Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 380 Successfully Killing the Demon Rank Spirit Beast Balrog Spider

Chapter 380 Successfully Killing the Demon Rank Spirit Beast Balrog Spider
When the blood volume of the colorful giant spider's yellow blood gauge was reduced to the last one, a scene that stunned Li Bin appeared. Just as Li Bin was about to KO the giant spider with a three-star prison break, he wiped out its last When the blood volume was small, the spider's body suddenly glowed with a faint red glow, and the blood volume in the yellow blood tank instantly returned to full.

That's not to mention, the spider's attack methods have also become more and more fierce, and it is no longer just a spider silk binding the body.

Like a madman, the spider opened and closed its big mouth from time to time, and spit out a ball of fiery red unknown objects to Li Bin.

After being dodged by Li Bin, the fiery red object spit out from the spider's mouth hit the floor of the stone chamber with a "bang!" and exploded, and the ground was instantly covered by a large pool of raging flames.

Li Bin thought: "This spider can also breathe fireballs, it's really not a kind person."

The fireball spit out by the spider spread out and the fiery intensity immediately raised the temperature of the whole stone room a lot, that is Li Bin, if it was someone else, even if he was lucky not to be swallowed by the fireball spit out by the spider, he would be swallowed by the fireball spit out by the spider later. The fireball exploded and spread, and the high heat emitted burned it into ashes.

Li Bin attacked for a long time and finally reduced the spider's health bar to the last bar. Unexpectedly, the spider would regain health. Li Bin had no choice but to put away the idea of ​​​​a quick victory and regain his energy and surrender. The next Xiao Huan Dan restores the lost vitality, and he fights San Lily with this vicious colorful spider.

The only thing that reassured Li Bin was that the fireballs spit by the spider could not be spit out indefinitely. After spitting out a fireball, the two red highlights on the corners of the spider's mouth did not dim immediately. When the red light emitted, the spider was able to continue spitting out new fireballs to attack Li Bin.

Li Bin estimated the time between fireball attacks. The longest interval was thirty breaths, and the shortest was ten breaths.Fortunately, the spider couldn't spit out fireballs at will, otherwise, the high heat emitted by the fireballs would quickly turn the whole stone room into a real purgatory on earth.Even if Li Bin could escape the direct attack of the fireball, he couldn't escape the high heat and high temperature rising in the stone room.

Li Bin's invulnerable body protection qi can only protect himself from damage under a certain intensity of cold and hot environment, but cannot provide unlimited immunity to cold and heat.If the high heat intensity exceeds the limit of Li Bin's stellar energy, Li Bin will still be baked to death by the high heat and high temperature in the stone chamber.

When fighting this colorful spider that can only spit fireballs, Li Bin knew that he had to defeat it in the shortest possible time.

After understanding the power of it, Li Bin adjusted his attack method again. Every time he made a move, he used the seventh level of "Purple Thunder Technique" and the seventh level of thunder tribulation, using ten power points and Xuan Bing Qi to attack with all his strength.

With Li Bin's current martial arts cultivation base, the full energy in his body is only enough to cast the Seven Star Thunder Calamity twice in a row. After the two heavy blows are completed, Li Bin, with the help of Xiao Huan Dan, can quickly recover his true energy by adjusting his breath. Qi, after the four rounds of the Great Heavenly Circuit, in just [-] breaths of time, Li Bin's lost true qi was replenished again.

And during the [-]-breath interval when Li Bin adjusted his breath and dodged, the spider could only spit two fireballs at most.If you are lucky, the spider will only spit the fireball once, so that the fiery intensity in the stone room will not rise to an intensity that Li Bin cannot resist in a short period of time.

After being hit hard by Li Bin's three seven-star thunder, the spider's yellow blood bar was reduced to the last one.Li Bin played the fourth Seven-Star Thunder Calamity full of expectations, and saw seven purple light clusters burst out from the body of the colorful giant spider almost at the same time.

The dazzling light from the purple light group made the whole stone room dazzled and dazzled by the purple light. Soon, the purple light was gone, and Li Bin found that the blood gauge of the spider on the opposite side of his head had turned red, and there were still eight children left. grid.

For this kind of situation, Li Bin has made sufficient psychological preparations. Judging from the attack power and resistance ability displayed by this spider, Li Bin knows that it will not be so easy to defeat it.But even though he was mentally prepared for a hard fight, Li Bin couldn't help but feel a little anxious and disappointed.

Now the floor of the stone chamber was filled with fireballs spit out by fire spiders, and the raging flames spread. This caused the intensity of the fire in the stone chamber to continue to increase.Li Bin has already felt the fatal threat of the burning sensation brought by the hot temperature.

With such an uncomfortable reaction in his body, Li Bin knew that his strength was approaching the limit of resistance, and he had to make a quick decision, and he couldn't afford it.

After recovering from the [-]-breath adjustment, Li Bin saw the opportunity, and hit the fire spider's big mouth with a seven-star thunder calamity.

After the purple light disappeared, the blood volume of the fire spider's blood gauge was reduced to five small bars.

That is to say, if all goes well, Li Bin will be able to defeat the fire spider at the fastest after twenty breaths.In terms of Li Bin's current state, he is almost approaching the limit of his defense. Li Bin's hair is already scorched. .

After the fire spider spit out a fireball again, Li Bin struggled to hit the last seven-star thunder calamity, then closed his eyes and quietly accepted the final result.

Whether the fire spider regained its health again or Li Bin failed to defeat the fire spider with this attack, all that was waiting for Li Bin was to be burned to ashes by the fiery high temperature rising continuously in the stone chamber.

The only passage leading to the outside of the stone chamber has long been sealed by layers of spider silk spewed out by the fire spider. Even if Li Bin burns it with a flame knife driven by the fire energy of Samadhi, it will not be burnt out in a short while. The smart fire spider will not let Li Bin do this.

After the brilliant purple light from the Seven Star Thunder Tribulation Burst disappeared, the long-lost voice from the system sounded in Li Bin's ears, "Congratulations, master, you have successfully killed the demon-level spirit beast—the Balrog Spider, and gained 50 combat experience points! , get two mid-grade body forging pills, get a fireball cheat book, get a Balrog spider essence (orange), get a top-grade flaming stone, and get a Balrog spider silk armor."

Hearing the list of rich loot names reported by the system, Li Bin suddenly opened his eyes, and before he had time to take a closer look at the Balrog spider he had killed, the system's voice sounded again, "Xuanwu Essence, Xuanbing Qi, and Martial Skill have been upgraded to the third level!" Heavy boundary."

Only then did Li Bin suddenly realize that the reason why his last seven-star thunder calamity was able to knock out five small blocks of the Balrog Spider's HP at one time, and directly knock out the Balrog Spider, was due to the promotion of the Xuanwu Essence to the third level With the help of Xuanbing Qijin, it was the promotion of Xuanbing Qijin to the third level that made Li Bin's seven-star Thunder Tribulation, which could only kill the Balrog Spider with three blood levels, perform at a super level, and kill more Balrog Spiders. With two small cells of blood, he killed the demon-ranked spirit beast Balrog Spider with one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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