Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 66

Chapter 66
After Li Bin defeated the leading Tubo cavalry and entered the pass, the frontier residents and city guards who had been protected by Li Bin's power in the pass welcomed Li Bin and cheered loudly.

After Li Bin entered the customs, he has been searching for Qi Xing.

Suddenly, Li Bin saw a cavalry team from Qi State galloping over. The leader of the cavalry quickly got off his horse and came to Qi Xing's side. He said some unknown words. He was escorted by the cavalry to the pass.

Li Bin was puzzled, so he raised the rein of his horse and chased after him, wanting to ask what happened.

After catching up with Qi Xing's horse, Li Bin asked, "Brother Qi, why did they tie you up? What's going on?"

Qi Xing shook his head with a wry smile, and said in a low voice: "Brother Li, don't worry, you're fine, just go back to the barracks and explain clearly."

In Li Bin's ears, Qi Xing's words were words of comfort and helplessness. Li Bin just smiled lightly and didn't say anything more. Li Bin just followed Qi Xing all the way back to the Qi State military camp.The officers who escorted Qi Xing on the way always wanted to drive Li Bin away, but Li Bin was unmoved, and Li Bin couldn't be dealt with by violence.

After entering the barracks, Li Bin was stopped outside the barracks and could not follow Qi Xing in.

Li Bin also knew some of the rules of the military camp, so he just stood outside the tent, and Qi Xing also signaled Li Bin not to act rashly, so as not to suffer a disadvantage.

Qi Xing was escorted into the military tent, and Li Bin's loud voice could be clearly heard in the military tent.

Li Bin stood outside the military tent and listened silently for a while, and basically figured out the reason why Qi Xing was arrested, "Reason one, the reconnaissance did not return after the time limit. Reason two, colluding with outsiders, trying to trick the border into closing the city gate, and releasing refugees without authorization." Entry."

The charges listed against Qi Xing did not surprise Li Bin. What surprised Li Bin was that Qi Xing did not say a word to defend himself against the accusations.Qi Xing resisted all charges by himself.

In the end, the punishment for Qi Xing's crimes came from the army tent, "Twenty army sticks will be punished in public! Qi Xing will be removed from the military post as a lieutenant! He will be left in the army to serve his crimes and make meritorious service."

Seeing that Qi Xing was not severely sentenced and suffered a great loss, Li Bin did not stop him.

When Qi Xing was pushed out of the army tent by soldiers to execute his sentence, Li Bin and Qi Xing nodded knowingly and smiled.

Just when Li Bin was about to leave the military tent, there were some intentionally lowered voices and small voices in the military tent. Li Bin walked to the unnoticed side of the military tent and listened attentively.

"Tie Shuai, did you punish the Fourth Prince too lightly this time? Didn't the Crown Prince instruct you to act boldly and do everything possible to give the Fourth Prince Qi Xing to that?" A cold and hoarse voice whispered.

"You are stupid, haste makes waste! This kind of hard work can only be done by others, there is no reason to do it yourself! No matter what the fourth prince says, he is also the son of the current emperor! Your son was given to you by others. Killed, are you angry?" A loud voice deliberately lowered the volume.

"Tie handsome and wise!"...

Hearing this, Li Bin seemed to understand why Qi Xing was deliberately embarrassing and targeted. As the fourth prince of Da Qi, Qi Xing threatened the status of the current crown prince, so the crown prince instructed his subordinates to secretly get rid of Qi Xing and clean up. All obstacles to the throne.

Li Bin thought: "So, if he still stays in the barracks, Qi Xing's life will be in danger in the future."

Li Bin quickly came to the place where Qi Xing was punished with a stick, just as Qi Xing had also finished his punishment, Li Bin went to Qi Xing's side and whispered to Qi Xing what he had heard outside the military tent.

Li Bin finally suggested that Qi Xing and himself leave the Qi State military camp to avoid danger.

But to Li Bin's surprise, Qi Xing declined Li Bin's kindness and insisted on staying in the Qi State military camp.

Seeing that Qi Xing had no intention of leaving, Li Bin could not force him, so he only told Qi Xing to be careful in everything, and to beware of Tie Rong, Generalissimo of Zhengxi.

Qi Xing smiled, and said in a confident tone: "As long as I don't make a big mistake, it will be difficult for them to touch me any more!"

Li Bin only responded to Qi Xing's words with a smile, and did not comment. Before leaving the barracks, Li Bin left a sentence: "If you really encounter trouble in the future, come to Lingnan Futu Gate to find me!"

Li Bin rode away from Qi's military camp and chased Yunshi along the official road.

Li Bin met Qi Xing's fourth prince by chance, and overheard the royal family's conspiracy to kill his brother. He sighed helplessly, and said in his heart: "Not only is there an undercurrent in the Kyushu martial arts, and the storm is about to come, but now even the Daqi royal family is in turmoil and chaos. Now there are strong enemies from Tubo outside the border, and the imperial family of Daqi is in danger of falling into ruins. Under the multiple blows of internal and external troubles, the political situation of Daqi is unstable, and in the end it is the poor and ordinary people of Daqi who suffer the most."

Black Rose walked fast, running wildly all the way, but Yunshi couldn't be seen at all.

Li Bin also wondered, "According to the distance of the horse's feet, I should have caught up with the cloud lion, but why haven't I been able to meet the cloud lion?"

Not far from the corner of the official road ahead, a group of ragged people were discussing something around a flatbed cart.

Li Bin rode his horse to the side of the group of people and asked: "Folks, have you seen a young man who is white and clean riding a bay red horse?"

As soon as Li Bin finished asking, someone in the group stepped forward and said anxiously: "You must be the master that the young man talked about, right? Your apprentice was captured by the Southwestern Yi who are entrenched in this area. They have a name." , what is it called the Ailao sect?"

Another person stepped forward and continued: "Your apprentice is very kind. He took the initiative to get off the horse and helped us push the car out of the pothole. Unfortunately, people from the Ailao Sect passed by here. The Ailao Sect has always been against the imperial court, and they especially hate Qi Chinese, so they tied your apprentice away."

Li Bin knew what was going on, and asked about the general direction and movement of the Ailao faction, so he left and set off on the road to find the cloud lion.

This place belongs to the sphere of influence of the Southwest Yi, and is not under the jurisdiction of Daqi. Along the way, Li Bin also met many people from the Southwest Yi, but because of the language barrier, he could not communicate. Li Bin had to follow the general direction and bite the bullet. Go on, no matter what, Yunshi must be rescued.

But what gave Li Bin a headache was that there were too many forks and intersections in this area. When Li Bin was distressed and didn't know what to do, a few fast horses came galloping on a small road in front of him. After a babble, Li Bin spread his hands, expressing that he didn't understand a single word.

Seeing that Li Bin was not from his own tribe, the intruder got off his horse. Two people came over and forcibly pulled Li Bin off the horse. They tied Li Bin's hands and tied him behind the horse and dragged him away.Li Bin complied obediently. At this time, Li Bin said happily in his heart: "I was worried about not being able to find the mountain gate. Now is the perfect time."

(End of this chapter)

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