Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 395

Chapter 395
The Turkic envoys blackmailed the old emperor of Daqi for the territory and pastures, which did not hurt Li Bin personally.But when he heard Qi Xing say that Suleiman Khan was going to forcefully marry Qi Min, the Princess of Qi, Li Bin couldn't bear it anymore and broke out.

He stood up suddenly and said: "The Turks are so overbearing and arrogant, why do they have it?"

"According to Daqi's intelligence reports in the Turks, Bi Lingfeng, the great protector of the Turks and known as the number one master outside the Great Wall, has recently achieved great success and has left the country. In addition, Suleiman has hundreds of thousands of well-trained This made Suleiman's ambitions expand and he no longer took our Qi Dynasty seriously." King Qixing of Chu told the latest secret information.

"Bi Lingfeng's big disciple Batar lost all his strength back then, and was defeated by you in public, Brother Li, which made Bi Lingfeng feel ashamed. He always looked forward to defeating you one day to avenge his big disciple Batar. So this time, Bi Lingfeng tried his best to encourage Suleiman Khan to forcefully intimidate us."

"Want to defeat me?" Li Bin still remembered the fierce battle with Batal that day.

"Brother Li, there is bad news. After Bi Lingfeng came out of seclusion, he personally went out to kill and capture the kings of several neighboring small countries that were at odds with the Turks. He used this as a threat to intimidate the neighboring small countries to surrender to the Turks. In Bi Lingfeng's case, Under the absolute force of the Qi, all countries surrendered one after another. Without the constraints and restraints of the neighboring small countries on the Turks, the Turks added 30 cavalry out of thin air for use in the northern border of Da Qi. Nowadays, the pressure on the border defense in the northern border of Da Qi is very high. . The situation is even more dangerous than before." King Qi Xing of Chu took out the secret messages from Da Qi's spies who had infiltrated into various surrounding small countries from his arms and said to Li Bin.

After Li Bin took the secret letter and read it, he sighed and said in a serious tone: "The war is inevitable."

After a pause, Li Bin then asked: "Your Highness, how did the emperor deal with and respond to the threat of the Turkic envoy?"

"In order to stabilize the Turks first, the emperor agreed to Suleiman Khan's proposal to marry Min Mei in advance, and will send troops to send Min Mei to the Turks to get married in the future." Qi Xing looked at Li Bin and said worriedly.

As an older brother, Qi Xing has heard of the relationship between Qi Min and Li Bin.After telling the truth, Qi Xing was still very worried that Li Bin would be furious and unable to control his emotions.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry. My father needs time to adjust the deployment of troops and mobilize military supplies. If the Turks invade south this time, the scale will definitely be unprecedented, and the pressure Da Qi will face will be unprecedented." Qi Xing explained.

"Your Highness, you don't need to talk about it. I understand these things. The Turks are all iron cavalry. They are quick to mobilize and move. The main force is the infantry. It will take a lot of time to readjust the deployment of troops."

"Brother Li, if you can understand father's difficulties, I will be relieved."

"Your Highness, I just want to ask about the exact time for Qi Min to leave the customs. I have only one request. I want to be the general of the escort team!" Li Bin knew that the matter was on the line and had no choice but to speak out.He had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and go with Qi Min, never abandoning Qi Min alone.

"This is no problem. I will try my best to do it for Brother Li tomorrow morning. But in the land of Turkic tigers and wolves, Brother Li will have a narrow escape from death." Qi Xing knew that Li Bin was powerful in martial arts, but deep in the Turkic prairie, the opponent had millions of tigers and wolves. Master, Bi Lingfeng, the Turkic protector of the country, is not an easy person.It is extremely dangerous for Li Bin to go here and be alone.

"I can't let Qi Min feed on the wolf and turn a blind eye. Since the matter is unavoidable, I will definitely go all out to protect Qi Min to the death and buy as much time as possible for His Highness to prepare for the battle. I hope God bless you." Li Bin spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"But this time, my father didn't give me the command of commanding the army, and I can't do anything about it." Qi Xing, the King of Chu, said helplessly.

"Your majesty is old and physically incapable of moving. The battle is imminent. Looking at Daqi, among the generals and princes who are capable of commanding an army, only His Highness is one. I believe that the emperor will make up his mind sooner or later." Li Bin said firmly.

"Based on what Brother Li saw, how is this Turkic invasion of the South different from the last battle?" Qi Xing, King of Chu, took the opportunity to ask Li Bin for advice. After the Turks, there is no chance.

Li Bin didn't answer right away, but pondered for a while, and said, "Your Highness, do you have a map of the northern border?"

"Brother Li, wait a moment, I'll get it right away." Soon, Qi Xing took out a map of the border defense of the northern border of Daqi marked with various red lines from the back room.

He unfolded it on the desk and said: "I carefully surveyed this map when the war in the north broke out last time. But even if I look at it again now, I still can't find the Turks' main attack direction."

Daqi's northern border defense bordered the Turks for more than 1000 miles. On this border defense line, Daqi only built forts and walls for defense in the middle section of the capital, which is several hundred miles away. Qi only has a thin city wall defense and lacks effective defense-in-depth equipment. It only has more garrisoned troops than a defense line with a city fort in the middle.

Especially in the last Turkic invasion of the south, the Turkic general Sulouluo sent an army of [-] to break through the western section of the city wall defenses in the north. The defensive facilities in the western section of the city wall were destroyed by the Turks. During the one-year truce, Daqi failed to fully repair the western section. Sections of the city wall were damaged.

However, it was precisely because of the serious damage to the western section of the city wall that Daqi concentrated on gathering 40 elite troops to guard it in this direction, hoping to make up for the disadvantage of insufficient defensive facilities with its numerical advantage.

Li Bin looked carefully at the military map of the northern border that Qi Xing unfolded with the troops and equipment marked on it. He pointed at the defense lines with numerous fortresses in the middle of the northern border and said: "If I were a Turkic commander, the breakthrough point I would choose for this southern invasion would be in the middle of the northern border!"

Qi Xing was shocked when he heard this and asked in disbelief: "But the defense force in the middle of the northern border is relatively strong compared to the east and west ends. Besides, there are many strongholds in the city. It would be difficult for the Turkic cavalry to break through from here. Bar?"

"This time the Turks invaded the south and sent all their troops southward. The grain and grass consumed by millions of people every day was not something that a nomadic country like the Turks could afford for a long time. This is one of the reasons. Second, although the Qi army's defense equipment in the middle of the northern border was not Strong, but not strong enough to scare away the Turks.

Moreover, this time, Suleiman must have learned the lessons from the failure of the first southern invasion. He will deploy high-strength and skilled warriors with the army to fight with the army. The middle section of the northern border has gathered many grain and grass storage bases of the Qi army. Once the middle section is breached, At the Qi army's defense line, the Turks will seize the most urgently needed food and military supplies for the southern invasion to sustain the huge consumption of a million-man war;
Thirdly, the middle section of the northern border is the closest to the capital. Once the middle section of the defense line is breached, the Turkic cavalry can move southward at the same time, and can reach the capital in less than half a day.At that time, the Qi infantry on the east and west defense lines will definitely not be able to rescue the city. The defenders of the capital will face the Turks' victorious tiger and wolf divisions alone. His Highness believes that these new soldiers, who have not been tempered by battle formations, can stop the superior force of the Turks' cavalry from attacking the city. ?Once the capital city falls, the 70 troops at the east and west ends of the northern border of Da Qi will become rootless duckweeds. They will be in a dilemma and will be surrounded and annihilated by the Turkic cavalry. "Li Bin pointed at the military map of the northern border and said carefully. Every time Li Bin said something, Chu King Qi Xing frowned. By the time Li Bin finished speaking, Qi Xing's face was filled with sadness and his brows were furrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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