Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 397

Chapter 397
When Qi Min heard Li Bin's voice behind him, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. He turned around, stretched out his pink fist and greeted Li Bin.

Li Bin, on the other hand, did not back down, and used Taijiquan to fight Qi Min in the gazebo.

Qi Min studied under Ye Zhenren, the head of the Wudang School, and his Taijiquan attainments are also extremely superb. Under Li Bin's intentional situation, the two of them fought for a while and became evenly balanced, attacking and defending each other.

After the fight with Li Bin, Qi Min's face was full of sorrow, and laughter gradually increased.

"No more fights, no more fights. You are bullying me!" Qi Min was not satisfied with fighting Li Bin in a tie, and began to show his petty temper and act coquettishly.

Li Bin smiled slightly, hugged Qi Min by the tail of the sparrow, and said with a smile: "Sister Min, you have to think clearly, if you are with me, you will be bullied by me for the rest of your life."

Qi Min was amused by Li Bin's "hehe", and said with a charming smile, "Do you want to go back on your word now? It's too late!"

The two just cuddled and sat side by side on the stone bench in the gazebo.

Qi Min said leisurely: "Brother Li, I blamed you wrongly, the fourth brother told me all about it."

Li Bin suddenly stretched out his finger and scraped Qi Min's delicate nose, and said with a smirk, "Little idiot, do you have so little confidence in you, Big Brother Li?"

"Hmph! It's all your fault, you deliberately hid it from Min Min." Qi Min exhaled like blue, and smiled coquettishly.

"Brother Li! Father and Emperor agreed to appoint you as the general guard to see you off." Qi Xing, King of Chu, said happily as soon as he entered the courtyard.

Li Bin stood up and asked, "Has the general of the Northern Frontier Defense Army been selected?"

In contrast, Li Bin was more concerned about the selection of commanders for the million-strong army on the northern border of Da Qi, because the commander of an army was closely related and almost determined the outcome of the war.

A handsome and incompetent exhausted the three armies. The Qi army had already exposed this problem in the battle with Fusang. At that time, the 20 elite forbidden troops of Daqi completely fell apart under the rule of the incompetent waste Tie Rong, and were besieged by the Fusang army. If it wasn't for Chu Wang Qi Xinghao and Li Bin to rescue him in time, it is estimated that Da Qi would have been in a terrible embarrassment without waiting until this time.

"The commander-in-chief of the Qi army in the northern border has not yet been decided, and now the Qi army is dispatched directly by the emperor. Are you reconciled?" Qi Xing said with a smile, looking at Li Bin and Qi Min who were standing close together.

"Mei Min, are we having a hard time?" Li Bin teased Qi Min beside him with a bad smile.

"No." Qi Min smiled and sang with Li Bin, with a happy and sweet smile on his face.

"I really can't stand you two anymore, I'm going into the room." Qi Xing said with a "haha" laugh.

At noon, General Yulin Weiquan of Great Qi entered Chu Palace with the imperial decree of the old emperor to confer the title of King Qi Xing of Chu as the "General King" and to control the 100 million Qi troops on the northern frontier with full power.

After the imperial decree was read out in public, Li Bin's heart that had been hanging on finally fell.The battle is imminent, and there is at least one piece of good news for Daqi.

"General Wang, this is the Shangfang sword and soldier talisman bestowed on you by the emperor."

King Qi Xing of Chu took Shangfang's sword and soldier talisman, and ordered people to reward the envoys who came to call.

After sending the envoy out of the mansion, the king of Chu grabbed Li Bin's hand and said, "Brother Li, follow me to the camp of the northern army."

With the war imminent, Qi Xing was ordered to command an army of one million. He suddenly felt the pressure on his shoulders, and he very much hoped to get Li Bin's powerful help.

"Miss Min, you can go home to rest at ease, and I will accompany His Highness to inspect the barracks." Li Bin knew the priorities of the matter, so he asked Qi Min to go home to rest on his own.

"Oh, then I'll wait for you." Qi Min responded obediently.

Accompanying the "Great General King" Qi Xing to return from his inspection tour of the northern camp, Li Bin and his party happened to meet Yunshi and other Futumen's support team. Li Bin immediately said to Qi Xing, King of Chu: "I can't accompany His Highness in this battle. Yun Shi, the elder of Futu Sect's Jingwu Hall, personally led five hundred Futu Sect disciples to accompany His Highness on the expedition."

"Brother Li, I lead an army of one million, and I have thousands of guards. On the contrary, you are the one who guards Minmei into Turks. You are alone and alone. You should bring more people." Qi Xing, the king of Chu, was still very worried. King's.

"The Turkic royal court is far away from Daqi, and there are many soldiers and horses on the other side. It is not good if there are too many people, and it will only increase casualties. The new elders of the Futu Sect, such as Yunshi, have won my martial arts inheritance, and they just help His Highness. , There must be many martial arts masters in the army, and Yunshi and others are just very useful."

"Your Highness, there is no need to send elite cavalry for the escorting cavalry this time, just some symbolic recruits. The elite cavalry should stay with Your Highness as a mobile reserve in wartime. Da Qi lacks elite cavalry. It would be really wrong to send thousands of cavalry into the mouth of the Turkic people for nothing.”

Although there are many millions of Qi troops in the northern border led by King Qi Xing of Chu, most of them are infantry, and the number of cavalry is only 1000, which is only a fraction of the Turks. Compared with the actual combat capabilities of Da Qi's cavalry Turkic elite cavalry is still slightly inferior.Moreover, these [-] cavalry are still scattered in the east, west and middle sections of the more than [-]-mile-long defense line, unable to clenched into a fist.

After returning to the capital, they didn't stay for long. In the early morning of the next day, Li Bin's carriage team escorting Qi Min, the Ninth Princess of Great Qi, left the capital slowly, heading for the northern border.

Accompanying Li Bin to send off the troops of the pro brigade was also a Turkic mission. It is more accurate to say that they were accompanying, rather than monitoring.Along the way, the head of the Turkic Mission, Suleiman Khan's brother Ashina Moko, kept urging Li Bindu to lead the team to speed up the march.

"General, our honorable King Zuoguli ordered me to tell you to urge your subordinates to speed up the march. King Zuoguli reminded the general that if the sending team is delayed, our honorable Suleiman Khan will Blame the general." The Turkic envoys used intimidation and coercion methods against Li Bin.

"Tell your King Gu that Princess Jiu is not feeling well. For the sake of Princess Jiu's health, the general has to slow down the marching speed. If your envoy feels that the marching speed of the team is slow, you can speed up the marching speed yourself!" Li Bin insisted. Eat, let the Turkic envoy touch the ashes of the nose, had to leave angrily.

"Where is the captain?" Li Bin shouted.

"The last general is here!" A cavalry general of the Qi army rode his horse and galloped up to him.

"Give me an order to go another five miles, and set up camp in front of Poling to rest!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Ashina Moke, the king of Turkic Zuoguli, was furious when he learned of Li Bin's order to set up camp. He rode his horse and came to Li Bin aggressively.

"General Li! Our honorable King Zuoguli asked you, why did you set up camp after marching less than ten miles? How long will it take to reach the Turkic royal court if you stop and go for less than thirty miles a day?" The translator imitated his master's tone and questioned Li Bindao loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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