Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 336 The King of the Defeated Army

Chapter 336 The King of the Defeated Army
Li Bin met Qi Xing, king of Chu, who was gathering the defeated army of King Jin at Po Ling, [-] miles away from Huizhou City.

"Brother Li, are the granary and forage field safe?" Although Qi Xingren, king of Chu, was not in Huizhou City, he was still thinking about the lifeblood of the Qi army in the city.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the two groups of enemies who attacked were wiped out. I heard that King Jin's rescue army was defeated? How about the loss?" Li Bin said.

"The King of Jin fell into the Fusang people's trick of luring the enemy, and was led into unfavorable terrain by Fusang's army. The Qi army's continuous march was stranded and horses were exhausted. In addition, the terrain was unfavorable, and the enemy had a numerical advantage. Although the Qi army of [-] rescuers fought hard, they could not After all, they were still defeated by the Fuso army, which was like a tide, attacking one after another. Thirty-four out of ten of the fifty thousand rescue troops were killed or wounded, and the rest were defeated." King Qi Xing of Chu said slowly and sadly.

"Report, King Chu, we have gathered a total of 2 defeated troops." A lieutenant who was close to the King of Chu rode over to report.

"Pass down this king's order to gather the assembled defeated troops and bring them to Huizhou City for training." Qi Xing, king of Chu, issued an order to the people who came.

"Obey!" The visitor quickly got on his horse and galloped away.

Just when King Qixing of Chu was about to return to Huizhou City, dozens of horsemen galloped behind him.

"Fourth brother!" King Jin's shout came over.

Li Bin and King Qi Xing of Chu waited for this group of horsemen to approach, and found that King Jin's hair was disheveled, his armor was disheveled, and he looked terrified. The army that lost the battle and fled.

Li Bin's sharp eyes saw Shan Bohong, the leader of the Songshan School who was deliberately hiding in the crowd, from a distance.

"Leader Shan, why don't you see the disciples of the Songshan School?" Li Bin asked knowingly, and stepped forward to pat Shan Bohong's injured and drooping arm pretending to be enthusiastic.

Shan Bohong couldn't avoid it. He endured the severe pain and pretended to be nonchalant. He said with an awe-inspiring look: "All the disciples of the Songshan Sect have been loyal to the country."

Li Bin tried not to laugh, but what he was thinking in his heart was: "I am afraid that all the disciples of the Songshan Sect have been sold out by this unscrupulous leader like you. In order to save your own life, you have taken advantage of the lives of your disciples."

Shan Bohong led the crowd to sneak back to Huizhou. He wanted to set fire to Huizhou's food and grass, and frame the blame on Chu Wang Qixing, but he didn't expect to be disturbed by Li Bin who suddenly killed him. Defeated, one arm was broken.This made Shan Bohong, the leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect who had always relied on his status and looked down upon others, lose all his arrogance in front of Li Bin this time. The real culprit who attacked the Huizhou fodder farm.

"Fourth brother, don't go back to Huizhou. Hurry up and return to the capital with elder brother. After the Fusang army wins, they will catch up soon. By then, Huizhou will also become the front line." King Jin has already been defeated by the Fusang army. Lost his soul, he only thought about running for his life.

"Brother, I can't go. There are 100 million dans of military rations and a large number of fodder and weapons in Huizhou City. If these rations and fodder fall into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous." Qi Xing, the king of Chu, firmly disagreed with King Jin's escape proposal.

"Fourth brother, if you don't retreat, are you going to be trapped in Huizhou and wait for the enemy to capture you? The three thousand old and weak soldiers in Huizhou are not enough to fill the teeth of the Fusang people." King Jin saw that King Qi Xing of Chu did not agree to escape with him, so he said mocked.

Because King Jin is his elder brother and elder, King Chu is not easy to get angry, but his face is condensed, and he looks down on King Jin's attitude of disregarding the country, greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Prince Jin, run as you go, do you think everyone is like you?" Li Bin didn't have as many worries as King Qi Xing of Chu, and directly reprimanded him face-to-face. King Qi Xing of Chu also secretly gave Li Bin a thumbs up with great admiration .

King Jin was reprimanded loudly by Li Bin in public. He felt very humiliated and wanted to get angry. He asked for help and looked at Shan Bohong, the head of the Songshan School, who was winking at King Jin and waved his hands to signal not to offend Li Bin.

Seeing that Shan Bohong, his biggest backer, had given in, the King of Jin had no choice but to bow his head and listen to Li Bin's scolding. He didn't dare to contradict him, let alone use his power to suppress others. None, just listen to the instructions honestly!

"Fourth brother, since you are determined to return to Huizhou, then elder brother will take a step first. Farewell!" King Jin waved his hand to signal his subordinates to continue galloping towards the capital.

After Li Bin and the King of Chu returned to Huizhou together, they stood on the tower of Huizhou and watched the [-] listless and disheveled defeated soldiers entering Huizhou City in a crooked procession.

Li Bin took the lead to break the heavy atmosphere and said: "Your Highness, if you want to defend Huizhou and continue to complete the goal of rescuing the more than [-] Qi troops who were besieged in Dengfeng City, you will not be able to rely on [-] defeated soldiers. You have to think of other ways." .”

Qi Xing, king of Chu, had also been honed in military battles, so he didn't know that a defeated soldier is equivalent to a person who has lost his soul.The souls are gone, what else can you expect them to do.The [-] defeated soldiers will never recover their combat effectiveness without training for a month or two.

However, King Qi Xing of Chu also suffered from having no soldiers at hand. In addition to three thousand old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers, King Qi Xing of Chu only had [-] personal soldiers brought from the Prince of Chu's palace.According to the laws of Daqi, every prince with a title can enjoy the special right of a thousand private guards.

Now counting the 4000 disciples of Li Bin Futu Sect who went to aid, Huizhou City can only use more than 20 troops.But what Huizhou City will face is the [-] wolf-like army of the Fusang Kingdom, which has won consecutive victories, has high morale, and is very aggressive!
Li Bin said: "Your Highness, there is still a unit that can be used now, and it is the Zuo Batian Jiangbei Thirteen Villages not far from the north of Huizhou City."

"But now I don't have the Tiger Talisman or any written order to mobilize the army. I'm afraid I won't be able to mobilize this King Zuo?" Qi Xing, king of Chu, said worriedly.

"Your Highness does not need to worry about the transfer of troops. I have already sent my disciple Yun Shi to go. When the Zuoba Heavenly Soldiers arrive, Your Highness just needs to entrust him with a bright future. My apprentice has a problem, and I naturally value official careers and official positions." Li Bin laughed.

"This is easy to handle, as long as he can make meritorious service before the battle, how can he be promoted and rank less?" Qi Xing, king of Chu, immediately nodded in agreement.

King Jin, Shan Bohong and others ran all the way and stopped at a tea shop beside a road fifty miles away from Huizhou City.

"Leader Shan, I was about to scold Li Bin just now, why did you stop me?" King Jin now recalled the scene of being reprimanded by Li Bin in public, and he still felt dissatisfied.

"Your Highness, you don't know that Li Bin's martial arts are unfathomable, and he must not be provoked at this time. Last night, I led someone to attack Huizhou at night. Yue can't fight with people." Shan Bohong told the truth, but he still belittled Li Bin to cover up his incompetence.

"You mean that Li Bin's martial arts are better than yours!?" Jin Wang asked with a look of astonishment on his face. He knew Shan Bohong's martial arts. The martial arts in Kyushu are the highest. Among the few people, there must be Shan Bohong. Hong has a place.Now that Shan Bohong has personally admitted that he was defeated by Li Bin, how could this not shock King Jin.

"Li Bin's palm strength is indeed very strong, but I am sure that I can defeat him in a clear competition. Last night Li Bin only won in a sneak attack, and there was more luck." Shan Bohong still had a hard neck, thinking that he Martial arts are better than Li Bin.

(End of this chapter)

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