Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 235: Another Difficulty Encountered

Chapter 235: Another Difficulty Encountered
Li Bin left the main hall of Ge Jie, rode his horse and galloped towards the south of the mountain, followed by his disciple Wei Yawei with all his strength on his horse.

After meeting Ge Jie, the head of the green forest in the southern six provinces, Wei Yawei admired his master Li Bin even more. It is incredible that he can make a bandit leader who dominates the green forest world willingly bow his head and obey his orders.

Wei Yawei also found that the longer he followed his master Li Bin, the more he would be constantly shocked by his unexpected actions and incredible achievements.

For example, yesterday Wei Yawei went to the port to help his uncle Zhang Ju sort out the account books of Futumen's ocean-going trading fleet. The amount of silver taels in the account books almost shocked his eyes. Each transaction was at least 10 taels.

Li Bin's master and apprentice galloped for half a day, and at night, they finally arrived at the gate outside the city wall of Mingde Mansion.

The sun had already set, and the gate of the city wall outside Mingde Mansion was closed. In order not to waste precious time, Li Bin decided to enter the city overnight tonight.

Using his identity as chief arrester of Daqi to call open the city gate and enter the city, Li Bin was familiar with the road, and led his disciples straight to the home of Old Suntou, the head of the Mingde Porcelain Industry Guild.

Lao Suntou is not only exquisite in porcelain craftsmanship, but also a man of integrity. He is also a respected elder in the Mingde porcelain industry.If you want to do a big business in the Mingde porcelain industry, without the support of the old grandson, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Old Suntou! Mr. Qiao Zhizhou invited you to join again and again. He is already very polite to you. Don't be shameless!" Li Bin came to the gate of Lao Suntou's house and heard someone in the room. Roar loudly.

"Since I am the president of Mingde Porcelain Industry, I must work for the welfare of Mingde porcelain craftsmen. I cannot do things that go against my conscience for the sake of my own personal honor and disgrace! Master Qi, please come back." Old Suntou Not at all moved.

"Good old grandson! Do you think that if you do this, if you don't give the Lord Zhizhou face, the Zhizhou Lord will have no way to punish you? You'd better not forget that your grandson is working in the yamen!" Master Qi said Before going out, he panicked and threatened.

Master Qi, who left Lao Suntou's house angrily, almost collided with Li Bin who happened to enter the house.

"You can't walk! If you hurt me, I'll see if I kill you!" Master Qi was still angry and shouted at Li Bin who almost collided with him.

Faced with Master Qi's scolding, Li Bin remained silent, and before Master Qi was about to go out, he used the Immortal Killing fingering method combined with the Nine Yin Magical Art and Ice True Qi, and lightly tapped the Mingmen acupoint on the back of Master Qi's waist with his fingers that did not leak traces.

Li Bin's technique was clever and concealed. Master Qi just felt a sudden biting coldness at the Mingmen point on his back for a while, and then felt nothing else.

Li Bin used the yin and cold characteristics of the icy true qi of the Jiuyin magical skill, and input a certain amount of icy true qi from Master Qi's Mingmen acupoint. Master Qi didn't have a particularly serious reaction when the incident happened, but he could offend and suffer afterwards. At the very least, he would be paralyzed on the bed and shivering, unable to take care of himself for more than a day.

If it wasn't for Li Bin seeing that although Master Qi is hateful, he is not yet a treacherous and evil person, and the cold ice zhenqi he imported was well controlled, otherwise Master Qi would have to stay on the bed for the rest of his life.

"Old Master Suntou, how are you doing these days?" Li Bin shouted enthusiastically when he entered the room.

The light from the oil lamp in the house was dim, and the old Suntou waited until Bin approached to see clearly. He said happily, "It turned out that Catcher Li came here, and the old Suntou was negligent. I hope Catcher Li will forgive me."

During his first trip to Mingde, Li Bin used the title of chief arrester of the six southern provinces to help a handicraft craftsman in Laosuntou's guild from being imprisoned, so Laosuntou had a good impression of Li Bin.

"Old Master Suntou, what are you talking about? Since the last time I left, I miss you very much. I wonder if there has been any change in the Mingde porcelain industry?" Of course, Li Bin knew that the king of Chu ordered his officials to deal with Mingde porcelain at his own request. The industry has been rectified once, but Li Bin wants to hear the actual effect of the rectification directly from the parties involved.

"A few months ago, the imperial court abolished the Porcelain Department, and also banned the high sales tax that stifled the survival and development of the porcelain industry. I thought it would be a big change this time, and I wanted to take this opportunity to lead Mingde The porcelain artisans of the Porcelain Guild worked hard to make a comeback.

Who would have thought that the good times didn't last long. After the new Zhizhou took office last month, he used all kinds of coercion and temptation to force the artisans of Mingde Porcelain Workshop to sign a porcelain production and sales contract.

The contract stipulates that the porcelain workshop that signed the contract must produce the quantity of porcelain specified in the contract every year and deliver it to the contracting party merchant, and the merchant will pay silver taels according to the price agreed in advance in the contract. "The old grandson said slowly, with a slightly sad and lonely tone.

"There is a contract to guarantee the sale of the porcelain produced by the workshop. Shouldn't the artisans have no worries and devote themselves to the production of porcelain? What else is there to be unhappy about?" Li Bin was puzzled by the old Suntou's concern about this matter.

"If the contract can really benefit and make money for the craftsmen in the Mingde porcelain industry. My grandson is happy for the first 1, but it is too late for [-] support. How can he be depressed and opposed. This shit contract is too domineering! The outrageously low purchase price is cheap to buy porcelain from hand-made workshops. The artisans have worked hard for a year to produce it. In the end, they can only earn money for porridge, and it is difficult to even eat a full meal. Compared with the previous porcelain department, the price is higher The sales tax is not much better." The old grandson pointed out the tricks in the contract.

"When the contract was signed, did the craftsmen know about the unreasonable terms in the contract?" Li Bin asked.

"How can I not know, but what's the use of knowing? The new Zhizhou is supporting those unscrupulous businessmen behind the scenes, using various means to force them to sign this unfair contract. Tonight, the new Zhizhou Qiao sent his subordinate Master Qi to come to me At home, they want to force me to join their camp, work for them, and bully the craftsmen in the Mingde porcelain industry together." Old Suntou said excitedly and loudly, seeming to be very angry.

After Li Bin heard this, he had basically understood the difficult situation currently faced by the porcelain industry in Mingde Mansion. If there was no major improvement, his great cause of developing porcelain would not be implemented at all.

"Master Lao Suntou, do you have a ready-made contract? Let me read it." Li Bin said, Li Bin also wanted to see what the overlord's contract that Lao Suntou talked about was like a cannibalism.

"Over there, I just tore up a contract that Master Qi gave me to sign and sign." Old Sun pointed to a torn document under the table and said.

Li Bin bent down to pick it up, and spliced ​​it for a closer look.When Li Bin saw the purchase price of the porcelain, he couldn't help but exclaimed, thinking: "These bastards can really do it. The selling price of a piece of porcelain at Li Bin's Luodan Kingdom Trading Station is two cents, and the purchase price in the contract is only It’s five Wen copper coins, even in Daqi State, a piece of porcelain can be sold for fifty or sixty Wen copper coins, which is really ridiculously low.”

One tael of silver is equivalent to one hundred Daqi copper coins, and one tael of silver is equivalent to one thousand Daqi copper coins.

(End of this chapter)

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