Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 377 Accidental Discovery of Lava Cave

Chapter 377 Accidental Discovery of Lava Cave
When Li Bin flew over, he sensed the heat wave gushing out of the lava cave, so he took care of it.In today's battle, although Li Bin failed to achieve his wish, he defeated all the people in Tianya Haige Lingxiao Palace and rescued Situ Fei and other Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple.However, during the battle with the masters of the Lingxiao Palace, Li Bin further recognized his true combat power and greatly enhanced his self-confidence.

Li Bin believes that the main reason for his defeat in the battle with the white-clothed scholar is not the gap in martial arts between himself and the white-clothed scholar, but because his skills have been exhausted after a long battle, and he was attacked by the white-clothed scholar before he recovered. , Inability to do so led to defeat in the battle of hatred.

Li Bin's flight was fake, but he was actually using the flying and sprinting to recover his depleted true energy, and then find the enemy for a decisive battle after adjusting his breath!Li Bin has decided to compete with Tianmu King Kong, the owner of Tianya Haige Lingxiao Palace, and strive to rescue Situ Fei and other Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple who have suffered inhuman treatment from Tianya Haige as soon as possible today.Li Bin also knew that the environment in the Huoyanshan mine was harsh, and if he delayed for a day, the Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple would increase the number of casualties.

The fact of rescuing the Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple is an urgent matter. There should be no delay and hesitation, and a decisive decision must be made. Li Bin passed the lava cave on the way to escape, and sensed that the temperature in the lava cave was very high and the heat wave was rolling. It was an ideal place for a decisive battle with the enemy. place.

The high-temperature environment in the lava cave is an ideal pre-set battlefield for Li Bin, a master with multiple qi shields, to use his strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. Therefore, Li Bin turned around and ran into the lava cave without going far. Near the cave, wait for the pursuers of Tianya Haige.

After flying and running for a period of time, Li Bin's battle-damaged true energy has long since returned to normal. Now Li Bin is quietly waiting in the lava cave, which is scorching at high temperature, waiting for the two men in white clothes and Hurricane King Kong to arrive. At that time, Li Bin will make full use of it. The high-heat environment of the lava cave, combined with the scorching suppression of his own fire cloud palm technique, Li Bin expected that the white-clothed scholar and Hurricane King Kong would definitely not be able to bear it.

However, although Li Bin's strategy is good, Tianmu King Kong and Hurricane King Kong will not easily take the bait, risk their lives, and fight Li Bin in a decisive battle in the lava cave.

Li Bin waited quietly for half an hour. Outside the cave, Tianmu King Kong and Hurricane King Kong were still determined, standing still and not entering the cave.

Both sides were waiting for each other, and neither of them left easily.Li Bin got tired of waiting for a long time, and seeing that there was no movement outside the cave, he boldly walked deep into the cave.Li Bin also wanted to find out for himself what kind of treasures there were in the Flame Mountain, which was worthy of the crazy mining at all costs by a big Zhou martial arts gang like Tianya Haige who could cover the sky with one hand.

The corridors in this lava cave are winding and winding. In addition to the relatively spacious entrance of the cave, which is only about [-] to [-] square meters, the corridors going in are quite narrow and rugged. The floor of the corridor is uneven, and the stone walls of the corridor are also jagged and carved with thousands of blades. The traces were very obvious, with only two people walking side by side in the aisle.The further you walked into the cave, the stronger the burning sensation became. Li Bin estimated that due to the scorching high temperature and heat wave in the lava cave, a large number of craftsmen died when digging this lava cave.

After at least 200 steps into the depths of the cave, Li Bin felt the oppressive heat wave and suffocating oppression in the cave. At this time, Li Bin continued to walk in, and his determination to find out was still very firm.

Facing the increasingly scorching sweltering heat in the cave, Li Bin walked more than 100 steps deeper into the cave and entered a gourd-shaped cave chamber.

In this gourd-shaped stone chamber, the belly part of the gourd stone chamber has the largest space. If you walk more than [-] steps forward, you will enter the waist of the gourd stone chamber. It is inferior to the burning intensity of the Suzaku Hall on the twelfth level of Futumen. After staying in the gourd stone room for such a short period of time to observe, Li Bin's coat, trousers and other clothing materials that are a little far away from the skin of the body have been attracted by the scorching hot air in the gourd stone room. Burned and burned, Li Bin now only has his close-fitting underwear, which is protected from the scorching heat and high temperature in the gourd stone chamber, which is protected by the protective energy.

Li Bin carefully searched for any valuable clues around the gourd stone room. Li Bin wanted to find out the crux of the reason for the extremely high temperature in the lava cave, and what is the special ore of the Flaming Mountain Mine that Tianya Haige is trying to get. looks like.

When Li Bin first came to Huoyan Mountain, he didn't see any signs that Huoyan Mountain was once a volcano when he looked down from a high altitude. At least from the appearance of the mountain's topography, Huoyan Mountain was not a volcano that had ever erupted.It's not a volcano, but the inside is so hot, there must be something strange in it, Li Bin thought.

Li Bin patiently and carefully explored everywhere in the gourd-shaped stone room, but could not find anything unusual.It wasn't until he came to the head and neck area of ​​the Calabash Stone Chamber that Li Bin sensed a faint breath of spiritual energy.After a lot of hard work, Li Bin finally found the treasure. He was overjoyed and enthusiastic, and followed the direction where the spiritual energy was floating.

Under the ground at the head of the gourd stone room, there is a faint aura of spiritual energy. This aura of spiritual energy may be because it is buried deep, and the amount of floating out is not very large. If Li Bin's martial arts cultivation base has not been upgraded to the late stage of the unity of nature and man Realm, it is really difficult to detect this faint aura that radiates from the ground.

This time, Li Bin managed to find clues to the existence of the spirit stone, so he used his ten fingers as a sharp blade to dig hard towards the ground where the spirit energy came out. Li Bin dug hard with ten fingers sharper than a sharp blade, and the rocky ground was like a block of tofu, and Li Bin quickly pulled out a large depression, more than one meter deep.

During the excavation process, Li Bin's fair and slender fingernails were all broken and broken, leaving a lot of blood. After Li Bin dug out a pit as deep as an ordinary person's waist, his fingers were dripping with blood and the flesh and blood were blurred. As he dug, Li Bin could feel the aura coming out of the ground more strongly. As for the pain and bleeding of his ten fingers, it didn't matter anymore.

Success is just around the corner, Li Bin put all his energy into it, staring at the scorching stone chamber air waves, and the sultry and sweltering oxygen-deficient environment, Li Bin used the most profound Taoist internal breath technique to breathe, sweating profusely, and continued digging deep underground with selflessness.

After digging about one meter deeper, Li Bin finally sensed the surging spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone. Li Bin touched the spiritual stone containing the surging spiritual energy with his hand, unable to hide his joy and excitement.

After Li Bin's careful investigation, there are not too many spiritual stones buried in the ground, only half the size of a desk. Li Bin turned his palm into a knife and cut in from the edge of the spiritual stone. That is to say, this is just a small place where spirit stones are stored.

Judging from the scorching breath emanating from the spirit stone block, the heat source in the gourd stone chamber should be the spirit stone buried deep in the ground.Only a master of martial arts like Li Bin dared to touch such a scorching hot spirit stone. Anyone else would have been scalded and crippled immediately.

Because the Lingshi rock is extremely hard, it cannot be cut by manpower. If it is dug out entirely, it will be too large and difficult to move. The gourd stone chamber here is deep in the middle of the lava cave, and the heat is unbearable. Outsiders dare not enter if people dare to go deep.

So Li Bin simply sat on the Lingshi rock with his legs crossed, and began to absorb the spiritual energy, and condensed the pure Yang Qi according to the Qiankun Yiqi Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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