrs. Wang to sell melons, and followed his own vision of horse selection, and came to a horse stall with a sufficient number of horses.

Li Bin thought it was very strange. Unlike other horse owners who shouted so hard, the horse owner of this family seemed not very enthusiastic. Seeing Li Bin watching the horses in his stable, he simply asked, "Guest officer, do you want to buy a horse?" ? Just choose, the horses here are all one-in-a-hundred horses on the grassland."

After finishing speaking, the horse owner stopped talking and sat back to his original position to continue chatting with a young man.The horse owner of this family is not very old, about 40 years old, with bronze skin, and wrinkles from years of wind and frost can be seen everywhere on his face and forehead. He can be seen at a glance as a grassland herder who is often exposed to the sun, wind and rain.

Li Bin used his special skill of finding horses to browse through all the horses of this owner. He was still very satisfied with the quality of the horses sold by this owner, so he asked, "Boss, I have all your horses." Very satisfied, besides the dozens of horses in Ma Pengli, are there any more?"

As soon as Li Bin said this, the horse owner who was sitting and chatting immediately stood up and responded: "Guest officer, there are a total of forty prairie horses in Ma Pengli, what's the matter? Not enough for you to choose? That's all, do you want to buy it?" Buy it, don't buy it and pull it down!"

The owner of the horse seemed to have misunderstood what Li Bin meant, thinking that Li Bin, like other picky and difficult customers who came to buy horses, was making trouble for no reason.

The owner of the horse walked back to the original place and sat down, continued to chat, and left Li Bin alone.

"Boss, you misunderstood me. I mean that you have too few horses here, and I need a lot of horses."

Hearing the words, the owner of the horse looked unsure, and asked casually: "The quantity is large? Then how many horses do you need?"

Li Bin replied loudly: "Five hundred horses!" As soon as the words fell, the owner of the horse was startled and fell off the railing on which he was sitting.

After the horse owner got up from the ground, he trotted over and asked again: "Sir, I didn't hear you clearly just now. How many horses do you want to buy?"

Li Bin smiled and said, "Five hundred horses."

Disciple Chen Xiaoqi was also stunned, nudged his master with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "Master, two hundred horses are enough, five hundred horses is a bit more."

Li Bin just responded with a smile to the disciple's words, but did not respond.As the head of a sect, one should not only look at the present when thinking about problems, but must prepare enough reserves of various materials for the development of the sect, such as large consumables such as horses, which are also indispensable for the sect, and it is difficult to meet them again. To see such a high-quality horse sold by this horse owner.The opportunity is really rare. If you don’t purchase in large quantities now, you can only buy regret medicine in the future.

After the owner of the horse received Li Bin's clear response to the purchase of horses, he beckoned to the young man who had chatted with him earlier, and the two whispered in their ears. Wang Sangcai, this is my eldest son Zhu Wanggan. What I mean is, sir, you can choose the one you like from among the forty horses here, and then pay us a deposit of fifty horses. It's not that I, Zhuwangsang, don't believe you, but..."

Li Bin interrupted Zhuwang Sangcai, the owner of the horse, with gestures, and said, "I can understand you, but I don't know how much the deposit is for Zhuwang's friend's fifty horses?"

Only then did Zhuwangsang stretch out five fingers and said, "5000 taels of silver!" An average horse costs 100 taels of silver. According to the quality of a fine horse, 100 taels of a horse is not expensive at all.

Without further ado, Li Bin took off the purple silk purse on his shoulder, opened it, took out ten silver bills from it, and handed them to the stunned Zhuwang Sangcai.

Other horse sellers also saw Li Bin's bag full of bank notes, and everyone's eyes were shining. The horse dealers in the horse market have often dealt with various rich people. Basically, those who come to the horse market to buy horses are He is a wealthy businessman and official of Daqi, either rich or noble.But if compared with Li Bin, it is nothing to mention. Li Bin bought horses neatly and generously.The amount of money they carry is estimated to be the most among all the horse buyers who come to the horse market, and it is far more than that.

Zhu Wangsang picked up the bank note given by Li Bin, and kept looking at it from various angles under the sun. It is understandable that the bank note is not circulated as often as today's banknotes, and it is understandable that Zhu Wangsang was cautious. . 500 taels a piece, if there is a fake one, the loss will be huge.

In modern society, it will take a long time for merchants to receive a hundred-yuan bill by mistake, let alone a large-value banknote of 500 taels.The value of this banknote is far more than a hundred yuan bill, so we must be careful.

Li Bin smiled and said, "Friend Zhuwang, if you are not sure whether the bank note is authentic or not, you can go to the bank marked on the bank note to verify it.

Zhuwangsang just woke up like a dream, and taught his eldest son Zhuwanggan the ten banknotes issued by "Yongxing Bank" given by Li Bin, and said, "Go and come back quickly."

"Yongxing Bank" is on the side of the street facing the West Market, very close.Zhuwanggan ran back in a blink of an eye, and shouted happily from a distance: "The silver ticket is real, it's real!"

After the issue of the bank note was resolved, Zhu Wangsang bowed deeply to Li Bin, and apologized: "I'm sorry, but I'm just too ignorant to tell the authenticity of the bank note, which has caused inconvenience and inconvenience to the distinguished guests. Sorry for the trouble."

Li Bin smiled and said: "My friend Zhuwang is serious. This is just a normal act of distinguishing the authenticity. There is nothing to be sorry for. If it were me, I would do the same."

Seeing that Li Bin not only did not intend to blame, but also understood his actions, Zhu Wangsang laughed "haha", patted Pai Li Bin's arm enthusiastically, and said, "You are the most forthright and sincere Da Qi I have ever seen in Zhu Wang. Man, I don’t know what to call you? I, Zhuwangsang, just made you my friend today. All the horses you bought today cost 100 taels.”

The prairie horses sold by Zhuwang are of high quality, and they belong to the second-class or above horses in the horse market. The price of each horse is between 90 and 150 taels.To be able to give Li Bin a buyout price of 100 taels a horse is indeed quite a friend.

The horses of Zhuwang Sangcai are all kept in captivity in a wasteland outside the capital. The number of horses that can be brought into the horse market in the capital is limited, and the horses that enter the horse market will be subject to a high horse transaction tax by the Daqi government.Therefore, the horse dealers only brought a certain number of horses into the city, and the rest of the horses were temporarily stored outside the city.

Li Bin asked his disciples to lead the horses, followed Zhuwangsang out of the city, and walked to the horse enclosure.

(End of this chapter)

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