Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 357

Chapter 357
"Your Highness, we have left three thousand troops to defend the west city. Let's unite our troops to recapture the south city and east city that fell into the hands of Fusang's army." Li Bin said to King Qi Xing of Chu.

Fuso's army did not have many troops left in Nancheng and Dongcheng, only around 6000 to [-] men.

In the face of the sweeping offensive of the Qi army's overwhelmingly superior force, they couldn't resist at all, and they all surrendered without any decent fighting resistance.

So far, the rescue campaign of Dengfeng City has come to a successful conclusion. Li Bin and Chu Wang Qi Xingdu led the newly defeated army in Huizhou. Unexpectedly, he wiped out the Fusang army under Dengfeng City, and won a perfect victory.

Counting the results after the war, the Qi army wiped out 18 enemies and captured 1 enemies in the Dengfeng City Rescue Campaign. The Qi army killed more than 5000 people in the battle, and no one was captured. Most of the Qi army deaths occurred in When the Qi army in Dengfeng City was besieged and attacked, the number of Huizhou rescue troops was less than [-].

After the war, Qin Mu asked King Qi Xing of Chu to send troops to wipe out the landing bases of the Fusang army, and completely eradicate all the forces of the Fusang army in Daqi.

"General Qin, let me ask you, where is the stronghold where the Fusang army landed?" Li Bin did not say whether he would send troops to attack the Fusang landing stronghold.

"Returning to Mr. Li, the stronghold of the Fusang army is about [-] miles east of Laizhou. The final general begs Mr. Li to send troops, and with one effort, completely eradicate the aggressive stronghold established by the Fusang people."

"General Qin, don't be impatient. Our army has just gone through a series of battles, and our soldiers are exhausted. It is a hundred miles away from Laizhou. The enemy's situation in Laizhou is unknown, and the tired army should not make a long-distance attack. In this way, the Qi army's infantry is in Dengfeng City. The ground can be repaired, and General Zuo and I can lead the cavalry to run lightly." Li Bin disagreed with the use of infantry to carry out the mission of long-distance raids.The infantry's marching speed is too slow, and they finally arrive at the destination, and they will be exhausted from the long-distance continuous march, so they cannot immediately enter the battlefield, and the efficiency is too low.

"I agree with Brother Li's proposal. The infantry marches slowly, and it is easy to delay the battle. I think the Fusang army will not have too many troops left in the Laizhou stronghold. Moreover, under the negative influence of successive defeats, the Fusang soldiers will not be too motivated to fight. , General Zuo’s cavalry can handle it completely.” Qi Xing, king of Chu, fully agreed with Li Bin’s action suggestion.

Seeing that King Chu and Li Bin agreed, Qin Mu didn't say anything more.After all, my life is still saved by others.

Li Bin took his disciple Yunshi, and the two masters and apprentices performed the Spiral Nine Shadows Light Kung Fu and flew to Laizhou first, and Zuo Batian personally led [-] fine riders and light clothes to follow.

It took only a quarter of an hour for Li Bin and his apprentice to fly over the sky of Laizhou.

Just as Li Bin and King Qi Xing of Chu expected, the Fusang army in Laizhou had long been deserted, and there were only one or two hundred Fusang soldiers guarding the huge Laizhou city wall.

Looking at the city of Laizhou from a high altitude, it is clear at a glance that there are not many signs of the Fusang army moving in the city, just like an empty city.

Li Bin looked at the seashore thirty or forty miles away from Laizhou City, and found that there were more than a dozen Fusang warships moored sparsely on the shore, and there were frequent personnel exchanges between the berths and the various warships.

Because they were too far away, Li Bin couldn't see clearly, and didn't know what the Fusang people were doing.

Li Bin asked his disciple Yunshi to enter the city to find out the details of the enemy army in Laizhou City, and then he flew over the Fusang warship berth to find out.

For thirty or forty miles, Li Bin flew with all his strength, and in less than forty breaths, the reincarnation time of a high-altitude flight had arrived.After landing, he sprinted towards a nearby pile of materials piled up like a mountain.

Just as Li Bin rushed into Fusang's temporary material storage warehouse, two black shadows suddenly flew towards him, forcibly intercepting Li Bin.

With Li Bin's current martial arts cultivation and actual combat ability, it's no wonder that he can stop Li Bin halfway.

Li Bin greeted the approaching person, and slapped several palms continuously in the air with Zisha's divine palm. His fierce and impeccable palm force carried bone-chilling cold air and rushed straight to the two black-clothed men who were intercepting him.

The two men in black did not dare to resist Li Bin's volleying palms, and hurriedly dodged to both sides.As soon as the two of them forcibly turned around to dodge, Li Bin predicted that the enemy would be the first to dodge, and plundered towards the man in black on the left like a shadow.

The speed of Li Bin's grazing and pursuit was far beyond the opponent's imagination. Before the opponent could react, Li Bin forcibly lifted the opponent's frame in a hurry with one palm, and pressed the opponent's shoulder blade with the other palm with the eight-successful Zisha palm. On the ground, only the clear and crisp sound of bones shattering could be heard continuously, and the opponent was directly knocked down by Li Bin's [-]% powerful Zisha palm, and it seemed impossible.

"You have gained [-] actual combat experience points, and you have obtained an intermediate Jingyuan Pill." This Fusang master at the eighth level of the innate realm was killed by Li Bin's palm.

The other man in black saw Li Bin's attack so powerfully. He was so shocked that he dared to fight. He let go of his feet and ran towards the warship at anchor.

It's really strange that the person targeted by Li Bin still wants to escape.Li Bin immediately pursued him from behind and caught up with him in just three breaths. The Xuanbing cold energy turned into five ice beads and shot at several large holes in the back of the fleeing man in black.

Being so close, Li Bin struck out so fast and furious that the man in black was unable to react as he ran away. He only heard a few muffled sounds of ice beads hitting his body, and the man in black immediately fell forward.

You have gained 3 actual combat experience points and an intermediate Jingyuan Pill. "The last Fusang master on the ninth floor of the innate realm was hit by the ice beads transformed by Li Binxuan's ice-cold air on several important points on his back, and died immediately.

After killing the two Fusang masters blocking the way, Li Bin turned back and entered the temporary material warehouse of Fusang. There were still dozens of Fusang soldiers carrying wooden boxes in the warehouse. The wooden box contains the armor and armor worn by Fusang soldiers.

Li Bin smashed several wooden boxes one after another, and found that the boxes contained nothing more than clothing, armor, protective gear, bows, arrows, bow strings and other supplies.Judging from the mountain of wooden boxes piled up in the temporary warehouse, Fusang’s invasion of Daqi must have gone through a lot of meticulous preparations. Only in this way, so many war-consumed materials were hoarded for replacement by front-line soldiers.

After Li Bin found out the material warehouse, before leaving, he killed all the Fusang soldiers inside and outside the warehouse.

After cleaning up the Fusang temporary material warehouse, Li Bin flew over the Fusang warships moored at the berth one by one, and used his fingering skills to restrain all the Fusang sailors and soldiers on the warships.

Just after Li Bin took control of the six Fusang warships, the rest of the warships were warned by the sound of arrows, and the rest of the warships left the berth and sailed into the ocean.

Li Bin's power alone was always limited, and he only controlled eight Fusang warships, and the remaining seven or eight Fusang warships all took advantage of the wind and quickly dispersed away from the berth.

At this moment, Li Bin saw Zuo Batian's cavalry team rushing to Laizhou City. In order to ensure the victorious results, Li Bin gave up chasing the Fusang warship that had gone away, and flew directly to Zuo Batian, letting Zuo Batian Allocate [-] cavalry to berth to guard the captured eight Fusang warships.

"Master, there is an enemy's grain depot in Laizhou City. The grain and grass are piled up like a mountain. I think the enemy plans to carry it on board, so I can't bear to burn it down. There are not many guards, only more than a hundred people." After Yunshi found out the situation in Laizhou City , report immediately.

"Yunshi, you lead Junior Brother Zuo's cavalry team to attack and seize the enemy's grain depot. You must move quickly to prevent the enemy from burning the grain." Li Bin ordered the two disciples.

"Yes, master, don't worry." After Yunshi agreed, he immediately turned around and flew towards Laizhou City, followed by Zuo Batian personally leading three thousand cavalry.

After a cup of tea time, Li Bin saw that all the flags of the Fusang army in Laizhou City were cut down, and all the flags of the Qi army were replaced on the towers.

This time, Li Bin let his disciples carry out the task alone, just to see how the disciples' actual battlefield execution ability is.

"Grandpa Li, General Zuo has successfully captured Laizhou City and the Laizhou Grain Depot, and the enemy troops in the city have been wiped out." A cavalry rushed to report.

Seeing that the disciples successfully completed the tasks assigned by him, Li Bin smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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