Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 340 Collapse

Chapter 340 Collapse
"Your Excellency, the Qi army in Huizhou camped twenty miles away to provoke. The Qi army has about 1 soldiers, all infantry." A ninja entered the camp to report the latest military situation.

"What? That's enough! Isn't the Huizhou Qi army just the remnant army that was defeated by our army? Now they dare to call for formation. They are really a group of guys who don't know whether to live or die. Lord Datian, Lord Aneshan, you lead your troops to surround them. Annihilate all the Qi troops who dare to challenge the Fuso army! Leave no one alive! I want the people of Qi to always remember the bravery of our Fuso soldiers." Ashikaga Yoshiki ordered loudly, with a disdainful smile on his face.Ashikaga Yoshiki had no regard for his former defeated generals and defeated armies.

"Hai!" Two generals in military uniforms and swords from the commander's camp came out of the crowd and shouted their orders.

The two generals Ota Masuo and Anayama Tsuyoshi are the two most outstanding generals among the four brave generals under Ashikaga Yoshiteru's shogunate. They are also Ashikaga Yoshiteru's confidants. Every time they go to war, they are Act as a trailblazer.

On that day, Fusang's army landed in Daqi and encountered a counterattack from Daqi's prefectural army. It was only by relying on these two men who led the troops that had landed early to attack with less force and attack more that they defeated the Daqi army's anti-landing siege. The subsequent landing of Fuso's army created good conditions.

During the battle to besiege the [-]-strong rescue force of the King of Jin, two generals led their troops to break through the Qi army's formation at a critical moment, successfully disrupting the Qi army's formation and contributing to the complete defeat of the Qi army's rescue army.

Both Ota Masuto and Anayama Takeshi's soldiers were the elite soldiers of Fuso, and the troops under the two generals were all infantry.

In this cross-sea invasion of Daqi, except for a few generals' guards and scouts who were cavalry, Fusang's army was all infantry, and there was no independent cavalry corps.

"Anayama-kun, in this battle, we will still follow the old rules. The winner is the one who enters the enemy's formation first and captures the enemy's flag." Ota Masato said with a relaxed smile to Anayama, who was beside him, as if victory was within easy reach. of.

"Mr. Datian, don't underestimate the enemy. Although the Huizhou Qi army was defeated by us, they wiped out [-] infantry of Mr. Kuroda in Huizhou." Takeshi Anayama said cautiously.

However, Ota Masuto was a little disapproving of Anayama Gou's words, and said in a disdainful tone: "Kuroten-kun, that loser! In addition to drinking and playing with women every day, what else does he order? Isn't he even unable to hold a sword steady? He If he hadn't married a royal princess and relied on this layer of nepotism to become a general. During this expedition, he received special care from the general and asked him to lead the troops to capture Huizhou. The general's original intention was to give him a big credit for free. He picked it. But who knew that Kuroda, a loser who relies on women, would be beaten to death by the remnant army of Qi State, which really disgraced all our Fuso warriors. Haha."

Ota Masato was very disdainful and contemptuous of Kuroda Yuguang, the general of the Fusang army in the Battle of Huizhou. Like Kuroda Yumitsu, a little boy who has no ability to lead the army, Ota Masuto relied on his own strength to fight every shot in the army. Generals who risk their lives are very disdainful.

"Mr. Ota, please speak in a low voice. It may be bad for you if someone with a heart listens to you. No matter what, Mr. Heitian was indeed killed in battle. The dead are the worst, so it is better not to say some things." Aneyama Takeo didn't quite agree with Ota Masuto's unscrupulous ridicule.

"Xueshan Jun, you are too cautious, do you know why I have more credits than you in every battle? The reason is simple, that is, I don't have as many worries and cares as you. An indomitable and fearless fighting spirit is enough. If the enemy is ruthless, you are even more ruthless than him! Make your enemies fear you from the bottom of their hearts, be afraid of you.”

"Ota-kun, I'm going back to the military camp to prepare for battle. Farewell!" Tsuyoshi Anesama disagreed with Ota Masuto's words, but he had nothing to refute.After all, everything in the military is based on military merit. Every time Ota Masuto goes out, his military exploits are indeed better than those of Go Ayama. This makes Go Aesama always feel shorter than Ota Masuto.

The 2 men of Datian Zengren's headquarters arrived at the battlefield first. After watching and checking the simple Muzha camp built by the Qi army in Huizhou opposite, Datian Zengren felt even more contemptuous of the opponent he was about to face.

"Order the troops to prepare for the attack." Ota Masato ordered the left and right generals.

"General, General Xueshan's troops haven't arrived on the battlefield yet, so we won't wait for him?" the general asked puzzledly.

"The defeated troops on the other side are no more than [-] people. Look at the ruined camp they built. I can wipe out the Qi army with just one charge. General Ashikaga is still too cautious." Masuto Ota said arrogantly with a ferocious smile, His tone was full of arrogance.

"General, General Aneshan's troops are here." The subordinate generals pointed at the valleys a few miles away on the right and shouted loudly.

"Order the troops, attack!" Ota Masuto heard that Anayama had led the army to the scene, worried that his first power would be robbed, and he couldn't wait even more.

Suddenly, the shouts of killing began, and Datian added people and horses to take the lead, waving their swords and rushing to the front of the team.Twenty thousand brave Fuso warriors armed with sabers followed Datian and formed a skirmishing formation to charge towards the Qi army camp.

"General, General Ota's troops are attacking!"

"Mr. Datian is afraid that we will take away his military exploits, so he ordered the troops to prepare for the attack immediately, and we will follow!" Anao Shangang ordered loudly.

"Hay!" Anayama's [-] troops who had just entered the battlefield quickly changed into a battle formation under the loud mobilization of their leaders and generals.

"General, the troops are ready to attack. Do you want to attack?" Takeshi Anayama's troops are indeed the elite of the Fuso Army. In just a few minutes, the 2 troops have quickly transformed into a combat formation.

"Have you seen the slope on the right side of the Qi army camp? Order the troops to move up from the flank, seize the slope, and then condescend to launch a side attack on the Qi army!" Xue Shangang likes to use his brain when fighting, unlike Datian Zengren, who is blindly reckless , Charge head-on.

Just as Fusang fierce general Ota Masuto had expected, the Qi army in the camp had already collapsed before the battle. When the 1 Qi army in the camp was about to rush to the front ten meters of the formation, With a cry, he turned around and ran away.

When Datian Zengren saw the Qi army disintegrating and fleeing, they became even more arrogant. They loudly ordered the generals on the left and right, and led the troops to continue the pursuit.

Just like that, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. Twelve thousand Qi troops fled with all their strength, and the flags were scattered all over the ground.Not far behind him, 1 Fuso sword samurai led by Ota Masuto were desperately chasing after him.

The two armies, the fleeing Qi army and the pursuing Fusang army, had no formations to speak of, and tens of thousands of people just ran away across the mountains and plains.

(End of this chapter)

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