Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 442

Chapter 442
Li Bin is fighting more and more smoothly now, and the more he fights, the more confident he is. The actual combat effect of "Fire Cloud Palm" combined with Samadhi True Fire Qi and Pure Yang Zhenqi is really amazing.

A top expert like the blood emperor who has been trained to the point of invincibility, even under the attack of Li Bin's simple and crude "Fire Cloud Palm", couldn't resist and retreated steadily.

The clothes on the blood emperor's body were completely burned by Li Bin's samadhi fire, leaving only underwear to cover his ugliness.

And the disciples and grandchildren of the blood emperor master of Guishamen couldn't bear the scorching flames of Li Bin's samadhi at all, and they had already fled in all directions. No one cared whether their master blood emperor master was dead or alive.

The old blood emperor was chased by Li Bin and ran around the street, blocking from left to right, in a panic.

"Stop! Li Bin, we will stop here today. I still have urgent matters at home waiting for me to go back to deal with. We will fight again next time." The old blood emperor stretched out his hands and shook his hands vigorously, and his chubby head also exerted force. said shaking.

Li Bin was also happy to see that the old blood emperor showed weakness on his own initiative, and joked: "Old Blood Demon, you are not free, but I have a lot of time now, and I am worried about where to pass the time. You are such a good opponent, I I don't want to let you go, let's continue playing."

Seeing that Li Bin was about to make a move, the old master of the Blood Emperor was very nervous, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop! I have a valuable message to exchange with you. As long as you nod and agree, I will tell you and promise to satisfy you. "When the blood emperor was speaking, a pair of thieves' mouse eyes kept staring at Li Bin nervously, for fear that Li Bin would launch a sudden attack and catch him by surprise.

Li Bin glanced at the embarrassing and disheveled old blood emperor who was hiding behind a wooden cart of a market vendor not far away, and couldn't help laughing: "Old blood demon, you are too boring and tasteless to do this, right? To save your little life, you can come up with such a bad idea, and there is valuable news, I believe you are a ghost."

"Boy of the Yang family! Do you want to save your sister?" Seeing that Li Bin didn't take the bait, the old master of the blood emperor lost his face in panic and couldn't care about anything, and shouted loudly.

"Old Master Blood Emperor, do you have any news about my sister?" Yang Zhanpeng heard the scream of Old Master Blood Emperor in the inn. He rushed out, ran to Li Bin, stared at the blood emperor opposite and asked loudly: "Tell me, what happened to my sister? Where is she?"

Seeing that his life-saving tricks worked, the old master of the Blood Emperor began to look up again, and said with a smug expression: "I do know the specific situation of your sister's detention, but you must promise to let me go before I say .”

"Zhanpeng, don't be fooled by this old ghost. He is very cunning. Your sister was taken away by people from Longhumen. Then I can sneak into Longhumen and find your sister." Li Bin was worried that Yang Zhanpeng would be arrested because of his blood relationship. The blood emperor's old master made chaos in a few words.

"You are all wrong, the younger sister of the Yang family was taken away by the people of Longhumen, it is true, but now, the younger sister of the Yang family is no longer in the hands of Longhumen, and she has long been escorted to another mysterious place. The location is locked up, and this place is known only to a very small number of people. I am one of these people, if you really want to save the little girl, agree to my request, or wait to collect her body." Blood The old master pretended to be mysterious and said, after he finished speaking, he squinted a pair of mouse eyes, with a look of forgiveness that you dare not touch my stinky virtue, shaking his head, his fart is terrible.

"Brother Li, Zhan Peng, I beg you to agree to the request of the old master of the Blood Emperor, and let him go first, otherwise the little sister will be in danger when the one-month deadline comes." Yang Zhanpeng turned and knelt down and begged Li Bin.

"Zhanpeng, you get up first, I have my own measure." Li Bin asked Yang Zhanpeng to get up first, and then said coldly to the old blood emperor: "Old blood demon, I can spare you once today, but it depends on the information in your mouth How much is it worth? If you talk nonsense, I promise to make you cry for a month, and you can't live or die!"

Li Bin's words made the old blood emperor not far away shiver. He usually used these words to intimidate others. Unexpectedly, today, he became the target of intimidation, and the old blood emperor still I am really afraid of Li Bin from the bottom of my heart.

"Li Bin, you have to keep your word." The old master of the blood emperor stared at Li Bin with a pair of mouse eyes, and said "gulugulu" turning around.

"As long as you speak the truth, I will spare your life today! But only today!" Li Bin responded coldly to the probing words of the blood emperor.

"The Dragon and Tiger Gate has long since been divided into two. The Tiger Hall is led by the national teacher Jiang Chen, and the Dragon Hall is personally led by the Great Zhou Emperor Yuwen Haowen. The Jiangdu General Altar is actually only the main altar of the Hutang, and the real main altar of the Dragon and Humen Gate It’s at the secret main altar base of Longtang. That place is extremely secretive, and I’ve been fortunate to have been invited by Emperor Yuwen Haoyu of the Great Zhou Dynasty many times.”

When the old blood emperor said this, he was even more airy, as if he was very special.

Li Bin coldly shouted impatiently: "Be quicker! If you continue to grind like this, I will kill you right away!"

Hearing what Li Bin said, the old master of the Blood Emperor was shocked, and hurriedly said: "A few days ago, I was invited to go to the main altar of the Dragon Hall to discuss the way of keeping in good health and refining medicine with the Emperor of Great Zhou..."

"Tell me the key points! Where is the second young lady of the Yang family being held, and how to get there?" Li Bin frowned slightly, decisively interrupting the self-proclaimed narrative style of the old owner of the Blood Emperor, Mrs. Wang.

"Okay, okay, the little girl of the Yang family is locked in a secret room in the Dragon Hall. The location of the main altar of the Dragon Hall is said to be hidden, but in fact it is located in the heavily guarded Ouchi Imperial Palace. It is heavily guarded, and it is difficult for outsiders to get close, so not many people in the Longtang main altar know its true location."

When the old master of the Blood Emperor said this, he paused, looked up at Li Bin who was facing him, and saw that Li Bin's brows seemed to be frowning tightly, and quickly continued: "The main altar of the Dragon Hall is located in the Cuiwei Palace where the Emperor of the Great Zhou rested during the day. Among them, Cuiwei Palace is located on the west side of Qinzheng Hall. Li Bin, I have told you everything I know, you must keep your word."

With a look of disgust on his face, Li Bin shouted coldly, "Get out before I change my mind!"

As soon as Li Bin's words fell, the old master of the Blood Emperor sprinted past Li Bin as if relieved of a heavy burden, without stopping, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing their master running away, all the disciples and grandchildren of Guishamen also followed the old master of the blood emperor one after another, smearing oil on the soles of their feet, they all fled in embarrassment like dogs that lost their homes.

(End of this chapter)

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