Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 313 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 313 Remaining life after catastrophe
Li Bin saw the purple-robed man's hands turn purple in the blink of an eye, and there seemed to be a thin layer of purple mist on his skin.

This must be the Zisha god palm that the purple-robed man had conceited earlier. Li Bin knew that the purple-robed man was already gathering his palm strength and was about to kill him.

Move before the enemy, Spiral Nine Shadows!
Li Bin used all his strength to transform into nine clones and phantoms, the highest level of spiral nine shadows!
The purple-robed man saw Li Bin's phantom all around him, and a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Empty the Ziyun!" The purple-robed man suddenly shouted, and the thin layer of purple mist on the skin of his body suddenly shot out to the surroundings.

Within a range of three feet around the man in purple robe, the four phantoms transformed by Li Bin's spiral nine shadows were all crushed by the burst of purple mist.

Li Bin was very surprised when he saw this, "This purple-robed man's body-protecting qi is really powerful, and he can take the initiative to disperse and injure the enemy. The stellar qi is still the protective stellar qi of the Jiuyin Divine Art, and Li Bin can't control it freely, let alone hurt the enemy with the protective stellar qi like the man in purple robe.

The kung fu displayed by the man in purple robe clearly showed that his martial arts skills were far superior to Li Bin's. Li Bin knew that in today's battle, his chances were slim.But Li Bin is like this, the more dangerous and seemingly impossible things are, the more they can force out Li Bin's hidden potential!
Up against the odds!

A blow from the shadows!
For the first time, Li Bin combined Xuanwu Jingpo's Xuanbing Qi Jin Martial Skill and Suzaku Jingpo's Samadhi Fire Martial Skill with the first form of Xuanyang Wuji Palm Technique and hit it with all his might!

After three thunderclaps resounded through the peaks, Li Bin spat out two mouthfuls of blood, his body shook, he couldn't stand steadily, and collapsed on the ground.

The purple-robed man's eyes widened angrily, his face suddenly turned purple, and his body swayed slightly, but he stabilized immediately.

"Hehe, boy, that's not bad. I didn't expect that your martial arts skills can produce such strong palm power. I almost fell into your trap. You didn't die unjustly. You were able to force me to use [-]% of my palm power. ." The purple-robed man was also almost stunned by Li Bin's palm. If his martial arts skills were not far superior to Li Bin's, and he could resist Li Bin's completely unexpected blow, Li Bin would have almost created What a miracle.

Li Bin's sudden blow with all his strength failed to shake the purple-robed man, so he could only quietly wait for death to come.

The purple-robed man had a hideous expression on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Li Bin, who was paralyzed on the ground and unable to move due to the exhaustion of his whole body.The hands are grasping, and a purple ball the size of a billiard ball emerges from the palm.

"Boy, although you were defeated, your performance was beyond my expectation. In order to show respect to you, today I will make an exception and send you on the road with the Zi Lei Jue that I haven't fully practiced yet!" Presuming himself as a victor, he said to Li Bin with a smirk.

Li Bin shook his head with a helpless wry smile. Although he feels unwilling now, what's the use of that?Losing is losing, no matter how beautiful and exciting your failure process is, the ending will not change anyway, failure is failure!If you fail, you can only accept any punishment from the winner. In this world of martial arts that respects martial arts and believes in the law of the jungle, any prayers of the weak will be scornfully and mercilessly ignored!



The purple balls in the palms of the purple-robed man exploded, but it was not Li Bin who was lying on the ground waiting to die, but the purple-robed man himself who was hurt!

"Could this be the legendary soul-shattering blow? Haha..." The purple-robed man had an expression of unwillingness on his face, and a large area of ​​his chest was scorched by the heavy blow!Lying upright opposite Li Bin.

Right now, there was no time to spare, Li Bin only felt a red light flash in front of his eyes, and the two purple balls in the palm of the man in purple robe couldn't block the blow.

Li Bin looked around. There was no one else. Thinking of the extremely unwilling words spoken by the purple-robed man before he died, Li Bin looked at the Suzaku sacred beast and thought, "Could it be that the old friend of Suzaku saved him again at a critical moment?" Own?"

"The Lingmai Mine has been captured by the Flowing Cloud Sect. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I just used a soul-breaking blow to kill the Flowing Cloud Sect disciple, and my spirit has almost dissipated." Induction communicates with Li Bin.

"Your spirit dissipated? What about the spirit clone you left in my dantian?" Li Bin asked.

"After the spirit body is destroyed, the spirit clone has no connection with the body spirit. As long as the host's power can subdue the spirit clone, it will always obey the host."

"That is to say, if the main body of the Xuanwu Spirit is also defeated, then the clone of the Xuanwu Spirit can only submit to me?"

"That's right. Leave quickly, the people from Liuyun Sect will come back at any time." Suzaku Jingpo completely disappeared after saying this.

At this time, Li Bin also recovered three or four success powers, but there is still a long way to go before the true energy recovery required to be able to control the air flight. In order to improve the recovery speed, Li Bin took a small return pill.

While waiting for his true energy to recover, Li Bin walked to the dead body of the purple-robed man, leaned down and groped the pockets of the purple-robed man's clothes, to see what new clues and information he could get.

Suddenly, Li Bin took out a purple silk bag from the purple robe man's shirt, and there seemed to be a lot of things in the purple silk bag.

At this time, with the help of Xiao Huan Dan, Li Bin quickly recovered all his lost skills.It is not suitable to stay in a dangerous place for a long time. Li Bin did not open the purple silk bag found from the man in purple robe to take a closer look.Stuffing the purple silk cloth bag into his big cloth pocket, Li Bin used the air-controlling flight technique and flew away from the right and wrong place of the Lingmai Mine.

After surviving the catastrophe in the Spirit Vein Mine, Li Bin more clearly saw the shortcomings of his own cultivation. The road to martial arts was long and long, and he was only getting a glimpse of the path now. He must not be complacent and stand still.Otherwise, we will only repeat the tragedy of defeat and destruction, and be humiliated and exploited by others.

After much deliberation, Li Bin decided that it would be more appropriate and safe to go to Feiyun Temple for training.Li Bin thought: "Feiyun Guan's master's martial arts cultivation is at the same level as his own, and the overall martial arts cultivation level of his subordinate Taoists is not weak. Except for the master's martial arts cultivation, which can pose a fatal threat to himself, the rest The average threat to each person is very small, and it is more suitable for experience and getting started."

Another reason why Li Bin chose Feiyun Temple to start his attack was that when he first came to the Third World of Martial Arts Secret Realm, he was chased and intercepted by the smelly Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple. If the sullen feeling in his heart did not come out, it would be really uncomfortable and not smooth.

Returning to Feiyun Temple, Li Bin couldn't help thinking of the huge but not bulky Xuanwu sacred beast with a snake head and a turtle body on the back mountain of Feiyun Temple.If he wanted to get rid of the threat of the Black Tortoise Holy Beast's spirit avatar, he had to defeat the Black Tortoise Holy Beast, otherwise, the sword of Damoris would always be hanging above his head. It's not good.Li Bin is determined to make a change, improve his martial arts cultivation and strength as soon as possible, and completely get rid of the control threat of the Xuanwu holy beast spirit.

Two hours later, Li Bin finally came to the woods at the foot of Feiyunguan Mountain.Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, Li Bin jumped onto the branch of a big tree, took out the purple silk bag found on the purple silk man, and untied the golden string tied to the mouth of the bag, Li Bin opened the purple silk bag, and Find out what's in the bag.

(End of this chapter)

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