Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 221 The Canyon Beast

Chapter 221 The Canyon Beast
"Senior, please tell me, where are the monkey head flowers in Sanqi Canyon?" Li Bin asked earnestly again after he successfully refined the Guben Peiyuan Pill.

"Leave out of the valley from here, go deeper into the valley, go inward at the second fork on the right, until you see a cave, in which the hericium grows." Nie Yin had no choice but to tell Li Bin three strange things. The approximate growth location of Canyon Hericium.

"Junior thanks senior for his guidance. Time is running out, so I will bid farewell now." Li Bin said farewell as a junior to "Medical Immortal" Nie Yin.

As soon as Li Bin turned around, Nie Yin shouted: "Leader Li, don't worry. Please take this bottle of Guben Peiyuan Pill that you refined into medicine.

"Senior, I took such a precious medicine, isn't it right?" Li Bin said humbly.After all, Nie Yin produced the precious medicinal materials for refining medicine, and even the alchemy equipment was Nie Yin's, so he only contributed, and it was not easy to snatch the precious treasure of Guben Peiyuan Dan from the master.

Nie Yin said in an unquestionable tone: "I was able to successfully refine the Guben Peiyuan Pill for the first time. This medicine is destined for you, and it is just right for you to take it."

In this case, Li Bin was not polite, took the medicine bottle, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

"The junior thanked the senior for giving me the medicine, and I will leave." Li Bin turned and left.

As soon as he walked out of Nie Yin's thatched cottage, Li Bin felt his limbs and bones were warm, and his meridians felt a little swollen.Li Bin thought: "Could it be that the Consolidation and Peiyuan Pill is at work?"

Li Bin quickly called out the item information to check.

Item name: Potion for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality

Item effect: To strengthen the body, can greatly improve and strengthen the physique of the person served.

After Li Bin knew the effect of strengthening the root and strengthening the essence of the medicine, he knew that it was only good for his body and had no harm, so he ignored the series of reactions and feelings in his body.

After leaving the fork in the canyon where Nie Yin's thatched cottage is located, Li Bin summoned Black Rose telepathically. After a while, Black Rose came galloping. Seeing the owner Li Bin, he was very happy and enthusiastic.

Li Bin patted Black Rose's mane affectionately, got on his horse, and galloped into the depths of the Three Gorges Canyon.

Along the way, there are natural fracture zones on both sides of the canyon from time to time, and there are really many valleys within the valley.Li Bin counted silently in his heart, and when he reached the second fork on the right side of the canyon, he rode his horse and turned into it.

After riding the horse in the small canyon for about half an hour, a roar of a beast resembling a lion's roar and a tiger's roar came from a high cliff not far away, and the divine horse Black Rose couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Through telepathic communication with Black Rose, Li Bin knew that Black Rose was also a little afraid of the beast roaring in the valley.Li Bin was curious. Black Rose was never afraid of all kinds of black bears, wolves, tigers and leopards. How could she feel afraid of such beasts in the valley today.

Turning over and dismounting, Li Bin performed his lightness kungfu and followed the place where the roar of the unknown beast came from. Li Bin also wanted to see what kind of unknown beast this kind of unknown beast that could scare the horse Black Rose was.

At the same time, in Nie Yin's thatched hut, Bai Xiaozhi asked puzzledly: "Old friend Nie, didn't you always tell me that there are large ferocious beasts in the depths of the canyon and not let me go deeper into the canyon? What about you?" Why did you let that young man enter the depths of the canyon?"

Nie Yin rolled his eyes, looked at Bai Xiaozhi and said, "You haven't seen how persistent Li Bin is. He won't stop until he achieves his goal. If I don't tell him where the hericium grows, I will force him to Stop him from looking for flowers, do you think he might listen to me?"

Bai Xiaozhi understood immediately and responded: "Not only will you not listen, but you will also suspect that you are hiding something secret. You should find an excuse to deliberately not tell him where the Hericium is."

Nie Yin sighed and said: "Since God's will is like this, let everything go as it happens. Let it be up to God."

Bai Xiaozhi couldn't help nodding his head in agreement, agreeing with what Nie Yin said.

Li Bin performed lightness kungfu, leaped up the narrow protruding space of the cliff, and kept leaping towards the place where the roaring beasts roared.

Suddenly, just as Li Bin was leaping, there was another roar of a beast from a concave slope on the cliff.Li Bin quickly followed the sound and jumped forward, grasping the cliff with his ten fingers, his body was suspended above the cliff. On the concave slope of more than ten feet below the cliff, a large beast with a snow-white body and a lion's face and a tiger's body was fighting with it. Seven or eight gray wolves, which were much larger than ordinary wild wolves, confronted each other, and not far behind the ligers lay two dead big gray wolves.

This group of big bad wolves did not dare to take the initiative to attack because of the power of the ligers, but they were also unwilling to retreat.

Seeing this scene, Li Bin guessed that the group of hungry wolves might have trespassed into the territory of the white liger and tiger in order to look for food, and that's why the fight took place.

The number of big bad wolves is absolutely dominant, but the white ligers are powerful and majestic. Just when Li Bin thought that the opposing sides might give in to each other and disperse, the ligers suddenly launched an attack and pounced on Li The nearest gray wolf, that gray wolf was crushed alive by the mighty pounce of the liger, and died.

The rest of the gray wolves, led by the head wolf, all attacked the liger, attacking the white liger continuously with their mouths biting.

However, the size of the liger is too large. This white liger is about the same height and length as Black Rose, but its body is much stronger than Black Rose. I saw the liger viciously biting with its strong front paw. The gray wolf in its own body, the liger, slapped the head of the gray wolf as hard as steel, and directly slapped a gray wolf alive until its skull burst, and the brains overflowed to death.

As we all know, wolves have iron heads, copper necks and tofu waists. The hardest part of the body is the head, but even if the gray wolf has the hardest head, it cannot withstand a blow from a white liger or tiger. How amazing is the power of this shot.

This group of gray wolves, under the command of the alpha wolf, fought tooth and nail and refused to retreat.

But gray wolves are small and weak, and in front of the majestic and mighty white ligers, apart from being able to tear off the skin and flesh of the ligers, they can't pose too much threat to the ligers.

Only about half a stick of incense time passed, the gray wolf was under the attack of the white liger, counting the wolf together, and only three were rescued.

The body of the white liger was also dripping with blood, and many places of its white skin were stained red with blood.The blood included the liger's own blood, as well as the blood of the dead gray wolf.

The remaining three gray wolves fought frantically with the white ligers, fighting to the death.

Suddenly, the white lion tiger and the three gray wolves fell off the cliff from the edge of the slope.Li Bin slid down the slope and went to the place where several beasts fell off the cliff to check. He saw that the edge of the slope was too thin, probably because it couldn't bear the rolling force of the white lion tiger's strong body and collapsed.

Li Bin carefully moved to the edge of the slope and looked down the cliff. Under the cliff tens of feet high, he saw a huge white liger lying motionless on the ground. Beside it, three gray wolves followed suit. It went all together.

Li Bin thought to himself: "It's such a high and steep cliff, it's impossible to survive if you fall off the cliff. It's a pity for such a mighty white lion and tiger. If there were no accidents, these seven or eight big bad wolves would not be the opponent of the white lion and tiger at all." .

Li Bin was about to find a suitable way down the cliff when he suddenly saw a small white liger running out of a cave on the slope. Fighting has no effect on it.

Li Bin walked over and leaned over to pick up the little liger, and carefully approached the liger's cave. Even though a big white liger died, there was no guarantee that there would be no other big ligers in the cave. Be careful.

There is nothing in the black lacquered cave, one foot high and three feet deep, except for the damaged carcass of a goat that has not finished eating.

Li Bin looked at the fluffy body wriggling in his arms, the snow-white little liger and said: "Little guy, you are an orphan now, go home with Master, and Master will take care of you in the future."

After Li Bin finished speaking, the little liger spread its paws, opened its mouth, and stretched comfortably in Li Bin's arms.This little white liger is quite spiritual, and Li Bin likes it more and more.

Taking the little liger with him, Li Bin carefully used his fingers to grab the cliff wall and use his strength to get down to the bottom of the cliff smoothly.Walking to the place where the white liger and the gray wolf fell off the cliff, Li Bin once again confirmed that the extremely powerful white liger was indeed dead.

The little guy in his arms looked at his dead relatives. The two big eyes of the little liger seemed to be moist. He roared softly several times, like a cry of grief. Li Bin took the little liger and quickly left its sad place. .

Li Bin put the little liger into the big leather bag of the horse. The little guy scratched the edge of the bag with his front paws, stuck out his fluffy head, and looked around curiously.

After another hour of slow riding, Li Bin finally saw the cave where the hericium grows that Nie Yin mentioned at the waist of the cliff on the right hand side.

(End of this chapter)

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