Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 77

Chapter 77
Asking his disciples to untie Tu Qianjun, Li Bin walked to Tu Qianjun's side, reached out and grabbed Tu Qianjun's arm, and with a clever effort, Tu Qianjun fell from the carriage to the ground a few meters away.

Tu Qianjun's skill was not bad, and when he was about to land, he changed his figure in the air, and finally landed smoothly, avoiding a public fool-like slap in the street.

After landing on the ground and standing firmly, Tu Qianjun wanted to run away.Li Bin smiled and shook his head, raised his fingers in the air, and touched the acupuncture points on Tu Qianjun's hands and feet. Tu Qianjun, who had just rushed a few meters away, this time was due to the inertial force of his body's forward thrust. His body rushed forward, and he fell solidly. .

The bodyguards of the Four Seas Escort and the disciples of the Futu Sect burst into applause, especially everyone in the Four Seas Escort was shocked by Li Bin's shocking fingering skills. Everyone in the Four Seas Escort had seen Li Bin's inscrutable sword skills before Hui saw with his own eyes Li Bin's unique fingering skills in the air a few feet away, and everyone worshiped the young head of the Futu Sect, Li Bin, as a heavenly man.

Most of Zhang Jie looked at Li Bin with amazement and envy in his eyes, Zhang Hua was even more so, besides his face full of admiration, he also rushed to Li Bin, knelt down on his knees with a "plop", and bowed his head towards Li Bin Bye, begging bitterly in his mouth, let Li Bin accept himself as a disciple.

Li Bin smiled and looked at Zhang Hua, who was eager to become a teacher, without expressing his opinion.Seeing that Li Bin was slow to agree to his request to be a teacher, Zhang Hua winked at his sister and asked her to help persuade Li Bin.

Sister and brother love each other deeply. In order to help the younger brother achieve his wish to join the Futu Gate, his elder sister Zhang Jie joined the team of lobbyists. , Zhang Hua is your disciple."

Hearing this, Luo Datong was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhang Hua and nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Leave Zhang Hua to me, Master, don't worry."

Seeing that Li Bin agreed to accept him as an apprentice, Zhang Hua felt a little disappointed even though he could not worship Li Bin as his teacher.But Zhang Hua, who has been in the world for a long time, also understands that in general sects, there are very few disciples who are lucky enough to become the disciples of the master. Generally, most of them are disciples of other sects who are senior or have strong martial arts skills.

Zhang Hua had seen Luo Datong's ability before, so he had to pay homage to Luo Datong's sect. Zhang Hua was also very happy, and immediately rushed to Luo Datong to pay homage to his teacher.

Zhang Hua and Luo Datong are very similar in innate physique, they are both stocky and innately powerful, so Li Bin found the most suitable Luo Datong to be Zhang Hua's master.

Luo Datong practiced fist and palm kung fu since he was a child, and knew more clearly that Zhang Hua's innate aptitude was not inferior to his own, and he was a rare talent for boxing and palm kung fu.Being able to gain Zhang Hua's apprentice, Luo Datong couldn't help but smile brighter than anyone else.

Li Bin took out a bottle of Da Huan Dan from Najie without showing any trace, stuffed it into Zhang Jie's hand, and said, "Sister, please keep this bottle of Da Huan Dan, I heard you said on the way that your father was shot by someone when he shot a dart." The healing effect of Da Huan Pill is very good, you go home and take it for your father, and you will get your father the medicine until he is cured!"

"Thank you, Brother Li. My brother has been naughty since he was a child, and I will ask Brother Li to take care of him in the future." Zhang Jie said after taking care of Da Huan Dan.

Li Bin released the sealed acupoint on Tu Qianjun's leg, stretched out his finger in the air, and punched a transparent finger hole in a tree trunk as thick as the mouth of a bowl three feet away. Li Bin's hand completely shocked Tu Qianjun. Tu Qianjun no longer dared to have the thought of running away.

"Lead the way honestly, if you dare to play tricks, I will blow your head off!" Li Bin warned in a low voice.

In fact, without Li Bin's warning, Tu Qianjun dared not run away just because of his courage.The finger hole on the tree trunk three feet away gave Tu Qianjun a psychological shock that cannot be overstated.

Li Bin, his mentor and his disciples were led by Tu Qianjun, and walked for most of the day in the winding mountains. When it was getting dark, Li Bin noticed a bright light on the ridge in front of him from a distance.

Tu Qianjun pointed to the place with lights and whispered, "That's it."

Li Bin stretched out his fingers in lightning, sealing the acupoints of Tu Qianjun's legs, and also sealed the Ya acupoint along the way.

Instructed the two apprentices in a low voice: "Look at him, I'll go find out the truth first, if I can't come back in half an hour, you should return to the Futu Gate immediately! No risk is allowed!"

"Master." This time, Luo Datong and Liao Ting did not obey Master's arrangement.

"Have the most optimistic attitude and plan for the worst. With the master's skills, if you can't come even if you can't escape, will the two of you get rid of giving your life for nothing?"

Li Bin's words made the two apprentices speechless. After a while, Luo Datong said: "Master, don't worry, Datong understands. I will definitely obey the master's instructions."

"Ting'er, what about you?"

"Master, Ting'er listens to you."

After arranging the two apprentices properly, in the darkness of night, Li Bin exercised his lightness skills and quietly touched the opposite mountain ridge.

Under the cover of night, and there are many trees and bushes in the mountains, Li Bin quietly touched the ridge where the robber's lair was.

The security outside the door of the bandit's nest was not too strict, and Li Bin sneaked into the bandit's nest without much effort.

This is a huge natural cave, which was occupied by robbers and built a base.

There is only one way into the cave, and there is no patrol team of robbers on the road regularly patrolling.

It is no longer possible to sneak in silently here.

Regardless of whether he was in a dragon's den or a tiger's den, Li Bin decided to force his way in!

Although it was a forced entry, Li Bin still tried his best to avoid fierce fighting and making loud noises and noises.

Just when the patrolling bandit team turned around, Li Bin flashed out suddenly, using the little star Luo Mizong footwork, coupled with the killing immortal fingering technique, quickly and cleanly annihilated the entire team of patrolling bandits. Throughout the process, the bandits had no chance Let out a cry.

After getting rid of the troublesome patrol team, Li Bin quickly marched into the cave.Below a fork in the road, voices were heard.

Li Bin approached quietly under the cover of rocks.

It turns out that there is an open flat land below the fork in the road. At this time, the candles are brightly lit, and there is a big feast, singing, singing, swallows and dancing, which is very lively. "These goddamn bandits really know how to enjoy themselves." Li Bin thought to himself.

Li Bin quickly checked the people at the banquet.

As expected by Li Bin, there was no particularly powerful character in this group of green forest bandits. After the investigation, Li Bin quickly returned from the original route.

Greeting two apprentices, Luo Datong and Liao Ting, before attacking, Li Bin ended Tu Qianjun with one finger.The three master and apprentice entered from the grand entrance!
Li Bin's trip to suppress the bandits was firstly to eliminate harm for the people, and secondly was to train his disciples, creating an opportunity for them to practice their skills without any major danger, so as to improve their martial arts proficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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