Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 208 Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 208 Unexpected Encounter
"Master, this bastard is scared to death." After Yun Shi pulled the fat horse thief out of the crack in the stone wall, he found that he had been frightened to death.

Liao Ting laughed and said: "They all say they can scare themselves to death, and they think it's nonsense. Today I finally saw it."

"Withdraw, go out and count the spoils." Li Bin wanted to see how capable this horse thief was.

"Brother Li, have you finished clearing out the horse thieves?" Zhuwang Bailu asked with an expression of disbelief when he saw that Li Bin and the three had come out within less than a stick of incense.

"It's clean." Li Bin replied in a surprisingly calm tone, giving people a very relaxed feeling.

The disciples of the Buddha Sect have long been accustomed to all kinds of miracles and impossibilities created by their master, and no one feels any difference.But the Zhuwang siblings had never seen someone who could kill nearly a thousand horse thieves in such a short time, and the Zhuwang siblings looked up to and revered Li Bin even more intensely.

"The horse thief said that three miles into the valley is where they raise their horses, and the looted treasure is also nearby. Let's go and have a look."

"Okay." Chen Xiaoqi stayed at the Taniguchi, he couldn't make a move, he was already suffocated, and got the master's order, he rushed out first.

"Master, there are so many horses!" Li Bin led his disciples to gallop over, and from a distance, he heard his disciple Chen Xiaoqi shouting excitedly pointing at a crack in a canyon.

Li Bin rode his horse to the open space on the side of the canyon and saw that there were indeed many horses!
In the spacious cracked open space on one side of the canyon, there are a large number of horses of all kinds.

Li Bin did a rough calculation, and the number of horses was conservatively estimated, no matter what, there must be two thousand!
"Egret, Flying Dragon, these horses are in the hands of your brothers and sisters."

"Brother Li, don't worry. These horses will not trouble me. On the prairie, no matter how many horses there are, I can manage them in an orderly manner." Zhuwang Bailu took over the task assigned by Li Bin confidently.

"Master, come and take a look, there are so many gold and silver treasures." Luo Datong shouted loudly from a cave on the other side.

Li Bin walked to the entrance of the cave where Luo Datong was, and when he raised his eyes, he saw golden and silver lights shining on the rock walls of the cave, dazzling his eyes.

"Xiaoqi, Ting'er, come over and count the amount of gold and silver in the cave, sort and pack the scattered gold and silver, and transport them back on horses." Li Bin ordered.

"Yes, Master."

With two thoughtful and meticulous disciples, Chen Xiaoqi and Liao Ting, helping to organize the inventory, Li Bin saved a lot of time and energy.

Li Bin thought to himself: "This time I raided the Sanqi Gorge horse thieves' den, I gained a lot. I got thousands of war horses at once, as well as an unknown amount of gold and silver. While doing good things and eliminating harm for the people, I also got a lot of money." It’s so rewarding to give back.”

An hour later, Zhuwang Egret looked delighted and ran over happily to tell Li Bin: "Brother Li, the horse thief horses captured this time totaled 330 horses, and the average quality of the horses is not bad, at least the quality of war horses. "

"Master, Master. The gold and silver in the cave have been counted. There are 1 silver ingots, 20 taels of silver ingots, a total of 20 silver ingots; 20 gold ingots, 4 taels of gold ingots, a total of [-] gold ingots." two."

Li Bin pondered in his heart: "Gold is 4 taels. Daqi's gold-to-silver ratio is 1:10, that is 40 taels of silver. My dear, this time the banditry operation won 60 taels of silver. Bandits like this can spend a month It would be great to be able to kill him once. It seems that my title of chief arrester of the Qi Kingdom is still a big fat vacancy with plenty of money."

Half an hour later, Li Bin led his disciples and escorted more than 2000 horses on a mighty journey, taking shortcuts to pursue the army of King Qi Xing of Chu.

The location of Sanqi Gorge is close to the direction of Jiangbei Province, so Li Bin and his party, who set off late on the road, took a shortcut and rushed to the front of Chu King Qixing's army.

Li Bin waited for more than an hour, and the elite 2000-step army of the Imperial Guards in the capital led by King Qi Xing of Chu arrived in an orderly procession. It was no surprise that every soldier of the Imperial Army who passed by Li Bin saw Li Bin. The group of more than [-] war horses not far behind was stunned for a while, and everyone felt incredible, where did they get so many war horses.

Not to mention that the soldiers of the Imperial Army found it incredible, even Qi Xingka, the well-informed king of Chu, was surprised when he saw so many horses and asked, "Brother Li, did you get so many horses in this bandit suppression operation?"

Li Bin said modestly: "Where, where. Thanks to His Highness's blessing. The victory of the bandit suppression flag has given us a good start for our military campaign against Jiangbei."

Li Bin is full of expectations for this trip to Jiangbei, hoping to use a beautiful and perfect action without bloodshed to win prestige and reputation for King Chu in the Daqi court.

After Li Bin joined the Chu King's army, the captured war horses were at the end of the team and were managed by the Zhuwang sisters. The disciples of the Buddha Sect also mobilized some people to help drive and manage them. Under the command of the Zhuwang sisters, more than 2000 horses were gathered. The horses followed the army, and everything was in order.

King Qixing of Chu's imperial army marched day and night, marching fifty miles a day. They were able to maintain such a fast marching speed, thanks to Wei Qi's strict training, and even more thanks to the correct decision to pack lightly and simply.Otherwise, if the infantry marched for a day and night, it would be great if they could walk thirty miles.

On the tenth day of the march, it was almost the border of Jiangbei. It was day and night. The army camped and rested on a hillside, while Li Bin continued to practice and practice under the protection of his disciples.

After more than a month of diligent training, Li Bin has faintly felt that there are signs of a breakthrough in his internal strength.Therefore, in the past few days of marching, whenever you have free time, you should pay close attention to practicing exercises.Strive for an early breakthrough, improve your skills again, and make great strides forward.

King Qi Xing of Chu came back from his camp tour and saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

Li Bin was practicing cross-legged exercises, and a white mist rose from the Baihui point on his head. Not only that, the bones and joints and meridians all over Li Bin also made a crisp sound like fried soybeans.

This scene lasted for about half an hour. After Li Bin finished his practice, he opened his eyes and laughed "haha".

Li Bin impromptu volleyed his finger and hit a bucket-like thick tree trunk ten feet away. After hearing the sound of "嗤", the finger force broke through the air, and left a transparent and smooth finger hole on the tree trunk.

Before the breakthrough in martial arts cultivation, Li Bin did his best, but he could only punch a finger hole in the barrel-like thick tree trunk ten feet away, but he couldn't penetrate it.

Now, with the support of the internal strength of the seventh-level martial arts cultivation in the innate realm, Li Bin can hit a finger hole through a tree trunk as thick as a bucket ten feet away with a full blow.The power of moves is most obviously improved with the support of improved internal strength.

The scene of Li Bin's impromptu trial move was clearly seen by the King of Chu from the sidelines, carefully and carefully.Li Bin's mastery of fingering is the best in Qi, and his power is growing day by day. As a brother, the King of Chu is of course the happiest.

At dawn the next day, after a full meal, the army continued to march towards Jiangbei.

During the ten days of marching, God favored us, the weather was very cool and there was no wind or rain, so after ten days of marching, the [-] elite imperial soldiers were still in good spirits and their morale was quite high.

Just as the King of Chu and Li Bin were discussing Jiangbei's military action plan immediately, the front sentry patted on the horse and loudly reported: "Jiangbei green forest bandits have been found in the wasteland ahead, and the number of enemy troops is unknown!"

Li Bin frowned and thought to himself: "Why is the quantity unknown?"

Qi Xing, king of Chu, shouted angrily: "Explore again! We must find out the number of enemy troops as soon as possible!"


"Pass down the king's military order, the enemy is found ahead, and the whole army is on alert!"

"Order from the King of Chu: Enemy troops are found in the front, and the entire army is on alert!" King Chu's two personal guards galloped quickly and quickly conveyed the order to the entire army.The marching columns of the long snake formation, under the command of their respective leading generals, immediately began to transform into battle formations.

(End of this chapter)

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